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Talks 1 to 679 of 679 | page wise |
Date | Time | Venue | Talk |
02/10/25 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Modellbasierte Positionsbestimmung autonomer Fahrzeuge Ferdinand Grenzing |
01/16/25 | 04:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
A Palm approach to tail processes and tail measures from extreme value theory Günter Last, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institut für Stochastik Tail processes and tail measures are important concepts in the theory of regularly varying (heavy tailed) time series. In this talk we will show that these concepts are intimately related to Palm theory of stationary random measures. To motivate the topic, we start with providing some background on regularly varying time series. Then we shall introduce tail fields in an intrinsic way, namely as spectrally decomposable random fields satisfying a certain space shift formula. The index set is allowed to be a general locally compact Hausdorff Abelian group. The field may take its values in an Euclidean space or even in an arbitrary measurable cone, equipped with a pseudo norm. We characterize mass-stationarity of the exceedance random measure in terms of a suitable version of the classical Mecke equation. As a rule, the associated stationary measure is not finite. We shall show that it is homogeneous, that is a tail measure. Finally we will establish a spectral representation of stationary tail measures. |
01/15/25 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Polynomial stability of port-Hamiltonian systems Sahiba Arora, Leibniz Universität Hannover In this talk, we characterize quantitative semi-uniform stability for $C_0$-semigroups |
01/15/25 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Mathematical Insights into Electrical Impedance Tomography for Chemical Reactors Moritz Hollenberg In this talk, I will explore the application of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) in chemical reactors, presenting a theoretical deduction of the underlying mathematical problem from its real-world context. The discussion will focus on the ill-posed nature of the EIT inverse problem and demonstrate how additional modeling assumptions can stabilize the reconstruction process. Zoomlink: |
01/10/25 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Development of mathematical algorithms for simulating camera raw data Merlin Maximilian Arians |
01/08/25 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Bathymetry reconstruction with PDE-constrained optimisation Judith Angel For the prediction and study of water flows in a river or channel the knowledge of the bottom topography - the bathymetry - is required. Direct measurements of bathymetries are possible, but can be very expensive and time consuming. This motivates the development of methods to reconstruct a bathymetry numerically. In my thesis, an observation of the free surface level is used for this reconstruction. By defining an optimisation problem that is constrained by the one-dimensional shallow water equations it is possible to obtain an approximation on the real bathymetry. In this context, the use of Parallel-in-time methods is investigated in order to accelerate the computations. Zoomlink: |
01/07/25 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.061 |
First-Passage-Perkolation auf Leitergraphen [Bachelorarbeit] Dilwar Hanan |
12/18/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Towards a multi-grid transformer model for high-resolution spatial (climate) data* Max Witte, Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Transformers have been a major breakthrough in Natural Language Processing (NLP) due to their ability to capture long-range dependencies through self-attention. However, the (self-)attention mechanism suffers from massive memory consumption, especially for tasks with large context windows and high resolution data, such as climate data. Zoomlink: |
12/17/24 | 11:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Solver Techniques for a Block-Structured Space-Time Finite Element Discretization of the Wave Equation (Masterarbeit) Pavel Shamko, UHH/TUHH |
12/11/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Massively parallel adaptive spectral deferred correction in Python* Thomas Baumann, FZ Jülich Spectral deferred correction (SDC) is a time-stepping method where fully implicit Runge-Kutta methods (RKM) are solved iteratively. The method is only marginally more complicated to implement than the more ubiquitous diagonally implicit RKM, and it is often simpler for obtaining high-order solutions. We present numerical experiments that show SDC to be a modern and HPC capable method with various advantages over other RKM, including efficient time-parallelisation extensions. To this end, we present adaptive step size selection algorithms for SDC and demonstrate that they boost computational efficiency and resilience against soft faults at the same time. Then, we show that the parallel-in-time algorithm diagonal SDC can be used to extend strong-scaling capabilities beyond the saturation point of space-only scaling. This enables our space-time parallel Python code for the Gray-Scott equation to scale to the entirety of the JUWELS booster machine. Zoomlink: |
12/09/24 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Machine Learning based 3D Bounding Box Detectors from LiDAR Data [Masterarbeit] Maksymilian Komorek Zoomlink: |
12/03/24 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Mathematische Analyse von Elo-Wertungssystemen [Bachelorarbeit] Alan Malky |
11/29/24 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Entrauschen von Trajektoriendaten mittels Autoencodern E F |
11/29/24 | 09:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Masterarbeit: Universal differential equations für die Maxey-Riley Gleichung Finn Sommer |
11/27/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Construction of hierarchical matrices for the preconditioning of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations* Jonas Grams Fluid flow problems can be modeled by the Navier-Stokes or Oseen equations. Their discretization results in saddle point problems. These systems of equations are typically of large scale and thus need to be solved iteratively. Standard (block-) preconditioning techniques for saddle point problems rely on an approximation of the Schurcomplement. Such an approximation can be obtained by a hierarchical matrix (H-Matrix) LU factorization for which the Schur complement is computed explicitly. Zoomlink: |
11/15/24 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Masterarbeit: Parallisierung von Neural Operators Alua Kadyrbek |
11/13/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Micro-macro multi-level spectral deferred correction method* Ikrom Akramov Spectral Deferred Correction (SDC) methods are an iterative technique for numerically solving initial value problems. SDC methods can be viewed as applying a suitable preconditioner to a Picard iteration, leading to faster and more reliable convergence to a collocation solution. Multi-level SDC (MLSDC) is an extension of SDC by computing the correction sweeps on a hierarchy of levels and the solutions are coupled through a Full Approximation Scheme (FAS) correction term inspired by nonlinear multigrid methods. Zoomlink: |
10/30/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Parallel-in-time methods for atmosphere simulation using time diagonalisation* Colin Cotter, Imperial College London The goal of parallel-in-time methods is to employ parallelism in the time direction in addition to the space direction, in the hope of obtaining further parallel speedups at the limits of what is possible due to spatial parallelism with domain decomposition alone. Recently diagonalisation techniques have emerged as a way of solving the coupled system for the solution of a differential equation at several timesteps simultaneously. One approach, sometimes referred to as “ParaDiag II” involves preconditioning this “all-at-once” system obtained from time discretisation of a linear constant coefficient ODE (perhaps obtained as the space discretisation of a time dependent PDE) with a nearby system that can be diagonalised in time, allowing the solution of independent blocks in parallel. For nonlinear PDEs this approach can form the basis of a preconditioner within a Newton-Krylov method for the all-at-once system after time averaging the (now generally time dependent) Jacobian system. After some preliminary description of the ParaDiag II approach, I will present results from our investigation of ParaDiag II applied to some testcases from the hierarchy of models used in the development of dry dynamical cores for atmosphere models, including performance benchmarks. Using these results I will identify the key challenges in obtaining further speedups and identify some directions to address these. Zoomlink: |
10/23/24 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Effizientes Lernen von Mischungen zweier Gaußscher Verteilungen (Bachelorarbeit) Rinor Balaj |
10/16/24 | 02:00 pm | Zoom |
A Particle Tracking Framework for High-Fidelity Trajectory Extraction* Erdi Kara, Spelman College We present a deep learning-based object tracking framework designed to accurately extract particle trajectories in diverse experimental settings. This framework, which leverages the state-of-the-art object detection model YOLO and the Hungarian Algorithm, is particularly effective for scenarios where objects remain within the scene without coalescence. Our simple approach, requiring minimal initial human input, enables efficient, fast, and accurate extraction of observables of interest across various experimental configurations. The result is high-fidelity data ideally suited for data-driven modeling applications.. Zoomlink: |
09/17/24 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Polynomial decay of semigroups Mark Veraar, TU Delft In this talk I will present some recent results on polynomial decay rates for C0-semigroups, assuming that the resolvent grows polynomially at infinity in the complex right half-plane. Unlike many of the recent developments in the literature our results do not require the semigroup to be uniformly bounded. The talk is based on joint work with Chenxi Deng and Jan Rozendaal. |
09/17/24 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Randbedingungen für Physics-Informed Neural Operators Niklas Göschel |
09/04/24 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Faktorisierung von Projektionsverfahren [Bachelorarbeit] Thorge Seefeld |
09/04/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Multidimensional function space summation-by-parts operators with application to radial basis functions* Joshua Lampert Entropy stability is the foundation of numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws, thereby ensuring the stability and reliability of the resulting numerical solutions. Summation-by-parts (SBP) operators provide a general framework to systematically develop entropy-stable schemes by mimicking continuous properties on a discrete level. They have proven to be a powerful tool to provide stable and high-order accurate numerical solutions. Classically, they are developed in order to differentiate polynomials up to a certain degree exactly. However, in many cases alternative function spaces are more appropriate to approximate the underlying solution space. Especially in multidimensional problems with potentially complex domains radial basis functions are known to possess very good approximation properties. The theory of radial basis function approximation provides us with stability and convergence results for scattered data approximation in a meshfree setting. Zoomlink: |
07/29/24 | 11:00 am |, Billhorner Deich 96, 20539 Hamburg |
Automated Edge-Sealing Inspection using Sparse Stereo-Vision [Forschungsprojektarbeit] Razvan-Andrei Draghici |
07/23/24 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Statistical Analysis of Racing Data [Bachelorarbeit] Wassim Alkhalil |
07/12/24 | 09:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Surrogate Models for Wing Flap Deformation Based on SINDy with Control Parameter [Bachelorarbeit] Nils Haufe |
07/10/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Zero-Shot Super-Resolution with Neural Operators [Bachelorarbeit] Melanie Gruschka |
07/04/24 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Large components of random graphs Matthias Lienau Inhomogeneous random graphs are a prominent tool for modeling real-world complex networks as they manage to capture key concepts such as the scale-free property. In this talk we will focus on two particular inhomogeneous random graph models, the Norros-Reittu model and the random connection model. The Norros-Reittu model uses a deterministic vertex set and can be seen as a generalisation of the famous Erdős–Rényi graph. The random connection model on the other hand yields a spatial random graph, which leads to natural clustering effects. Our main goal is to determine the asymptotic behaviour of the size of the largest component as the number of vertices or the size of the observation window, respectively, goes to infinity. For the Norros-Reittu model we also study asymptotics of other counting statistics. |
07/04/24 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Lower variance bounds and normal approximation of Poisson functionals with applications to stochastic geometry Vanessa Trapp Lower bounds for variances are often needed to derive central limit theorems. In this talk, a generalised reverse Poincaré inequality is established, which provides a lower variance bound for Poisson functionals that depends on the difference operator of some fixed order. |
07/02/24 | 04:15 pm | Geomatikum, Besstraße 55, 20146 Hamburg, Hörsaal H5 |
Random vertex detection and the size of typical cells Mathias Sonnleitner, Universität Münster |
06/19/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Towards Hybrid Space-Time Finite Element/Deep Neural Network Methods Nils Margenberg Accurate flow simulations remain a challenging task. In this talk we discuss the use of deep neural networks for augmenting classical finite element simulations in fluid-dynamics. Zoomlink: |
06/17/24 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Applications of Gaussian Processes in Machine Learning [Bachelorarbeit] Konstantin Zörner |
06/07/24 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Eine Python-C++ Kopplung für die Dyssol Software für Prozesssimulationen Sarra Daknou |
06/05/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Smaller Stencil Preconditioners for RBF-FD discretized problems Michael Koch Radial basis function finite difference (RBF-FD) discretization has recently emerged as an al- Zoomlink: |
05/22/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Numerical solution of singularly perturbed differential equations using Haar wavelet* Vamika Rathi I will be introducing myself formally and presenting my master's thesis, which concerns the study of numerical schemes for solving singularly perturbed differential equations, focusing on the Haar wavelet method. Zoomlink: |
05/08/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Ethics in Computational Mathematics Prof. Max Kiener, Institute for Ethics in Technology This talk focuses on the mathematical models underlying reinforcement learning in artificial intelligence, particularly the reward functions in Markov Decision Processes. I argue that ethical principles related to well-being, safety, and equality are inherently reflected in these mathematical models. Building on this foundation, I then demonstrate how ethics can inform computational mathematics, while also addressing the challenges one encounters in this domain. Specifically, I discuss how the mathematical models behind reinforcement learning may rely on a distorted representation of ethics with respect to the determinacy and commensurability of ethical values. Zoomlink: |
