TUHH / Institut für Mathematik / Mitarbeiter / Prof. Dr. Anusch Taraz / Veröffentlichungen Englische Flagge


Papers and Preprints | Invited Contributions

Papers and Preprints

with Y. Kohayakawa, G.O. Mota, and M. Schacht Counting results for sparse pseudorandom hypergraphs I. to appear in: European J. Combinatorics.
with Y. Kohayakawa, G.O. Mota, and M. Schacht Counting results for sparse pseudorandom hypergraphs II. to appear in: European J. Combinatorics.
with P. Heinig, T. Müller, and M. Noy Logical limit laws for minor-closed classes of graphs to appear in: J. Combinatorial Theory, Series B. (pdf)
with J. Böttcher, J. Hladky, and D. Piguet An approximate version of the tree packing conjecture. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 211 (1), 2016, pp. 391-446. (pdf)
with P. Allen, J. Böttcher, and J. Ehrenmüller Local resilience of spanning subgraphs in sparse random graphs. In: Proceedings of the Eight European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, EuroComb 2015, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 49 (2015), pp. 513–521.
with C.G. Fernandes and T.J. Schmidt On minimum bisection and related partition problems in graphs with bounded tree width. In: Proceedings of the Eight European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, EuroComb 2015, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 49 (2015), pp. 481-488.
with Y. Kohayakawa, G.O. Mota, and M. Schacht A counting lemma for sparse pseudorandom hypergraphs. In: Proceedings of the Eight Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, LAGOS 2015, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 50 (2015), pp. 421-426.
with C.G. Fernandes and T.J. Schmidt Approximating minimum k-section in trees with linear diameter. In: Proceedings of the Eight Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, LAGOS 2015, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 50 (2015), pp. 71-76.
with G.O. Mota, G. Sárközy, and M. Schacht Ramsey numbers for bipartite graphs with small bandwidth European J. Combinatorics 48, 2015, pp. 165–176. (pdf)
with J. Böttcher, Y. Kohayakawa, and A. Würfl An Extension of the Blow-Up Lemma to arrangeable graphs SIAM J. Discrete Math. 29 (2), 2015, pp. 962–1001. (pdf)
with J. Böttcher and A. Würfl Spanning embeddings of arrangeable graphs with sublinear bandwidth Random Structures and Algorithms, 48 (2), 2015, pp. 270-289. (pdf)
with J. Böttcher, J. Hladký, and D. Piguet An approximate version of the tree packing conjecture via random embeddings. In: Proceedings of Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. APPROX/RANDOM 2014, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 28 (2014), pp. 490-499.
with C.G. Heise, K. Panagiotou, and O. Pikhurko Coloring $d$-embeddable $k$-uniform hypergraphs Discrete & Computational Geometry, vol. 52, 2014, pp. 663–679. (pdf)
with J. Böttcher and Y. Kohayakawa Almost spanning subgraphs of random graphs after adversarial edge removal Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, (2013) 22(5), 639-683. (pdf)
with G.O. Mota, G. Sárközy, and M. Schacht Ramsey numbers for bipartite graphs with small bandwidth Proceedings of EuroComb 2013, Electron. Notes Discrete Math. (pdf)
with C.G. Heise, K. Panagiotou, and O. Pikhurko Coloring $d$-embeddable $k$-uniform hypergraphs Proceedings of EuroComb 2013, Electron. Notes Discrete Math. (pdf)
with C.G. Fernandes and T.J. Schmidt On the structure of graphs with large minimum bisection Proceedings of EuroComb 2013, Electron. Notes Discrete Math. (pdf)
with J.Böttcher and A.Würfl Perfect Graphs of fixed density: Counting and homogenous sets Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (2012) 21(5), 661-682 (pdf)
with P.E.Haxell and O.Pikhurko Primality of trees Journal of Combinatorics 2 (2011), 481-500 (pdf)
with J.Böttcher and A.Würfl Induced C5-free graphs of fixed density: Counting and homogeneous sets. Proceedings of Eurocomb 2011, Electron. Notes Discrete Math. (2011) (pdf)
with J.Böttcher and P.Heinig Embedding into bipartite graphs SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 24(4) (2010), 1215-1233 (pdf)
with J.Böttcher, K.P.Pruessmann, and A.Würfl Bandwidth, treewidth, separators, expansion, and universality for bounded degree graphs European Journal of Combinatorics 31(5) (2010), 1217-1227 (pdf)