04/30/24 | 09:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Multilevel Solvers for Radial Basis Function Finite Difference Discretized Differential Equations (Bachelorarbeit) Lasse Rippa |
04/03/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Applying SDC methods to the next-generation of weather forecasting models* Alex Brown, Met Office UK In Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate modelling, computational efficiency and numerical accuracy are paramount. This work aims to implement time-parallel Spectral Deferred Correction (SDC) methods in LFRic-Atmosphere, the Met Office’s next-generation atmospheric model, designed to exploit the new supercomputers with improved scalability; the use of a quasi-uniform cubed-sphere mesh is integral to this, as is the underlying lowest-order compatible finite element spatial discretisation. LFRic-Atmosphere has an iterative semi-implicit time stepping structure with a Method of Lines finite-transport scheme using an explicit Runge-Kutta time discretisation. Time parallel SDC offers increased temporal accuracy with small computation cost, this could be utilised over the whole time discretisation, or to target a specific time discretised component. Zoomlink: |
03/22/24 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Masterarbeit: Parameteridentifizierung mit Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens Sahra Naser |
03/06/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Room H03 and Zoom |
Efficient numerical methods for the Maxey-Riley equations with Basset history term Julio Urizarna The Maxey-Riley Equation (MRE) models the motion of a finite-sized, spherical particle moving in a fluid. Applications using the MRE are, for example, the study of the spread of Coronavirus particles in a room, the formation of clouds and the so-called marine snow. The MRE is a second-order, implicit integro-differential equation with a singular kernel at initial time. For over 35 years, researchers used approximations and numerical schemes with high storage requirements or ignored the integral term, although its impact can be relevant. A major break-through was reached in 2019, when Prasath et al. mapped the MRE to a time-dependent Robin-type boundary condition of the 1D Heat equation, thus removing the requirement to store the full history. They provided an implicit integral form of the solution by using the so-called Fokas method that could be later solved with a numerical scheme and a nonlinear solver. While Prasath et al.’s method can deliver numerical solutions accurately, the need to evaluate nested integrals makes it computationally costly and it becomes impractical for computing trajectories of a large number of particles. In this talk, we present a new fourth order finite differences scheme and compare its accuracy and performance with Prasath et al’s method as well as other existing schemes. We then apply our method for the calculation of Lagrangian Coherent Structures, a large scale fluid structure, and point out for which cases, the approximations on the MRE have a considerable influence on these structures and the use of the full MRE models is relevant. Zoomlink: |
02/27/24 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Hawkes processes and their scaling limits for asset pricing models [Bachelorarbeit] Niklas Jona Lohmann |
02/23/24 | 09:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Surrogatmodelle für Lastsimulationen von Flügelklappen Ana Vidya Moreno Molina |
02/14/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Training Large Language Models on High-Performance Computing Systems Chelsea John, Forschungszentrum Jülich This presentation explores the intricacies of training large language models (LLM) on High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems, unveiling the key components, challenges, and optimizations involved in handling the computational demands of state-of-the-art language models. Delving into the nuances of model architecture, data preprocessing, and hyperparameter tuning, a comprehensive understanding of parallelization strategies, scalability challenges, and resource allocation will be given. Additionally, the talk touches on the implications for research, highlighting potential progress and future applications of LLMs. Zoomlink: |
02/02/24 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Dimension estimation [Studienarbeit] Michel Krispin |
01/24/24 | 01:00 pm | TUHH, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Sampling Theorems in Positive Definite Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces [Bachelorarbeit] Lennart Ohlsen, Studiengang TM, Betreuer und Erstprüfer: Armin Iske |
01/24/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Low-synchronization techniques for communication reduction in Krylov subspace methods* Kathryn Lund, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg With exascale-capable supercomputers already on the horizon, reducing communication operations in orthogonalization kernels like QR factorization has become even more imperative. Low-synchronization Gram-Schmidt methods, first introduced in Swirydowicz et al. (Numer. Lin. Alg. Appl. 28(2):e2343, 2020), have been shown to improve the scalability of the Arnoldi method in high-performance, distributed computing. Block versions of low-synchronization Gram-Schmidt show further potential for speeding up algorithms, as column-batching allows for maximizing cache usage with matrix-matrix operations. We will examine how low-synchronization block Gram-Schmidt variants can be transformed into block Arnoldi variants for use in standard Krylov subspace methods like block generalized minimal residual methods (BGMRES). We also demonstrate how an adaptive restarting heuristic can handle instabilities that arise with the increasing condition number of the Krylov basis. The performance, accuracy, and stability of these methods are assessed via a flexible comparison tool written in MATLAB. Zoomlink: |
01/15/24 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Development of a Conversational Interface Based on Institution-Specific Documentation through LLM Finetuning [Projektarbeit] Philip Suskin Zoomlink: |
01/10/24 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
A scalar inverse problem with Neural Galerkin Scheme* Djahou Norbert Tognon, Sorbonne Universite Neural networks trained with machine learning techniques are currently attracting great attention as nonlinear approximation methods to solve forward and inverse problems involving high-dimensional partial differential equations (PDEs). In a recent paper, Neural Galerkin scheme has been proposed to solve PDEs by means of deep learning. In this approach, the deep learning process generates the training data samples with an active learning process for the numerical approximation. We apply this approach in this talk to tackle a parameter estimation problem and propose an algorithm based on Neural Galerkin scheme to estimate a scalar coefficient involved in a non-linear PDE problem. We provide numerical results with Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation in one dimension. Zoomlink: |
01/09/24 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Data-Driven Approaches for the Maxey-Riley Equation [Masterarbeit] Niklas Dieckow |
01/08/24 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Approximation methods in sequence spaces Riko Ukena, E-10, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Raum 3.074 We discuss approximation methods for linear equations in sequence spaces. When cutting out a finite matrix from an infinite dimensional operator, a choice of boundary conditions has to be made. Choosing zero boundary conditions leads to the classical finite section method, for which conditions for the applicability are known. We derive similar conditions for the applicability for the choice of periodic boundary conditions. |
12/21/23 | 05:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Kürzeste Pfadlänge in K-Nearest-Neighbor-Graphen [Bachelorarbeit] Ali Maznouk |
12/20/23 | 05:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Gaussian upper heat kernel bounds on graphs Christian Rose, Universität Potsdam tba |
12/20/23 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Almost everywhere convergence for non-commutative spaces Christian Budde, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, Südafrika Almost everywhere convergence is an essential part of classical measure theory. However, when passing to the quantum setting of noncommutative -spaces, the absence of an explicit measure space makes it very difficult to give expression to notions like almost everywhere convergence. There is a rich literature devoted to different ways of circumventing this challenge, positing various notions of “measure theoretic” convergence in the noncommutative case. However, not many of these seem to be suited to dealing with Haagerup -spaces. In this talk we review several noncommutative notions of convergence before proposing versions of these notions which have been recast in terms of spectral projections. The harmony of exisiting notions with these revised notions is then investigated in the semifinite setting, at which point we also demonstrate the efficacy of the “new” approach by establishing a matching noncommutative monotone convergence theorem. On the basis of the theory achieved in the semifinite setting, we then show how this “reshaped” theory may be lifted to the setting of Haagerup -spaces. In closing we show that even here a monotone convergence theorem based on these notions is valid. This is joint work with L. Labuschagne and C. Steyn. |
12/20/23 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Approximation of Evolution Equations with Random Data Katharina Klioba, Technische Universität Hamburg Evolution equations are a class of partial differential equations arising frequently in physical applications, such as heat or wave equations. To account for unknown material parameters or measurement inaccuracies, they can be considered with random coefficients or a noise term. However, analytical solutions are often out of reach and a numerical solution is required. Several questions arise regarding the influence of the random terms on the discretisation. In this talk, I will give an overview of convergence rates that can be obtained in the random setting. |
12/07/23 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Time Optimal Control in Reflexive Banach Spaces Johannes Stojanow Time optimal controllability of abstract differential equations refers to reaching a desired target state within a minimal transition time. Further imposing a bound on control functions representing the energy available for control leads to the interesting Bang-Bang property, i.e. the time-optimal control function attains full norm on the transition time interval. Building upon investigations in Fattorini (SIAM J. Control Ser. A, 2(1): 54-59, 1964) and later Wang & Zhang (SIAM J. Control Optim., 55(3): 1862-1886, 2017), we generalize results on existence, Bang-Bang property and uniqueness of time optimal controls to reflexive Banach spaces. An example in heat diffusion will illuminate the relation of the Bang-Bang property with observability inequalities. Zoomlink: |
12/06/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Solving Nonlinear Finite Element Problems in Elasticity* Lina Fesefeldt Finite element methods (FEM) for displacement problems in elasticity lead to systems of nonlinear equations. These equations are usually solved with Newton's method or a related method. Based on a benchmark problem in high-order FEM, we explore traditional solution techniques for the nonlinear equation system such as step width selection and Quasi-Newton methods. We also consider algorithms specifically designed for displacement problems in nonlinear structural analysis like load step and arc-length methods. We extend traditional load step methods to a new approach exploiting the hierarchical structure of the problem and saving about 50% of computation time (vs. benchmark). In an outlook, we discuss new developments in nonlinear preconditioning and their applicability to displacement problems in nonlinear FEM. Zoomlink: |
11/20/23 | 04:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Compound Poisson approximation of U-statistics in stochastic geometry Bernhard Hafer, Universität Osnabrück |
11/15/23 | 02:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Inequalities between Neumann and Dirichlet Laplacian eigenvalues on planar domains Jonathan Rohleder, Stockholms universitet We generalize a classical inequality between the eigenvalues of the Laplacians with Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions on bounded, planar domains: in 1955, Payne proved that below the k-th eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian there exist at least k+2 eigenvalues of the Neumann Laplacian, provided the domain is convex. It has, however, been conjectured that this should hold for any domain. Here we show that the statement indeed remains true for all simply connected planar Lipschitz domains. The proof relies on a novel variational principle. |
11/13/23 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Normalizing Flows for Linear Inverse Problems Paul Büchler |
11/08/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Parallel-In-Time Integration with Applications to Real World Problems from Electrical Engineering* Prof. Sebastian Schöps, TU-Darmstadt Time-domain simulation of large-scale problems becomes computationally prohibitive if space-parallelization saturates. This is particularly challenging if long time periods are considered, e.g., if the start-up of an electrical machine until steady state is simulated. In this contribution, several parallel-in-time methods are discussed for initial-boundary-value problems and for time-periodic boundary value problems. All those methods are based on a subdivision of the time interval into as many subintervals as computing cores are available. For example, the well-known parareal method works similarly to multiple shooting methods; it solves two types of problems iteratively until convergence is reached: a cheap problem defined on coarse grids is solved sequentially on the whole time-interval to propagate initial conditions (and approximate derivatives) and secondly, high-fidelity problems are solved on the subintervals in parallel. We also discuss Paraexp and Waveform Relaxation methods in the context of real world engineering problems from electrical engineering. Zoomlink: |
11/02/23 | 04:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
BA Verteidigung: Strukturen mit wenig Farbwechseln in gefärbten Netzwerken Carina Möller |
11/01/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Physics Informed Neural Networks for the Lorentz Equations* Finn Sommer Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) are becoming increasingly important in solving initial and boundary value problems. In contrast to conventional neural networks, they do not require labelled data for training and can thus be assigned to the field of unsupervised learning [3]. In this work, a PINN is to be trained to learn the equation of motion of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field. It turns out that networks trained using the L-BFGS opimisation algorithm show better convergence behaviour than those trained using the Adam optimisation algorithm commonly used in deep learning. In addition, it turns out that pre-training neural networks on the solution of a numerical method such as the Crank-Nicolson method can significantly speed up the training of PINNS. Zoomlink: |
10/26/23 | 01:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
BA Verteidigung: Hamiltonkreise in Subgraphen des Hyperwürfels Janne Hackbart |
10/25/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Parareal with a physics informed neural network as coarse propagator* Abdul Qadir Ibrahim Parallel-in-time algorithms provide an additional layer of concurrency for the numerical integration of models based on time-dependent differential equations. Methods like Parareal, which parallelize across multiple time steps, rely on a computationally cheap and coarse integrator to propagate information forward in time, while a parallelizable expensive fine propagator provides accuracy. Typically, the coarse method is a numerical integrator using lower resolution, reduced order or a simplified model. Our reasearch proposes to use a physics-informed neural network (PINN) instead. We demonstrate for the Black-Scholes equation, a partial differential equation from computational finance, that Parareal with a PINN coarse propagator provides better speedup than a numerical coarse propagator. Training and evaluating a neural network are both tasks whose computing patterns are well suited for GPUs. By contrast, mesh-based algorithms with their low computational intensity struggle to perform well. We show that moving the coarse propagator PINN to a GPU while running the numerical fine propagator on the CPU further improves Parareal's single-node performance. This suggests that integrating machine learning techniques into parallel-in-time integration methods and exploiting their differences in computing patterns might offer a way to better utilize heterogeneous architectures. Zoomlink: |
10/17/23 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Ein auf maschinellem Lernen basierter Ansatz für "nudging" für "super-resolution" Benjamin Riedemann |
10/10/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Physics-Constrained Deep Learning for Downscaling and Emulation* Paula Harder, Fraunhofer ITWM The availability of reliable, high-resolution climate and weather data is important to inform long-term decisions on climate adaptation and mitigation and to guide rapid responses to extreme events. Forecasting models are limited by computational costs and, therefore, often generate coarse-resolution predictions. Two common ways to decrease computational efforts with DL are downscaling, the increase of the resolution directly on the predicted climate variables, and emulation, the replacement of model parts to achieve faster runs initially. Here, we look at several downscaling tasks and an aerosol emulation problem. While deep learning shows promising results it may not obey simple physical constraints, such as mass conservation or mass positivity. We tackle this by investigating both soft and hard constraining methodologies in different setups, showing that incorporating hard constraints can be beneficial for both downscaling and emulation problems. Zoomlink: |
10/05/23 | 11:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Initial and Boundary Values for Evolutionary Equations Andreas Buchinger, Institut für Angewandte Analysis, TU Bergakademie Feriberg The theory of evolutionary equations, afforded by Rainer Picard (Dresden) et al., provides a well-posedness theorem applicable to a vast amount of linear PDEs including heat, wave and Maxwell's equations as well as equations including fractional derivatives and integrals. In this talk, I will discuss this well-posedness theorem in the autonomous case. I will show how to impose initial and boundary conditions on such evolutionary equations, and I will present a possible evolutionary approach to control theory for PDEs. |
09/27/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Harnessing the Power of GPUs: A Path to Efficiency and Excellence* Prof. Sohan Lal, Massively Parallel Systems Group Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), initially designed as accelerators for graphics applications, have revolutionized the computing landscape with their unparalleled computational prowess. Today, GPU-accelerated systems are present everywhere – for example, in our smartphones, cars, and supercomputers. GPU-accelerated systems are transforming the world in many ways, and several exciting possibilities, such as digital twins and precision medicine are on the horizon. While GPU-accelerated systems are desirable, their optimal utilization is crucial; otherwise, they can be very expensive in terms of power and energy consumption, which is not good as we aspire to reduce our carbon footprint. A single GPU can draw up to 700 watts, while GPU-powered supercomputers scale to the energy-hungry range of 1 to 10 megawatts. Zoomlink: |
09/19/23 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Super-Resolution für die Flachwassergleichungen Larissa Schaumburg |
09/14/23 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Spectra of aperiodic Schrödinger operators [Masterarbeit] Yasmeen Mai Hack, JMIM |
09/14/23 | 09:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Niveaumengen der Resolventennorm [Bachelorarbeit] Daniel Wolf, TM |
08/28/23 | 09:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Erkennen von Botnetzen in Netzwerken [Bachelorarbeit] Constantin Witt |
08/11/23 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Mondrian forests for classification [Bachelorarbeit] Mohamed Yassine Daghfous |
08/09/23 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Random polytopes in polytopes Matthias Reitzner, Universität Osnabrück |
07/25/23 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Upper bound on Parareal with spatial-coarsening* Ausra Pogozelskyte, University of Geneva Parareal is the most studied Parallel-in-Time method; by introducing parallelism in the time dimension, it allows to relieve communication bottlenecks that appear when parallelism is used only in the spatial dimension. Zoomlink: |
07/12/23 | 04:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Erkennung von Clustern in zufälligen Graphen mit Hilfe von Dichten von Teilgraphen [Bachelorarbeit] Antonia Gustke |
07/10/23 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Dirichlet-Eigenwerte des zufälligen $q$-Zustände-Partikels [Bachelorarbeit] Mattes Wittig, TM |
07/07/23 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Extraktion strukturierter Daten aus deutschen Personalausweisen [Projektarbeit] Anton Majboroda |
07/05/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Efficient and robust numerical methods based on adaptivity and structure preservation* Prof. Hendrik Ranocha, AM – Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Hamburg We present some recent developments for the numerical simulation of |
06/26/23 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Directed random geometric graphs [Bachelorarbeit] Nour Abdennebi |
06/21/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
On the Micro-Macro Parareal Algorithm Applied to FESOM2 Benedict Philippi We applied the Parallel-In-Time algorithm Parareal to the ocean-circulation model FESOM2 to demonstrate its applicability to complex problems in climate research. The talk is intended to give an overview of the technical challenges that can be expected when attempting to parallelize state-of-the-art simulation software in time. With the convergence results presented the talk concludes with a discussion of whether and how an efficient application of Parareal could be achieved. |
06/20/23 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Vergleich verschiedener Verfahren der Dimensionsreduktion [Projektarbeit] Tom Ahlgrimm |
06/16/23 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Algorithmen für die Burning Number von Zufallsgraphen [Bachelorarbeit] Jan Lucian Haßinger |
06/14/23 | 01:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Numerical Treatment of Laplacian Edge Sharpening [Bachelorarbeit] Phan Hoang Minh Nguyen, Studiengang TM |
06/12/23 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Ein alternativer Ansatz zu bilateralen Filtern [Masterarbeit] Michael Koch, Studiengang TM |
06/08/23 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Concentration of measure via moment inequalities Holger Sambale, Ruhr-Universität Bochum We study the interplay between moment and tail inequalities in the concentration of measure phenomenon. A motivating example are so-called higher order concentration bounds, where functions are addressed which have unbounded first order derivatives (or differences) but whose derivatives of some higher order are bounded. A variety of different situations is considered like (classical) Euclidean spaces, discrete situations, functions of independent random variables and the Poisson space. A special emphasis is put on pointing out the parallels and common ground throughout all these cases. |
06/07/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Machine Learning the Trajectories of the Maxey-Riley Equation Leon Schlegel Since we now have implemented an efficient solver for the Maxey-Riley equation, we can generate a lot of trajectory data. This data could be used to train a neural network, which can predict the trajectories given a starting postion. Because the dynamics are governed by an integro-differential equation, the future path of a trajectory depends on the whole past. This characteristic could be handled using recurrent neural networks. |
05/24/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Challenges and Opportunities in Medical Image Reconstruction Tobias Knopp Tomographic imaging is an essential tool in medical diagnostics, allowing diseases to be detected much earlier |
05/17/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Hierarchical Block Structures for the Preconditioning of Saddle Point Problems with H-Matrix Decompositions Jonas Grams Fluid flow problems can be modelled by the Navier-Stokes, or Oseen equations. Their discretization results in saddle point problems. These systems of equations are typically very large and need to be solved iteratively. Standard (block-) preconditioning techniques for saddle point problems rely on an approximation of the Schur complement. Such an approximation can be obtained by a hierarchical matrix (H-Matrix) LU-decomposition for which the Schur complement is computed explicitly. The computational complexity of this computation depends, among other things, on the hierarchical block structure of the involved matrices. However, widely used techniques do not consider the connection between the discretization grids for the velocity field and the pressure, respectively. Thus, a problem dependent hierarchical block structure for the FEM discretization of the gradient operator is presented. The block structure of the corresponding saddle point matrix block is improved by considering the connection between the two involved grids.Numerical results will show that the improved block structure allows for a faster computation of the Schur complement, the bottleneck for the set-up of the H-Matrix LU-decomposition. |
05/10/23 | 01:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D), Room 1.025 |
Extension of Linear Functions Onto Multivectors Using Geometric Algebra [Bachelorarbeit] Alexander Busch |
05/10/23 | 12:00 pm | D 1.025 |
A mathematical introduction to quantum computing Professor Martin Kliesch, Institute for Quantum-Inspired and Quantum Optimization The first part of the presentation provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and quantum algorithms. In the second part, I will present an overview of the research at the new TUHH institute on the topic (see and explain the mathematical aspects of it. |
05/02/23 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Image Registration with Flownet [Masterarbeit] Raghuram Satish |
04/26/23 | 12:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
A low-rank correction for relaxed Schur complement preconditioners Rebekka Beddig The numerical solution of saddle-point systems arising in computational fluid dynamics with iterative solvers |
04/19/23 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: One-Class Support Vector Machines Viet Hung Vu |
04/18/23 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Image Inpainting with Partial Convolutions Lukas Mührke |
04/17/23 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Discrete-time TASEP with holdback Vsevolod Shneer, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh |
03/29/23 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 (A), Room A-1.19 |
Flächeninterpolation und Punktoptimierung bei NC-Daten (Bachelorarbeit) Leon Greve |
03/01/23 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Normal Approximation of Poisson Functionals via Generalized $p$-Poincaré Inequalities Tara Trauthwein, Universität Luxemburg In this talk, we present new explicit bounds on the Gaussian approximation of Poisson functionals, based on novel estimates of moments of Skorohod integrals. Combining these with the Malliavin-Stein method, we derived bounds in the Wasserstein and Kolmogorov distances whose application requires minimal moment assumptions on add-one cost operators — thereby extending the results from (Last, Peccati and Schulte, 2016). Our main application is a CLT for the Online Nearest Neighbour graph, whose validity was conjectured in (Wade, 2009; Penrose and Wade, 2009). We also applied our techniques to derive quantitative CLTs for edge functionals of the Gilbert graph, of the k-Nearest Neighbour graph and of the Radial Spanning Tree, both in cases where qualitative CLTs are known and unknown. |
02/21/23 | 01:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Digital Annealing for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Occasional Drivers Jan Niklas Diercks |
02/14/23 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Lights Out auf zufälligen Graphen [Bachelorarbeit] Ghislain Nkamdjin Njike |
01/30/23 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Glimpse into Classical and Modern Control Theory Johannes Stojanow This talk will be devoted to several topics in classical and modern control theory. Classical stabilization techniques for linear and nonlinear control systems as well as modern attempts to linearize nonlinear systems will constitute the core for this presentation. In particular, the first part will consist of a brief summary of my Master's Thesis on the foundations of mathematical control theory in finite dimension. During the second part, we will catch a glimpse into modern control theory involving the Koopman operator focussing on advances and difficulties. The third part will be on my current PhD topic "Time-Optimal Control of Linear Systems in Non-Reflexive Banach Spaces". The official introduction to my person will also not come too short. |
01/24/23 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Zufälliges Suchen in Graphen mit Hilfe von Sternen Sören Grünhagen |
01/23/23 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Machine learning for weather and climate modelling* Peter Düben, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts This talk will start with a high-level overview on how machine learning can be used to improve weather and climate predictions. Afterwards, the talk will provide more detail on recent developments of machine learned weather forecast models and how they compare to conventional models and numerical methods. |
01/23/23 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Sensorfusion mit einer bewegten Kamera [Masterarbeit] Johannes Bostelmann |
01/19/23 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Relations between variants of stochastic gradient descent and stochastic differential equations [Masterarbeit] Jonathan Hellwig |