with J.Böttcher and Y.Kohayakawa Almost spanning subgraphs of random graphs after adversarial edge removal Proceedings of LAGOS 2009, Electron. Notes Discrete Math. 35 (2009), 335-340
with M.Behrisch and M.Ueckerdt Colouring random intersection graphs and complex networks SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 23(1) (2009), 288-299 (pdf)
with J.Böttcher and M.Schacht Proof of the bandwidth conjecture of Bollobas and Komlos Mathematische Annalen 343(1) (2009), 175-205 (pdf)
with J.Böttcher, K.P.Pruessmann, and A.Würfl Bandwidth, treewidth, separators, expansion, and universality Proceedings of the TGGT conference, Electron. Notes Discrete Math. 31 (2008), 91-96 (pdf)
with J.Böttcher and M.Schacht Spanning 3-colourable subgraphs of small bandwidth in dense graphs to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 98(4) (2008), 752-777 (pdf)
with S.Gerke, D.Schlatter, and A.Steger The random planar graph process Random Structures and Algorithms, 32(2) (2008), 236-261 (pdf)
with J.Böttcher and M.Schacht Embedding spanning subgraphs of small bandwidth Proceedings of Eurocomb 2007, Electron. Notes Discrete Math. 29, 485-489 (pdf)
with B.Bollobas, Y.Kohayakawa, V.Rödl, and M.Schacht Essentially infinite colourings of hypergraphs Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 95(3) (2007), 709-734 (pdf)
with S.Gerke, H.J.Prömel, T.Schickinger and A.Steger K4-free subgraphs of random graphs revisted Combinatorica, 27 (2007), 329-365 (ps)
with J. Böttcher and M.Schacht On the bandwidth conjecture for 3-colourable graphs Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2007), ACM Press (2007), 618-626 (pdf)
with M.Behrisch Efficiently covering complex networks with cliques of similar vertices Theoretical Computer Science, 355 (2006), 37-47 (pdf):
with O.Pikhurko Degree sequences of F-free graphs Electronic J Combinatorics, 12 (2005), 12 pages (ps)
with M.Schacht Globally bounded local edge colourings of hypergraphs Proceedings of GRACO 2005, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 19 (2005), 179-185 (pdf):
with D.Kühn and D.Osthus Large planar subgraphs in dense graphs Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 95 (2005), 263-282 (ps)
with A.Coja-Oghlan Exact and approximative algorithms for colouring G(n,p) Random Structures and Algorithms, 24 (2004), 259-278 (ps)
with D.Osthus and H.J.Prömel For which densities are random triangle-free graphs almost surely bipartite? Combinatorica, 23 (2003), 105-150 (ps)
with A.Coja-Oghlan Colouring random graphs in expected polynomial time Proceedings of STACS 2003, LNCS 2607, Springer, 487-498 (ps)
with D.Osthus and H.J.Prömel On random planar graphs, the number of planar graphs and their triangulations Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 88 (2003), 119-134 (ps)
with D.Osthus and H.J.Prömel Almost all graphs with high girth and suitable density have high chromatic number Journal of Graph Theory, 37 (2001), 220-226 (ps)
with H.J.Prömel and A.Steger Phase transitions in the evolution of partial orders Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 94 (2001), 230-275 (ps)
with H.J.Prömel and A.Steger Counting partial orders with a fixed number of comparable pairs Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 10 (2001), 159-177 (ps)
with D.Osthus Random maximal H-free graphs Random Structures and Algorithms, 18 (2001), 61-82 (ps)
with H.J.Prömel and A.Steger Asymptotic enumeration, global structure and constrained evolution Discrete Mathematics, 229 (2001), 213-233 (ps)
with A.Rucinski and V.Rödl Hypergraph packing and graph embedding Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 8 (1999), 363-376 (ps)

Invited Contributions

Zufällige Beweise In: Öffentliche Vorlesungen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Heft 123 (2004)
Bösartige Gegenspieler, gutartige Probleme Plurale, 3 (2003), Zeitschrift für Denkversionen. (pdf)
with H.J.Prömel Zufällige Graphen In: Faszination Mathematik (G. Walz, Ed.), Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, (2003) 339-347(ps)
with H.J.Prömel Random graphs, random triangle-free graphs, and random partial orders in: Computational Discrete Mathematics (H. Alt, Ed.), LNCS Tutorial, Volume 2122, Springer Verlag, 2001. 24 pages (ps)