12/19/22 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Masterarbeit: Datenkompression zur Reduzierung des Speicherbedarfs von zeit-parallelen Algorithmen Ole Räthcke |
12/14/22 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.091 |
Fouriertransformation und Anwendungen in der Signalverarbeitung [Bachelorarbeit] Katharina Buchholz |
12/14/22 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.046 |
Bachelorarbeit: Bild- und Videosegmentierung mittels maschinellem Lernen Monir Taeb Sharifi |
12/12/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 & Zoom |
Numerical homogenization of dispersive Maxwell systems* Philip Freese, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Augsburg We study the propagation of electromagnetic waves in heterogeneous structures. The governing equations for this problem are Maxwell's equations with highly oscillatory parameters. We use an analytic homogenization result, which yields an effective Maxwell system that involves additional dispersive effects. |
12/05/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Error Analysis in Time of Stochastic Evolution Equations Katharina Klioba We consider stochastic PDEs driven by an additive or multiplicative Gaussian noise of the form |
11/28/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 & Zoom |
Introductory talk Sophie Externbrink In my introductory talk I will introduce myself and present the results of my master thesis. |
11/23/22 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.047 |
Masterarbeit: Development of Optimized Artificial Neural Networks for the Characterization of Wake Vortex Parameters Lars Stietz |
11/21/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 + Zoom |
Lower bounds for variances of Poisson functionals Vanessa Trapp Lower bounds for variances are often needed to derive central limit theorems. In this talk, we establish a specific lower bound for the variance of a Poisson functional that uses the difference operator of Malliavin calculus. |
11/14/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 + Zoom |
Exploiting the Flexibility of Spectral Deferred Correction Methods* Martin Weiser, ZIB Spectral Deferred Correction (SDC) methods are iterative solvers for collocation discretization of ordinary differential equations, but each iterate can also be interpreted as particular Runge-Kutta (RK) scheme. In contrast to fixed RK schemes, viewing SDC as a fixed point iteration allows combining them with various kinds of deliberate perturbations resulting from mesh adaptivity or algebraic adaptivity in PDEs, lossy compression in parallel-in-time solvers, or inexact computations in scale-separated long time integrations, for improved performance. It also fosters a deeper understanding of SDC approximation error behavior, and the construction of more efficient preconditioners. In the talk, we will touch several of these aspects, and provide a - necessarily incomplete - overview of the astonishing flexibility of SDC methods. |
11/14/22 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B0.001 |
Mündlich Prüfung zur Dissertation: On Observability Estimates for Semigroups in Banach Spaces Dennis Gallaun |
11/11/22 | 11:15 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Ein Potenz-Schurkomplement Präkonditionierer mit Niedrigrangkorrektur für schwachbesetzte lineare Gleichungssysteme (Bachelorarbeit) David Sattler |
11/11/22 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Pressure-robustness in the context of optimal control* Winnifried Wollner, Universität Hamburg The talk discusses the benefits of pressure-robust discretizations in the scope of optimal control of incompressible flows. |
11/07/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 + Zoom |
On augmenting spectral methods by normalizing flows - Schrödinger equation as an example Yahya Saleh Approximating functions by a linear span of truncated basis sets is a standard procedure for the numerical solution of differential equations. Commonly used concepts of approximation methods are well-posed and convergent, by provable approximation orders. On the down side, however, these methods often suffer from the curse of dimensionality, which limits their approximation behavior. Nonlinear approximation methods, such as neural networks, were shown to be very efficient approximating high-dimensional functions. We investigate nonlinear approximation methods that are constructed by composing standard basis sets with normalizing flows. Such models yield richer approximation spaces while maintaining the density properties of the initial basis set, as we show. We investigate such approximation schemes for solving molecular Schrödinger equations and provide linear and nonlinear convergence analysis. |
10/26/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Optimierung der Parity-Check-Matrizen von LDPC-Codes [Masterarbeit] Jannik Jacobsen |
10/26/22 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Positionsbestimmung von Seefracht-Containern anhand von 3D-LiDAR Daten [Bachelorarbeit] Martin Pham, Studiengang CS, mit SICK-AG |
10/25/22 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for the Identification of Planar Surfaces [Masterarbeit] Vikram Sachdeva |
10/24/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Modelling of stochastic gradient descent with stochastic differential equations Jonathan Hellwig Stochastic optimization techniques have become an essential tool for training of |
10/14/22 | 03:00 pm | Zoom (link below) or in Room A - 1.16 |
On Spectral Theory, Control, and Higher Regularity of Infinite-dimensional Operator Equations Fabian Gabel Describing aspects of physical phenomena by forming abstract mathematical models is a common practice in scientific work: the mathematical formalism allows for permeation of the mathematical model as a means of creating insights and knowledge over the described real-world phenomenon. |
10/10/22 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Masterarbeit: Two-Component Model for Tracer Simulation Sophie Externbrink |
10/05/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Implizit-explizite Zeitschrittverfahren für die Maxey-Riley Gleichungen Leon Schlegel |
09/22/22 | 11:00 am | in Zoom |
Entwicklung einer dezentralen Geschwindigkeitsplanung auf einem autonomen Leader-Fahrzeug für ein sensorloses Intralogistikfahrzeug [Bachelorarbeit] Selina Meier, Studiengang TM |
09/12/22 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Ultra-kleine skalenfreie geometrische Netzwerke (Bachelorarbeit) Nikolaus Rehberg |
08/18/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Zentrale Grenzwertsätze im Random Connection Model Franz Nestmann, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Fakultät für Mathematik, Institut für Stochastik |
07/29/22 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Refinement of Jet simulations usingGenerative Adversarial Networks [Masterarbeit] Shruthi Janardhan At the Large Hadron Collider, the interaction of subatomic particles with matter lead to severalmillions of collisions every second. For each collision, upto thousands of particles are producedfollowing stochastic processes. The accurate description of these particles require thousands ofvariables, which leads to large data sets with high dimensionality. The interaction of particleswith the detectors (like Compact Muon Solenoid) are best simulated with the GEANT4 software.Alternatively, less precise but faster simulations are sometimes preferred to reach higher statisticalprecision. We present recent progresses of refinement of fast simulations with Machine Learningtechniques to enhance the quality of such fast simulations. We demonstrate the use of adversarialnetworks in the context of jet simulation using the Wasserstein distance metric. The architectureconsists of opposing networks, Refiner and Critic. A Refiner refines the distribution of the energyof the jets obtained with the fast simulation. The Critic is used to effectively differentiate betweenthe distributions of refined energy and the distribution obtained by the GEANT4 simulation. Weapply the technique to jet kinematics, when the response is close to Gaussian, first on toy data setsand then on realistic data sets |
07/14/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Skeleta and shapes related to random tessellations Daniel Hug, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Fakultät für Mathematik, Institut für Stochastik |
07/11/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Spectral inequalities and observability with sensor sets of decaying density Albrecht Seelmann, TU Dortmund, Fakultät für Mathematik We discuss spectral inequalities and observability for the harmonic oscillator and more general Schrödinger operators with confinement potentials on the whole space. It turns out that the (super-)exponential decay of the corresponding eigenfunctions allows to consider sensor sets with a density that exhibits a certain decay. This, in particular, permits sensors with finite measure. |
07/07/22 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 & Zoom |
Asymptotic-preserving and hybrid finite-volume/Monte-Carlo methods for kinetic equations in the plasma edge of a fusion reactor* Giovanni Samaey, KU Leuven Nuclear fusion reactor design crucially depends on numerical simulation. The plasma can usually be modeled using fluid equations (for mass, momentum and energy). However, the reactor also contains neutral (non-charged) particles (which are important in its operation), of which both the position and velocity distribution is important. This leads to a Boltzmann-type transport equation that needs to be discretised with a Monte Carlo method. In high-collisional regimes, the Monte Carlo simulation describing the evolution of neutral particles becomes prohibitively expensive, because each individual collision needs to be tracked. |
07/07/22 | 10:30 am | Big Blue Button |
Objektivierung des Fahrkomforts automatisierter Fahrzeuge [Masterarbeit] Nele Thomsen |
07/04/22 | 11:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Gaussian Kernel Ridge Regression using Matrix Decompositions for Preconditioning (Bachelorarbeit) Ons Gharbia |
07/01/22 | 09:00 am | TUHH, Room B0.001 and in Zoom |
WARTESCHLANGENTHEORIE IN ROBOTISIERTEN LAGERHALTUNGSSYSTEMEN [Habilitationskolloquium] Karsten Kruse Aufgrund des zunehmenden Wachstums im E-Commerce-Sektor haben robotisierte Lagerhaltungs- |
06/27/22 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Recent investigations on spectral sets and Crouzeix’s conjecture Felix Schwenninger, via Zoom We discuss recent developments around approaches to Crouzeix's conjecture, the statement that the numerical range is a 2 spectral set for any complex square matrix. This includes spectral constants for specific classes of operators. |
06/20/22 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
An efficient numerical method for the Maxey-Riley equation Julio Urizarna Carasa The Maxey-Riley Equation (MRE) models the motion of a finite-sized, spherical particle moving in a fluid. Applications using the MRE are, for example, the study of the spread of Coronavirus particles in a room, the formation of clouds and the so-called marine snow. The MRE is a second-order, implicit integro-differential equation with a singular kernel at initial time. For over 35 years, researchers used approximations and numerical schemes with high storage requirements or ignored the integral term, although its impact can be relevant. A major break-through was reached in 2019, when Prasath et al. mapped the MRE to a time-dependent Robin-type boundary condition of the 1D Heat equation, thus removing the requirement to store the full history. They provided an implicit integral form of the solution by using the so-called Fokas method that could be later solved with numerical scheme and a nonlinear solver. While Prasath et al.’s method can deliver numerical solutions of very high accuracy, the need to evaluate nested integrals makes it computationally costly and it becomes impractical for computing trajectories of a large number of particles. In the talk, we will present a finite differences approach that it is not only storage efficient but also much faster. We will compare our approach to both Prasath et al.’s method as well as a to the numerical schemes developed by A. Daitche in 2013 for direct integration of the original Maxey-Riley equation with integral term. |
06/16/22 | 03:00 pm | Online |
Solving the traveling salesman problem via deep reinforcement learning [Masterarbeit] Darius Schaub |
06/10/22 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Planung und Optimierung von Schnittpfaden für dynamisch begrenzte Kinematiken bzgl. Ausschussreduktion [Masterarbeit] Constantin Riß |
05/30/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Spectral deferred correction methods for second-order problems Ikrom Akramov Spectral deferred corrections (SDC) is an iterative method for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. It can be interpreted as a Picard iteration for the collocation problem, preconditioned with a low order method. SDC has been studied for first order problems, using explicit, implicit or implicit-explicit Euler as preconditioner. It has been shown that SDC can achieve arbitrary high order of accuracy and possesses good stability properties. |
05/23/22 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
On observability estimates for semigroups in Banach spaces Dennis Gallaun In this talk, I would like to present the main results of my PhD thesis. |
05/09/22 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Resilience in Spectral Deferred Corrections Thomas Baumann, FZ Jülich Advancement in computational speed is nowadays gained by using more processing units rather than faster ones. |
05/02/22 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Robot manipulation in real-time, in the real-world, and under uncertainty.* Wisdom Agboh, University of Leeds Robots have the potential to disrupt many aspects of our lives, from healthcare to manufacturing. To realize this potential, a key challenge is real-time robot manipulation. Given a task, how can a robot quickly generate a motion plan to successfully complete it? How can the robot react in real-time to potential uncertainties in the real-world as it executes its plan? In this talk, we will overview recent developments at the University of Leeds, to realize real-time robot manipulation. These will include parallel-in-time integration methods that leverage parallel computing to significantly speed-up physics predictions for various robot manipulation tasks. It will also include learning-based and optimal control-based methods for robots to handle real-world uncertainties in object pose estimation and model parameters. We hope these recent advances will help accelerate the next generation of intelligent robots. |
04/25/22 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Component sizes of scale-free inhomogeneous random graphs Matthias Lienau The Norros-Reittu model is an inhomogeneous random multigraph that exhibits the so-called scale-free or power-law behaviour, which is observed in real-world complex networks. We study the component sizes of the Norros-Reittu model in the subcritical regime, i.e. in the abscence of a giant component, and show convergence of the point process of the component sizes to a Poisson process. It is planned to derive similar results for other models such as the random connection model. |
04/11/22 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 & Zoom |
Introductory Talk: Boundary layer enriched Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Convection dominated flow Abdul Qadir Ibrahim The thesis deals with boundary layer enrichment of convection dominated flow problems using the Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Method. It aims to introduce an appropriate and computationally efficient Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin formulation for the most important model problems of incompressible fluid flow, namely the convection-diffusion equation.The main contribution is the derivation, discussion and analysis of the Enriched Finite elementSpace using non-polynomial spaces (specifically boundary layer functions) for both the Discontinuous Galerkin Methods and the Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Method. We evaluate the robustness (i.e linear stability as well as reasonable linear systems) and accuracy of this method using various analytical and realistic problems and compare the results to those obtained using the standard (H)DG method. Numerical results are provided to contrast the Enriched (H)DG methods with standard (H)DG approaches. |
03/31/22 | 04:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Understanding Double Descent in Neural Networks [Bachelorarbeit] Marvin Steinmeister |
03/29/22 | 10:00 am | Zoom |
Random Walks and Tridiagonal Matrices [Masterarbeit] Luis Weber, TM |
02/23/22 | 10:30 am | Zoom |
Untersuchung statistischer Vorhersagealgorithmen für Offshore Wetter-Zeitreihen [Bachelorarbeit] Sebastian Eberle |
02/22/22 | 03:00 pm | Online |
Forecasting the shipped volume using a neural network model based on a booking data driven pick-up approach [Masterarbeit] Gordon Lisch |
02/15/22 | 01:00 pm | online |
Machine Learning of Gradient-based Optimization Methods [Bachelorarbeit] Leonard Schröter |
02/14/22 | 03:00 pm | Online |
Training MobileNetV2 on ImageNet with different activation functions [Projektarbeit] Abdul Bostan |
02/09/22 | 12:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Uniform Turán density Samuel Mohr In the early 1980s, Erd\H{o}s and S\'os initiated the study of the classical Tur\'an problem with a uniformity condition: the uniform Tur\'an density of a hypergraph $H$ is the infimum over all $d$ for which any sufficiently large hypergraph with the property that all its linear-size subhyperghraphs have density at least $d$ contains $H$. In particular, they raise the questions of determining the uniform Tur\'an densities of $K_4^{(3)-}$ and $K_4^{(3)}$. The former question was solved only recently in [Israel J. Math. 211 (2016), 349--366] and [J. Eur. Math. Soc. 20 (2018), 1139--1159], while the latter still remains open for almost 40 years. |
02/07/22 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Observability for the (anisotropic) Hermite semigroup from finite volume or decaying sensor sets* Ivan Veselic, TU Dortmund, Fakultät für Mathematik, Lehrstuhl LSIX We study the observability and null control problem for |
02/04/22 | 01:30 pm | Zoom (same as coffee chat) |
Second Order Information in Neural Network Training Lina Fesefeldt Since I am new to our institute, I will start by introducing myself and presenting the results of my master thesis on second order information in |
01/28/22 | 01:30 pm | Zoom |
Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Methods - Space-Time Formulations and Efficient Solvers Lea Miko Versbach We are interested in constructing cheap and efficient implicit high order |
01/27/22 | 01:00 pm | Zoom |
Reinforcement Learning von Parametern für Runge-Kutta Methode [Bachelorarbeit] Finn Sommer |
01/25/22 | 05:00 pm | Zoom |
Schleifen und Mehrfachkanten im Konfigurationsmodell [Bachelorarbeit] Happy Khairunnisa Sariyanto |
01/24/22 | 03:00 pm | zoom |
A new approach to the hot spots conjecture Dr. Jonathan Rohleder, Stockholm University, Sweden It is a conjecture going back to J. Rauch (1974) that the hottest and coldest spots in an insulated homogeneous medium such as an insulated plate of metal should converge to the boundary, for "most" initial heat distributions, as time tends to infinity. This so-called hot spots conjecture can be phrased alternatively as follows: the eigenfunction(s) corresponding to the first non-zero eigenvalue of the Neumann Laplacian on a Euclidean domain should take its maximum and minimum on the boundary only. This has been proven to be false for certain domains with holes, but it was shown to hold for several classes of simply connected or convex planar domains. One of the most recent advances is the proof for all triangles given by Judge and Mondal (Annals of Math. 2020). The conjecture remains open in general for simply connected or at least convex domains. In this talk we provide a new approach to the conjecture. It is based on a non-standard variational principle for the eigenvalues of the Neumann and Dirichlet Laplacians. |
01/17/22 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Solution of the vibrational Schrödinger equation using neural networks [Masterarbeit] Jannik Eggers |
01/07/22 | 01:30 pm | zoom |
Behavior of Nonlinear Water Waves in the Presence of Random Wind Forcing Leo Dostal Specific solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, such as the Peregrine breather, are considered to be prototypes of extreme or freak waves in the oceans. An important question is whether these solutions also exist in the presence of gusty wind. Using the method of multiple scales, a nonlinear Schrödinger equation is obtained for the case of wind-forced weakly nonlinear deep water waves. Thereby, the wind forcing is modeled as a stochastic process. This leads to a stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which is calculated for different wind regimes. For the case of wind forcing which is either random in time or random in space, it is shown that breather-type solutions such as the Peregrine breather occur even in strong gusty wind conditions. |
01/06/22 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bachelorarbeit: Task-basierte Implementierung von Parareal mittels torcpy Florentine Meerjanssen, Institut für Mathematik |
12/17/21 | 01:30 pm | Zoom |
Low-Rank Updates for Schur Complement Preconditioners Rebekka Beddig Atmospheric dynamics can be described by the Boussinesq approximation which models bouyancy-driven fluid flows. Its simulation involves the repeated solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. This requires numerical solution methods for the dense Schur complement. In this talk, we will be concerned with Schur complement preconditioners. Furthermore, we will discuss a low-rank update for the Schur complement preconditioners. The update method is based on the error between the preconditioned Schur complement and the identity. It will be illustrated with some numerical results. |
12/10/21 | 01:30 pm | Zoom |
A Block Householder Based Algorithm for the QR Decomposition of Hierarchical Matrices Vincent Griem Hierarchical Matrices are dense but data-sparse matrices that use low-rank factorisations of suitable submatrices to allow for storage with linear-polylogarithmic complexity. Furthermore, efficient approximations of matrix operations like matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplication, matrix inversion and LU decomposition are available. There are several approaches for the computation of QR factorisations in the hierarchical matrix format, however, they suffer from numerical drawbacks that limit their use in many applications. In this talk, I will present a new approach based on block Householder transformations that improves upon some of those problems. To prevent unnecessary high ranks in the resulting factors and increase speed as well as accuracy the algorithm meticulously tracks for which intermediate results low-rank factorisations are available. |
11/30/21 | 05:15 pm | Online via Zoom |
Statistische Analyse von Fehlern in Schachpartien [Bachelorarbeit] Paul Roth |
11/29/21 | 03:00 pm | Online & E3.074 (talk via zoom) |
Local pressure-correction for flow problems Malte Braack, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel We present a novel local pressure correction method for incompressible fluid flows. Pressure correction methods |
11/22/21 | 03:00 pm | E3.074 & zoom (talk via zoom) |
A Hybrid Approach for Data-based Models Using a Least-squares Regression* Malin Lachmann An increased use of renewable energy could significantly contribute to decelerate climate change but cannot be realized easily since most renewable energy sources underlie volatile availability. Using of storage devices and scheduling consumers to times when energy is available can increase the amount of renewable energy that is used. For this purpose, adequate models that forecast the energy generation and consumption as well as the behavior of storage devices are essential. We present a computationally efficient modeling approach based on a least-squares problem that is extended by a hybrid model approach based on kmeans clustering and evaluate it on real-world data at the examples of modeling the state of charge of a battery storage and the temperature inside a milk cooling tank. The experiments indicate that the hybrid approach leads to better forecasting results, especially if the devices show a more complicated behavior. Furthermore, we investigate whether the behavior of the models is qualitatively realistic and find that the battery model fulfills this requirement and is thus suitable for the application in a smart energy management system. Even though forecasts for the hybrid milk cooling model have low error values, further steps need to be taken to avoid undesired effects when using this model in such a sophisticated system. |
11/19/21 | 01:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 + Zoom |
Shearlet-based Approach to Dynamic Computed Tomography Thorben Abel I will introduce myself and present the topic of my master thesis. |
11/11/21 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Informationen zweiter Ordnung im Training neuronaler Netze [Masterarbeit] Eva Lina Fesefeldt |
11/08/21 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 & Zoom |
How Stein met Malliavin in Paris and what happened next: non-linear approximation, limit theorems, chaos and the first four moments Simon Campese Back in 2009, both Stein's method - a probabilistic technique to derive quantitative limit theorems - and Malliavin calculus - a stochastic version of the calculus of variations - had already established themselves as standard tools in their respective domain, even though both were discovered quite recently in 1972 and 1978, respectively. Then they started an innocent liaison in Paris which quickly developed into a very strong bond (despite numerous affairs), leading to fame and success both in- and outside the probabilistic community. This bond is today known as the Malliavin-Stein approach. |
11/08/21 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Physics-informed neural networks for reconstructing flow velocity fields [Bachelorarbeit] Michel Krispin |
11/05/21 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 + Zoom |
Coupling Methods in Probability Theory Hermann Thorisson, Department of Mathematics, University of Iceland Coupling means the joint construction of two or more random variables, processes, or any random objects. The aim of the construction could be to deduce properties of the individual objects, or to gain insight into distributional relations between them, or to simulate a particular object. It has been called The Probabilistic Method since it is not based on methods from other fields of mathematics. |
11/01/21 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Approximating Evolution Equations with Random Coefficients Katharina Klioba Solving evolution equations with random coefficients numerically requires discretizing in space, time and of random parameters. As numerical methods for all three discretisations are well-known, it is natural to ask under which conditions they can be combined. In this talk, we discuss this question with a special emphasis on preservation of strong convergence rates. |
10/25/21 | 03:00 pm | Room 3.074 & Zoom (same link as coffee chat) |
A Parareal Algorithm for Shallow Water Equations Judith Angel The trend towards massively parallel high-performance computers requires the development of parallel algorithms to employ their computational power. |
10/21/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom (see below for link) |
The quest for the cortical algorithm* Dr. Helmut Linde, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany How will the next generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) look like? Comparing today's AI algorithms with biological intelligence, one of the most remarkable differences is the ability of the human brain to somehow understand the 'essence' of things: A small child can easily identify any type of object after having seen only a few examples or recognize a song even when played on different instruments or in a different key. In other words: Brains are able to create abstract concepts of real-world entities - and today's algorithms are not. |
10/21/21 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and Zoom |
Non-autonomous Desch-Schappacher perturbations Christian Budde, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa For many processes in sciences, the coefficients of the partial differential equation describing a dynamical system as well as the boundary conditions of it may vary with time. In such cases one speaks of non-autonomous (or time-varying) evolution equations. From an operator theoretical point of view one considers families of Banach space operators which depend on the time parameter and studies the associated non-autonomous abstract Cauchy problem. We consider time-dependent Desch-Schappacher perturbations of non-autonomous abstract Cauchy problems and apply our result to non-autonomous uniformly strongly elliptic differential operators on Lp -spaces. This is joint work with Christian Seifert (TUHH). |
10/18/21 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 & Zoom |
Methods in Quantum Optimal Transport Dennis Schmeckpeper I will introduce myself and present the topic of my master thesis. |
09/30/21 | 04:00 pm | TUHH, Building D, 1.021 and Zoom |
Maker-Breaker Spiele über mehrere Runden [Bachelorarbeit TM] Juri Barkey |
09/30/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Varianten von Toucher-Isolator Spielen auf Graphen [Bachelorarbeit TM] Leon Speidel |
09/30/21 | 02:00 pm | Zoom |
Über die Erdös-Hajnal-Vermutung [Bachelorarbeit TM] Luis Fernando Fernandez Salvador |
09/30/21 | 11:00 am | Online |
Trainierbare Aktivierungsfunktionen in neuronalen Netzen [Projektarbeit] Firaz Khokhar |
09/24/21 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 and via Zoom |
Boundedness and Compactness of Toeplitz+Hankel Operators Raffael Hagger, University of Reading / Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Suppose that $A$ is a bounded linear operator on the Hardy space $H^p$ that satisfies |
09/21/21 | 11:00 am | Zoom (Zugangsdaten im Einladungstext) |
New Combinatorial Proofs for Enumeration Problems and Random Anchored Structures Alexander Haupt Hallo liebe Institutsmitarbeiter*innen, |
09/21/21 | 10:00 am | Zoom (URL kommt per Email) |
Der Quarter-Laplace als schneller Filter zur kantenerhaltenden Glättung in Bildern Leif Jensen, [Bachelorarbeit TM] |
08/19/21 | 02:00 pm | Zoom |
Preferential Placement - ein neuer Ansatz für zufällige Graphen (Bachelorarbeit) Nils Koch |
08/16/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Anwendungsbezogene automatisierte Optimierung von Parametern einer digitalen Industriekamera [Masterarbeit] Jonas Eckhoff |
08/16/21 | 02:00 pm | Zoom |
Bilaterale Filter [Masterarbeit] Thanh Hung Le |
07/26/21 | 01:00 pm | Zoom |
Gesichterkennung und Tensorenfaktorisierung (Bachelorarbeit) Moritz Pirk |
07/23/21 | 11:00 am | Zoom & Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Modifizierte Block-Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalisierung (Bachelorarbeit) Finn Heck |
07/20/21 | 10:00 am | Zoom |
Numerical Methods for the Rotating Shallow Water Equations with Bathymetry (Bachelor Arbeit) Joshua Lampert |
07/12/21 | 03:00 pm | zoom |
L^{p}-extrapolation of non-local operators Patrick Tolksdorf, Institut für Mathematik an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz In this talk, we discuss non-local operators like elliptic integrodifferential operators of fractional type |
07/05/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom (same as Coffee Chat) |
Integral input-to-state stability of unbounded bilinear control systems René Hosfeld We study integral input-to-state stability of bilinear systems with |
06/28/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Some peculiar (and not very well known) aspects of Gauss quadrature rules* Thibaut Lunet, Université de Genève Gauss quadrature rules are nowadays not only a powerful tool to compute integrals in many scientific applications, but also a numerical method that most people in the scientific community at least heard of at some point in there life. |
06/21/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Can Spectral Deferred Correction methods improve Numerical Weather Prediction? Joscha Fregin Atmospheric motion covers a broad range of time- and spatial scales. Low and high pressure systems can influence us for days or even weeks and they extend up to hundreds of kilometers. In contrast, sound waves pass by in seconds with wavelengths of centimeters to meters. Implicit-explicit (IMEX) time stepping methods can help to avoid drastic limitations on the time step induced by the variety of scales without requiring computationally expensive fully nonlinear implicit solves. I will introduce Spectral Deferred Correction (SDC) methods as a strong competitor to currently used schemes. They allow an easy construction of high order schemes in contrast to e.g IMEX Runge-Kutta methods which require a growing number of coupling conditions with increasing order. |
06/14/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom (Same as Coffee Chat) |
(A)periodic Schrödinger Operators Riko Ukena Discrete Schrödinger operators are used to describe systems in theoretical solid-state physics. |
06/11/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom (same as Coffee Chat) |
On convergence rates of form-induced semigroup approximation Katharina Klioba Solving evolution equations numerically requires discretizing both in time and in space. However, these two problems can be treated seperately. A common approach to spatial discretization relies on solving the weak formulation on finite-dimensional subspaces. On a semigroup level, this corresponds to approximating a semigroup by semigroups on finite-dimensional subspaces. For practical applications, quantifying the convergence speed is essential. This can be achieved by the quantified version of the Trotter-Kato theorem presented in this talk. Rates of strong convergence are obtained on dense subspaces under a joint condition on properties of both the form and the approximating spaces. An outlook to evolution equations with random coefficients and their polynomial chaos approximation will be given as well as a generalization allowing to treat the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator. |
06/10/21 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Algorithmische Ansätze für kürzeste Wege mit wenigen Farbwechseln im Hyperwürfel (Bachelorarbeit) Tim Meyer Zoom Link folgt. |
05/31/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom(Same as Coffee Chat) |
Preconditioning of saddle point problems Jonas Grams In many problems, like the discretized Stokes or Navier-Stokes equation, linear systems of saddle point type arise. Since the condition number for such problems can grow unbounded, as the number of unknowns grows, good preconditioners are key for solving such problems fast. |
05/26/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Coupling Conditions for the BGK Equation and Associated Macroscopic Equations on Networks. Ikrom Akramov In this talk, we examine linearized kinetic BGK equation in 1D velocity dimension. It is closely related to the Maxwell-Boltzmann equation for gas dynamics. The equation that we are interested is obtained by linearization of the equation around Maxwellian. We discuss the kinetic and macroscopic equations and the boundary and coupling conditions for this equation. |
05/17/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom: |
Image reconstruction from scattered Radon data by weighted kernel functions Kristof Albrecht Positive definite kernel functions are powerful tools, which can be used to solve a variety of mathematical problems. One possible application of kernel-based methods is the reconstruction of images from scattered Radon data, which is described in [1]. More precisely, the authors introduced weighted kernel functions to solve the reconstruction problem via generalized interpolation. Although the reconstruction method was quite competitive in comparison to standard Fourier-based methods, a detailed discussion on well-posedness and stability was mainly missing. |
05/05/21 | 03:00 pm | BBB |
Training of YOLO with altered activation function [Bachelorarbeitsvortrag] Minh An Pham |
05/03/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Hypothesis tests in regression models with long-range dependence Matthias Lienau, Institute of Mathematics, Chair of Stochastics In my inaugural talk I would like to introduce myself and present the topic of my master thesis. To this end, I will first provide a brief introduction to empirical processes and long-range dependence. Afterwards, we consider the problem of testing the equality of two non-parametric regression functions. Finally, we provide a goodness of fit test for the error distribution. |
04/26/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Inertial Particles in a viscous fluid: The Maxey-Riley equation. Julio Urizarna The characterisation of the dynamics of a small inertial particle in a viscous fluid is a problem that dates to Stokes[1], back in 1851. Since his first attempt, many have tried and several formulas have been obtained for different types of flows, as well |
04/12/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Malliavin calculus and Malliavin-Stein method Vanessa Trapp In this talk, I would like to introduce myself and the topic of my master thesis "Malliavin calculus and Malliavin-Stein method". |
03/30/21 | 01:00 pm | BBB |
Banachs Hyperebenen-Problem (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Max Levermann |
03/16/21 | 04:00 pm | Online |
Einfluss von Batch-Normalisierung für verschiedene Aktivierungsfunktionen [Bachelorarbeitsvortrag] Moritz Seefeldt |
03/16/21 | 03:00 pm | Online |
Relation between Activation Function and Weight Initialization in Neural Networks [Bachelorarbeitsvortrag] Erich Doclaf |
03/15/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom meeting |
A semi-implicit meshfree/particle scheme for the shallow water equations* Dr. Adeleke Bankole, Institute of Mathematics, Hamburg University This presentation introduces the semi-implicit Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) |
02/25/21 | 09:00 am | BBB |
Mündliche Prüfung zur Dissertation: Fractional Powers of Linear Operators in Locally Convex Vector Spaces Jan Meichsner |
02/24/21 | 02:00 pm | Online |
Neuronale Netzwerke mit (approximativ) orthonormalen Gewichtsmatrizen [Bachelorarbeitsvortrag] Marco Zabel |
02/18/21 | 01:00 pm | Zoom |
Habilitationskolloquium: „Polynomial Chaos Expansion“ Christian Seifert Meeting-ID: 820 3979 6993 |
02/15/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom, Link per Mail |
Verified solution of ODEs by Taylor models implemented in MATLAB/INTLAB Dr Florian Bünger, Institute for Reliable Computing Solving differential equations rigorously is a main and vigorous topic in the |
02/11/21 | 03:00 pm | Online |
Domänentransfer von Gesichtsbildern aus Passdokumenten mit Generative Adversarial Networks [Projektarbeitsvortrag] Dominic Hinz |
01/25/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
The Korteweg-de Vries equation on graphs Christian Seifert |
01/12/21 | 09:00 am | Online (Zoom). Zugangsdaten in der Einladung. |
"New Algorithms for Block-Structured Integer Programming: Theory and Practice" (Bachelorarbeit) Vanessa Oetjen, E-10 / E-11 (Prof. Mnich) |
01/11/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Stabilization of Control Systems in Banach Spaces Dennis Gallaun |
01/04/21 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Something with ... wait for it ... networks and robots* Sonja Otten Production processes are usually investigated using models and methods from queueing theory (queue = line where people wait for goods or services). Control of warehouses and their optimization rely on models and methods from inventory theory. Both theories are fields of Operations Research, but they comprise quite different methodologies and techniques. In classical Operations Research these theories are considered as disjoint research areas. Today's emergence of complex supply chains (=production-inventory networks) calls for integrated production-inventory models, which are focus of my research. We have developed Markov process models for several production-inventory systems and derived the steady state distribution of the global system. For most of the production-inventory systems the obtained steady state is of product form. This enables us to analyse the long term average costs with the aim to find the optimal inventory size. |
12/07/20 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Vector-valued holomorphic functions in several variables Karsten Kruse |
11/30/20 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
r-cross t-intersecting families via necessary intersection points Yannick Mogge |
11/23/20 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
About myself, my master thesis and current/future research Judith Angel An overview about the master thesis will be given, treating numerical methods for solving a PDE-constrained optimization problem. Afterwards, an outlook on advanced numerical methods for PDEs and modelling of tsunamis will be presented. |
11/16/20 | 04:15 pm | Online (Zoom Link folgt) |
"Geodesics with few colour changes in the hypercube" (Bachelorarbeit) Branko Schaub |
11/16/20 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
From Stein's Method to Stochastic Geometry Matthias Schulte Stein's method is a powerful technique to establish convergence in distribution of a sequence of random variables to a standard Gaussian random variable. After an introduction to this approach, its application to several problems from stochastic geometry is discussed. |
10/13/20 | 04:00 pm | Zoom |
Overview on Axon and Myelin Segmentation of Microscopy Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks [Forschungsprojektarbeit] Ruhullah Najafi |
09/23/20 | 10:00 am | Zoom |
Verbesserung eines Segmentieralgorithmus für flache Fingerabdrücke auf Basis einer vergleichenden Analyse [Bachelorarbeit] Thomas Plotz |
09/11/20 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 / Online-Stream |
Rationale Aktivierungsfunktionen in neuronalen Netzen (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Fabian Bahr |
09/10/20 | 03:30 pm | (Zoom Link wird am 09.09. per E-Mail angekündigt) |
Bildsegmentierung durch Deep Learning mit U-Net und dem Mumford-Shah-Funktional [Bachelorarbeit] Jannik Jacobsen |
08/26/20 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074/75 |
Fast Strategies for Waiter-Client and Client-Waiter Games [Bachelorarbeit] Sophie Externbrink, E-10 |
08/24/20 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 / Online-Stream |
Neuronale Netze basierend auf Radiale-Basis-Funktionen (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Marcel Franz |
08/10/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
On the Axioms of Quantum Mechanics Dennis Schmeckpeper This will be an introductory talk on how the fundamental assumptions of quantum mechanics are modeled and how this relies on the spectral theory of unbounded self-adjoint operators on separable Hilbert spaces. |
08/03/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
$\mathcal{H}_2 \otimes \mathcal{L}_\infty$-Optimal Model Order Reduction Rebekka Beddig I will introduce myself and present the topic of my master thesis. |
07/27/20 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
Time-parallel flow estimation Sebastian Götschel Deformable image registration is a key technology in medical imaging; there the goal is to compute a meaningful spatial correspondence between two or more images of the same scene. One approach is to use an optimal control formulation to compute a stationary velocity field that parameterize the deformation map. The same methods can be used to estimate the motion of contrast agents from 3d ultrasound images. |
07/23/20 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
PDE-Constrained Optimization of Parabolic Problems [Masterarbeit] Judith Angel |
07/21/20 | 04:00 pm | Zoom Vortrag (Zoom Link wird am 21.07. per E-Mail angekündigt) |
Geometric Deep Learning in Medical Image Segmentation and Comparisons with UNET (Masterarbeit) Björn Przybyla |
07/20/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
Noncommutative geometry, K-theory and other interesting stuff Julian Großmann An overview talk about interesting topics in mathematical physics I used over the last years. It should be accessible for a broader audience. |
07/13/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
Evolution Equations Christian Seifert This will be an overview talk on Evolution Equations (and a bit on Evolutionary Equations). |
07/06/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
Uniqueness of solutions to the Caffarelli-Silvestre Problem Jan Meichsner We consider the Caffarelli-Silvestre problem in a Banach space $X$ which is finding a solution $u$ to the problem |
06/29/20 | 03:00 pm | Zoom |
A new approach to the QR decomposition of hierarchical matrices Vincent Griem All existing QR decompositions for hierarchical matrices suffer from numerical drawbacks that limit their use in many applications. In this talk, I will present a new method based on the recursive WY-based QR decomposition by Elmroth and Gustavson. It is an extension of an already existing method for a subclass of hierarchical methods developed by Kressner and Susnjara. |
06/22/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
Analysis of the discretization error in the RBF-FD method Willi Leinen Partial differential equations can be solved numerically by the radial basis function-generated finite difference (RBF-FD) method, which can be viewed as a generalization of the finite difference method to unstructured point sets. |
06/15/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
Approximate null-controllability of heat-like equations in $L_1(\mathbb{R}^d)$ Dennis Gallaun |
05/25/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
On periodic Finite Sections Riko Ukena, E-10 I will introduce myself and talk about my master thesis. |
05/18/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
Many-Body Localization: A Spectral Theoretic Investigation of Spin Chains Katharina Klioba, E-10 Since most of you couldn't attend my master thesis defense due to the university closure, I would like to use this talk to present you some results of my master thesis "Many-body localization: A spectral theoretic investigation of spin chains". Spin chains are a class of quantum-mechanical models well-suited to study many-body localization (MBL) phenomena due to their one-dimensional structure. After a brief introduction to one-particle (Anderson) localization and spectral properties of infinite-dimensional operators, we will see possible definitions and manifestations of MBL. The proofs of MBL for two specific spin chains will be sketched, illustrating how one-particle and many-body techniques can be combined. Furthermore, I would like to use this talk to properly present myself in case you wondered who that person in the guest office was. |
05/11/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
$\mathcal{H}$-Matrix Approximation of Finite Element Problems Jonas Grams Since I am new to the institute, I want to use this talk to introduce myself to you, and talk a little bit about my master thesis. |
05/06/20 | 10:00 am | Online |
Development of Solid-State LIDAR Configuration Tool and Optimization of SPAD Detection Performance [Master thesis] Puja Dutta, student of Microelectronics and Microsystems Engineering supervision by Prof. Ernst Brinkmeyer (retired 2013, hence not hosted by him) |
05/05/20 | 10:00 am | Videokonferenz |
Numerical Treatment of Hyperbolic Equations [Bachelorarbeit] Triani Nur Zahra |
05/04/20 | 03:30 pm | Online |
On the observability of non-autonomous systems Fabian Gabel |
04/27/20 | 03:30 pm | Online |
Lattice Index of Coupled Cell Networks Haibo Ruan For a regular coupled cell network, we define an index of integer tuples for its associated lattice of synchrony subspaces, and use this index for identifying equivalent synchrony subspaces to be merged to each other. Based on this equivalence, the initial lattice of synchrony subspaces can be reduced to a lattice of synchrony subspaces which corresponds to a simple eigenvalue case discussed in previous work. The result is a reduced lattice of synchrony subspaces, which affords a well-defined non-negative integer index that can be used for bifurcation analysis in regular coupled cell networks. |
04/22/20 | 11:00 am | per Videokonferenz |
Error analysis of radial basis functions finite difference discretization (Bachelorarbeit) Paul Jürß |
04/20/20 | 03:30 pm | Online |
SISDC for NWP, geometric constraints in Rossby wave interactions and a little about me Joscha Fregin After only two weeks of being able to get to know you in person, I will use this talk to introduce myself and talk about present and past work. My presentation will be divided into three parts. After shortly introducing myself (1), I'll cover the following topics related to my masters thesis (2) and my PhD research (3). |
04/16/20 | 11:00 am | Video-Online |
Multiscale Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks - Implementations and Applications (Projekarbeit) Ernst Nathanael Winter |
04/07/20 | 10:00 am | per Videokonferenz (Zugangsdaten kommen per Email) |
Graphen- und spektraltheoretische Interpretation des Bilateralen Filters [Bachelorarbeit TM] Lars Stietz |
04/06/20 | 03:30 pm | Zoom |
Introduction to different functional calculi with applications Jan Meichsner, TUHH, Institut für Mathematik, Lehrstuhl für angewandte Analysis, TUHH, Institut für Mathematik (E-10), Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Gebäude E, 21073 Hamburg The presentations aims to give a rather short non-technical introduction in the general concept of a functional calculus including several examples and applications. |
03/24/20 | 02:00 pm | per Videokonferenz |
Verbesserung der Ansteuerung von Time-of-Flight Tiefenbildsensoren [Bachelorarbeit TM, Kooperation mit der Basler AG] Johannes Bostelmann |
03/24/20 | 11:00 am | per Videokonferenz |
Über periodisierte "finite sections" [Masterarbeit TM] Riko Ukena |
03/18/20 | 01:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Many-Body Localization: A Spectral Theoretic Investigation of Spin Chains [Masterarbeit] Katharina Klioba |
02/28/20 | 10:00 am | TUHH, M 0.571 |
Entwicklung, Modellierung und Simulation eines neuartigen, kostengunstigen und zuverlässigen Wellenenergiewandlers [Bachelorarbeit TM, gemeinsam mit Institut M-13] Leonard Paul Schulz |
02/27/20 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
A short presentation about myself Don Julio Urizarna Carasa Quite often, we wonder about the people around us but we are too shy to actually ask. On Thursday 27.02.2020, the Institute für Mathematik has organised a presentation about the one that is – up to the current date and not for very long – its latest “outstanding” acquisition. |
02/20/20 | 01:15 pm | Room H - SBC5 - H0.03 |
Novel Space-Time Finite Element Discretizations* Prof. Dr. Marek Behr, Chair for Computational Analysis of Technical Systems (CATS), RWTH Aachen University Moving-boundary flow simulations are an important design and analysis tool in many areas, including civil and biomedical engineering, as well as production engineering. Interface-capturing offers flexibility for complex free-surface motion, while interface-tracking is very attractive due to its mass conservation properties at low resolution. We focus on these alternatives in the context of flow simulations based on stabilized finite element discretizations of Navier-Stokes equations, including space-time formulations that allow extra flexibility concerning grid design at the interface. |
02/19/20 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Comparison of Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction Techniques (Bachelorarbeit) Lior Polak |
02/11/20 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 5 (H), Room H0.02 |
Solving nonlinear non-autonomous equations Hendrik Vogt, Fachbereich 3 - Mathematik, Universität Bremen, Postfach 330 440, Bibliothekstraße 5, 28359 Bremen We show the existence of solutions of nonlinear non-autonomous Cauchy problems |
02/10/20 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Das Verhalten von IDR-Verfahren unter Einfluss von Rundungsfehlern (Bachelorarbeit) Henning Schwarz |
01/30/20 | 02:00 pm | Room H - SBC5 - H0.04 |
Fractional derivatives and integrals as application of different functional calculi Jan Meichsner, Institut für Mathematik (E-10), Lehrstuhl Angewandte Analysis The question of possible generalisations of the operation of differentiation towards fractional powers can be traced back to a letter from L'Hospital to Leibniz in 1695 ([1]). |
01/23/20 | 02:45 pm | Eißendorfer Straße 40 (N), Room 0007 |
Einblicke in die Modellierung des Materialverhaltens von Elastomerwerkstoffen Nils Hendrik Kröger, Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V., Hannover, Eupener Straße 33, 30519 Hannover, Deutschland Im Maschinen- und Automobilbau werden für mechanisch extrem beanspruchte, temperatur- und chemikalienbeständige Bauteile Elastomerwerkstoffe benötigt. Typische Beispiele sind Reifen, Zahn- und Keilriemen, Motor- und Aggregatelager, Luftfedern und Fahrwerkbuchsen sowie statisch und dynamisch beanspruchte Dichtungen. Die Anforderungen bezüglich Zuverlässigkeit und Leistungsdichte sind speziell in Verbindung mit den hochsensiblen, sicherheitsrelevanten Funktionen der Bauteile besonders hoch. |
01/16/20 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Greedy methods in kernel based approximation Kristof Albrecht Positive Kernels provide methods to solve multivariate interpolation problems, but standard kernel methods usually lead to ill-conditioned linear systems. Therefore, a suitable choice of interpolation centers and basis functions reqiures particular care. |
01/09/20 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
A tractable approach for 1-bit compressed sensing on manifolds Sara Krause-Solberg, Institut für Mathematik (E-10), Lehrstuhl Angewandte Analysis Compressed Sensing deals with reconstructing some unknown vector from few linear measurements in high dimension by additionally assuming sparsity, i.e. many entries are zero. Recent results guaranteed recovery even when just signs of the measurements are available (one-bit CS). A natural generalization of classical CS replaces sparse vectors by vectors lying on manifolds having low intrinsic dimension. In this talk I introduce the one-bit problem and proposes a tractable strategy to solve one-bit CS problems for data lying on manifolds. This is based on joint work with Johannes Maly and Mark Iwen. |
12/19/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Parallel-in-Time PDE-constrained Optimization* Dr. Sebastian Götschel, Zuse Institut Berlin (ZIB) Large-scale optimization problems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) occur in a multitude of applications, for example in inverse problems for non-destructive testing of materials and structures, or in individualized medicine. Algorithms for the numerical solution of such PDE-constrained optimization problems are computationally extremely demanding, as they require multiple PDE solves during the iterative optimization process. This is especially challenging for transient problems, where methods working on the reduced objective functional are often employed to avoid a full spatio-temporal discretization of the associated optimality system. The evaluation of the reduced gradient then requires one solve of the state equation forward in time, and one backward-in-time solve of the adjoint equation. In order to tackle real-life applications, it is not only essential to devise efficient discretization schemes, but also to use advanced techniques to exploit computer architectures and decrease the time-to-solution, which otherwise is prohibitively long. |
12/16/19 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Präkonditionierer für lineare Systeme aus RBF-FD diskretisierten partiellen Differentialgleichungen (Bachelorarbeit) Henrik Wyschka |
12/12/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Molecular-Continuum Flow Simulation with MaMiCo: Where HPC and Data Analytics Meet Prof. Dr. Philipp Neumann, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Molecular-continuum methods, as referred to in my talk, employ a domain decomposition and compute fluid flow either by means of molecular dynamics (MD) or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the sub-domains. This enables multiscale investigations of nano- and microflows beyond the limits of validity of classical CFD. |
12/05/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
A new approach to the QR decomposition of hierarchical matrices Vincent Griem All existing QR decompositions for hierarchical matrices suffer from numerical drawbacks that limit their use in many applications. In this talk, I will present a new method based on the recursive WY-based QR decomposition by Elmroth and Gustavson. It is an extension of an already existing method for a subclass of hierarchical methods developed by Kressner and Susnjara. |
11/26/19 | 05:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 5 (H), Room H0.10 |
Two-scale convergence for evolutionary equations Marcus Moppi Waurick, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Livingstone Tower, 26 Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1XH, Scotland, Room number: LT1007 In the talk, we shall develop a general framework for the treatment of both deterministic and stochastic homogenisation problems for evolutionary equations. The versatility of the methods allow the unified treatment of static, dynamic as well as mixed type problems. |
11/21/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Parallel-in-time integration with PFASST: from prototyping to applications Robert Speck, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße, 52428 Jülich The efficient use of modern supercomputers has become one of the key challenges in computational science. New mathematical concepts are needed to fully exploit massively parallel architectures. For the numerical solution of time-dependent processes, time-parallel methods have opened new ways to overcome scaling limits. With the "parallel full approximation scheme in space and time" (PFASST), multiple time-steps can be integrated simultaneously. Based on spectral deferred corrections (SDC) methods and nonlinear multigrid ideas, PFASST uses a space-time hierarchy with various coarsening strategies to maximize parallel efficiency. In numerous studies, this approach has been used on up to 448K cores and coupled to space-parallel solvers with finite differences, spectral methods or even articles for discretization in space. Yet, since the integration of SDC or PFASST into an existing application code is not straightforward and the potential gain is typically uncertain, we will present in this talk our Python prototyping framework pySDC. It allows to rapidly test new ideas and to implement first toy problems more easily. We will also discuss the transition from pySDC to application-specific implementations and show recent use cases. |
11/18/19 | 02:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Das verbesserte Produkt Hierarchischer Matrizen durch Verwendung von erweiterten Summen-Ausdrücken (Masterarbeit) Max Gandyra |
11/14/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Where are my ions? A new algorithms to track fast ions in the magnetic field of a fusion reactor Daniel Ruprecht, TUHH, Institut für Mathematik, Lehrstuhl für Computational Mathematics, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Gebäude E, 21073 Hamburg The plasma in a fusion reactor is heated by neutral beam injection: injecting high energy neutrons which quickly ionize and swirl around in the reactor's magnetic fiel. Modelling this process requires solving the Lorentz equations numerically over long times (up to a second) with very small time steps (order of nanoseconds), which means very many time steps and thus long simulation times (from days up to a week). The talk will introduce GMRES-Boris-SDC (GBSDC), a new time stepping algorithm that can reduce computational cost compared to the currently used Boris method. The method is a potpourri of various numerical techniques, including the GMRES linear solver, spectral deferred corrections, the velocity Verlet scheme and the Boris trick. I will describe the algorithm and show examples of its performance for benchmarks with varying degree of realism. |
11/12/19 | 03:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Project presentations of Canadian interns Josiah Vandewetering and Braeden Syrnyk During their work-term at TUHH the two Canadian students worked on projects relating to current research in the institute. |
11/05/19 | 04:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.091 |
Kempe Chains and Rooted Minors Samuel Mohr, Technische Universität Ilmenau |
10/24/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Observability Estimates in Banach Spaces and Applications Dennis Gallaun In this talk we study sufficient conditions for obserability of systems in Banach spaces. In an abstract Banach space setting we show that an uncertainty relation together with a dissipation estimate implies an observability estimate with explicit dependence on the model parameters. Our approach unifies and generalizes the respective advantages from earlier results obtained in the context of Hilbert spaces. As an application we consider elliptic operators on Lp spaces. Combined with the well-known relation between observability and controllability we derive sufficient conditions for null-controllability and bounds on the control cost. |
10/17/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Extension of vector-valued functions and weak-strong principles Karsten Kruse We give a unified approach to handle the problem of extending functions with values in a locally convex Hausdorff space $E$ over the field $\mathbb{K}=\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$, which have weak extensions in a space $\mathcal{F}(\Omega,\mathbb{K})$ of scalar-valued functions on a set $\Omega$, to functions in a vector-valued counterpart $\mathcal{F}(\Omega,E)$ of $\mathcal{F}(\Omega,\mathbb{K})$. The main tool is the representation of vector-valued functions as linear continuous operators. |
09/25/19 | 10:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Stabilität gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen (Bachelorarbeit) Patrizia Hermann |
09/23/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Erkennung und Vorhersage von Meinungsbildern anhand neuronaler Netze (Bachelorarbeit) Nesrine Zarrouki |
09/09/19 | 03:00 pm | Room H0.03 |
Application of Hierarchical Matrices to Scattered Data Interpolation [Promotionsvortrag] Michael Wende |
08/30/19 | 03:00 pm | Room H 0.07 |
Inexact Iterative Projection Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Nicolai Rehbein |
08/15/19 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bildbasierte Verarbeitung von Pulverbett- und Schmelzbadaufnahmen der additiven Fertigung von Ti-6Al-4V [Masterarbeit] Julia Schawaller, Studiengang TM, jetzt Airbus |
07/11/19 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Factorization and Symmetrization of stabilized Gaussian RBFs* Sabine Le Borne, Technische Universität Hamburg, Institut für Mathematik, Lehrstuhl Numerische Mathematik, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Gebäude E, 21073 Hamburg |
07/09/19 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Segmentierung von Fischröntgenbildern mittels Machine Learning [Masterarbeit] Stefan Dübel |
07/04/19 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Analysis of the discretization error in the RBF-FD method Willi Leinen |
06/27/19 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Inexakte iterative Projektionsverfahren für lineare und nichtlineare Eigenwertprobleme Nicolai Rehbein, Institut für Mathematik, TUHH Ich präsentiere einen allgemeinen Ansatz für das Jacobi-Davidson-Verfahren basierend auf einem beliebigen iterativen Verfahren zum Lösen eines linearen oder nichtlinearen Eigenwertproblems. Die Auswirkung eines inexakten Lösens der Korrekturgleichung wird betrachtet und hieraus kann lineare Konvergenz für drei Fälle von verschiedene Vorbedingungen bewiesen werden. |
06/21/19 | 01:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (D), Room D1.021 |
Recent Applications of Deep Learning, Wavelet Theory and Persistent Homology Mijail Guillemard We give an overview or recent developments on Deep Learning, its relations to wavelet |
06/06/19 | 04:00 pm | D1.021 |
On differential-algebraic equations in infinite dimensions Sascha Trostorff, CAU Kiel, Arbeitsbereich Analysis, Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 4, 24098 Kiel We consider differential-algebraic equations on (possibly) infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces, that is, we consider equations of the form |
05/24/19 | 01:45 pm | D1.021 |
Schneiden, Kleben, Glattbügeln - Spektraltheorie für Heimwerker Marko Lindner, TUHH, Institut fuer Mathematik, Lehrstuhl fuer angewandte Analysis Es geht um eine Fortführung des Vortrages von Anfang Februar: |
05/21/19 | 05:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.091 |
A coset enumeration approach to CSP refutation (Masterarbeit) Joshua Stock |
05/17/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Radiale Basisfunktionen – ein Crashkurs Jens-Peter M. Zemke, Institut für Mathematik, Lehrstuhl für numerische Mathematik Radiale Basisfunktionen (RBF) dienen der Interpolation und Approximation mehrdimensionaler verteilter Daten. In diesem Vortrag werden RBF motiviert, die positive Definitheit und damit eindeutige Lösbarkeit der Interpolationsaufgabe einiger RBF hergeleitet, sowie Erweiterungen, wie bedingt definite RBF und flache RBF, vorgestellt. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf den Beweistechniken und den Ideen hinter RBF. |
05/10/19 | 01:45 pm | D1.021 |
A Model for the Description of Fluid Flow Fabian Gabel Based on 6 + 2 assumptions, we will derive a model (a system of PDEs) with the purpose to describe the movement of a fluid. Ideally, at the end of the talk, we will have arrived at the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. |
05/03/19 | 01:45 pm | H0.09 |
Mathematical basics of general relativity II Jan Meichsner, TUHH, Institut fuer Mathematik, Lehrstuhl fuer angewandte Analysis Part II of the presentation on general relativity. In this part we will talk about the basic equations and how physical quantities are described in terms of mathematical objects. |
04/26/19 | 01:45 pm | H0.07 |
Mathematical basics of general relativity I Jan Meichsner, TUHH, Institut fuer Mathematik, Lehrstuhl fuer angewandte Analysis I am not an expert on the field but during my studies I spent some time on understanding the mathematical basics of the general theory of relativity. I would present them in two parts. In the first part on the 26th of April I would concentrate on basics of differential geometry which are needed to describe the mathematics of the theory. In a second part on the 3rd of May I would explain how the before introduced structures are used to create a mathematical model of general relativity. |
04/25/19 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Kernschätzung bei Aggregationsproblemen mit radialen Basisfunktionen (Masterarbeit, TM) Torben Jentzsch |
04/24/19 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
A Riesz Decomposition Theorem for Schrödinger Operators on Graphs Florian Fischer, Universität Potsdam, Institut für Mathematik In the classical potential theory on the Euclidean space and in the potential theory of transient Markov chains a unique decomposition of superharmonic functions into a harmonic and a potential part is well-known. In this talk the basic concepts and ideas to gain such a decomposition for Schrödinger operators on graphs will be shown. The talk will show results of my master's thesis supervised by Matthias Keller. |
04/12/19 | 01:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Monotonie von Spektren für metrische Graphen Christian Seifert Wie verändert sich das Spektrum des Laplace-Operators (oder allgemeiner von Schrödinger-Operatoren) auf metrischen Graphen unter Variation der Graphenparameter? Einige Antworten auf die Frage gibt es im Vortrag. |
03/26/19 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Morphologische Operationen in der Bildverarbeitung [Bachelorarbeit] Jasper Reese, TM-Student |
03/22/19 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Solitonen der KdV-Gleichung in Netzwerken [Bachelorarbeit] Mitja Roeder |
03/22/19 | 09:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Neuronale Netze und die Aktivierung von Neuronen [Bachelorarbeit] Cornelia Hofsäß |
02/28/19 | 03:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Bicentric Polygons Yannick Mogge I will give a short summary of my master thesis as well as a quick introduction of myself. |
02/07/19 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Accessibility Assistance for the Interactive Navigation of Texts [Masterarbeit] Imad Hamoumi |
02/06/19 | 01:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Endliche Ausschnitte und Resolventen Marko Lindner Was wird aus (Pseudo-)Eigenwerten und -vektoren beim Abschneiden einer unendlichen Matrix? (Sie bleiben welche.) |
01/28/19 | 01:15 pm | H0.08 |
Extrapolation spaces and Desch-Schappacher perturbations of bi-continuous semigroups* Christian Budde, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Arbeitsgruppe Funktionalanalysis We construct extrapolation spaces for non-densely defined (weak) Hille--Yosida operators. In particular, we discuss extrapolation of bi-continuous semigroups. As an application we present a Desch--Schappacher type perturbation result for this kind of semigroups. This talk is based on joint work with B. Farkas. |
01/24/19 | 01:30 pm | D1.024 |
On eventual regularity properties of operator valued functions* Marco Peruzzetto, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Arbeitsbereich Analysis For two Banach spaces $X,Y$ let $u:\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\rightarrow \mathcal{L}(X;Y)$ be an operator valued function and $\mathtt{P}$ a regularity property. Assume that each orbit $t\mapsto u(t)x$ has the regularity property $\mathtt{P}$ on some interval $(t_x,\infty)$ in general depending on $x\in X$. In this paper we prove a Baire-type theorem, which allows to remove the dependency of $x$ in certain situations. Afterwards, we provide some applications which are of interest in semigroup theory. In particular, we generalize and explain the result obtained by Bárta in his article ``\emph{Two notes on eventually differentiable families of operators}'' (Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 51,1 (2010), 19-24). |
01/17/19 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
RBF Approximation with hierarchical matrices Vincent Griem In this presentation we will talk about the application of hierarchical matrices to solve the least squares problem arising in the RBF Approximation of scattered data. |
12/18/18 | 03:00 pm | H0.05 |
Predicting Stock Prices Based on Press Release Sentiment: A Comparison of Naïve Bayes Classifiers and Support Vector Machines [Masterarbeitsvortrag] Max Lübbering |
12/18/18 | 11:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Knochendetektion in Röntgenbildern mittels Deep Learning [Forschungsprojektarbeit] Stefan Dübel |
12/13/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Solving PDEs by the RBF-FD approach Willi Leinen I will present an introduction of the RBF-FD method and properties of the arising linear systems. |
12/06/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Challenges for drift-diffusion simulations of semiconductors: A comparative study of different discretization philosophies Dirk Peschka, Weierstraß-Institut, Berlin In this talk we present results of a comparative study, where we analyze and benchmark the error and the convergence order of finite difference, finite-element as well as Voronoi finite-volume discretization schemes for the drift-diffusion equations describing charge transport in bulk semiconductor devices, i.e., the van Roosbroeck system. |
12/06/18 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Hot spots of quantum graphs Jonathan Rohleder, Matematiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet The Hot Spots Conjecture of J. Rauch asserts that the hottest and coldest points of an insulated body should move towards its boundary for large times, if the insulation is perfect. Via the semigroup associated with the Neumann Laplacian this reduces to proving that maximum and minimum of the eigenfunction(s) associated with the smallest positive eigenvalue are located on the boundary. This conjecture is not true in full generality but is currently open, for example, for convex domains. |
11/29/18 | 02:00 pm | D1.024 |
Approximation techniques for passive mechanical control systems* Ines Dorschky, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Hamburg In this talk we study approximation techniques for input-output systems, which appear in the modeling process of mechanical systems. So, the focus will be on linear dynamical systems with a second derivative term. |
11/27/18 | 04:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Fast winning strategies in biased Maker{Breaker graph games Mirjana Mikalacki, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Informatics Abstract |
11/22/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Chernoff approximation of operator semigroups Yana Kinderknecht, Universität des Saarlandes, Fb. Mathematik In this talk we outline classical connections between such mathematical objects as operator semigroups, evolution equations and Markov processes. Further, we present a method to approximate operator semigroups with the help of the Chernoff theorem. Many \emph{Chernoff approximations} lead to representations of solutions of (corresponding) evolution equations in the form of limits of $n$-fold iterated integrals of elementary functions when $n$ tends to infinity. Such representations are called \emph{Feynman formulae}. They can be used for direct computations, modelling of the related dynamics, simulation of underlying stochastic processes. |
11/21/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Domino towers (Including: How to count stuff using generating functions) Alexander Haupt The original problem of counting domino towers was first studied by G. Viennot in 1985, see also D. Zeilberger (The Amazing 3^n Theorem). We analyse a generalisation of domino towers that was proposed by T. M. Brown (J. Integer Seq. 20.3 (2017), Art. 17.3.1), which we call S-omino towers. After establishing an equation that the generating function must satisfy and applying the Lagrange Inversion Formula, we find a closed formula for the number of towers. |
11/15/18 | 02:00 pm | D1.024 |
Observability for Systems in Banach spaces - Part II* Christian Seifert This talk is divided into two parts. The first part will be given on Thursday 08.11.18 by Dennis Gallaun. |
11/08/18 | 01:30 pm | D1.024 |
Observability for Systems in Banach spaces - Part I* Dennis Gallaun This talk is divided into two parts. The second part will be given on Thursday 15.11.18 by Christian Seifert. |
11/02/18 | 11:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Analyzing MRI Data using Geometric Deep Learning (Bachelor Thesis) Daniel Klisch |
11/01/18 | 02:15 pm |
On a Numerical Solution Algorithm for the Navier-Stokes Equations and the Stokes Resolvent Problem in L^p Fabian Gabel My talk will consist of three short, independent parts, the first one being a quick introduction of myself. In the second and the third part, I will give an ''easy-to-digest'' survey of my graduate theses [1,2]. |
10/18/18 | 01:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Series representations in spaces of vector-valued functions* Karsten Kruse It is a classical result that every $\mathbb{C}$-valued holomorphic function has a local power series representation. |
10/11/18 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Konstruktion aufspannender Strukturen in Walker-Breaker-Spielen Jonas Eckhoff BA-Vortrag |
10/11/18 | 02:00 pm | D1.024 |
Existence and Uniqueness of the Harmonic Extension Approach to Fractional Powers of Linear Operators* Jan Meichsner, Institut fuer Mathematik, Lehrstuhl angewandte Analysis, TUHH This talk will be an extended version of the talk I gave on the SOTA 2018 in Poland. |
09/26/18 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Verschiedene Ansätze zur Bildzerlegung Malte Seemann |
09/26/18 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Eindimensionale Quasikristalle, endliche Abschnitte und Invertierbarkeit [Bachelorarbeit] Luis Weber |
09/26/18 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Quasiperiodische Schrödingeroperatoren und Konditionszahlen [Bachelorarbeit] Jonas Sattler |
09/25/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
On the Game of Lazy Cops and Robbers on Graphs (Master-Vortrag) Fabian Hamann |
09/25/18 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Ein Randwertproblem für die Maxwell-Gleichungen auf Mannigfaltigkeiten (Bachelorvortrag) Dennis Schmeckpeper |
09/13/18 | 10:00 am | Room 3.008 in Building L / DE17 |
Eine körpergebundene integrale Methode zur Simulation von strömungsinduziertem Schall nach Ffowcs-Williams-Hawkings (Bachelor-Vortrag) Konrad Scheffler |
09/06/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Utilizing Geometry of Smoothness-Increasing-Accuracy-Conserving (SIAC) filters for reduced errors Prof. Dr. Jennifer Ryan, Mathematics, University of East Anglia Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving (SIAC) filters for Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods are designed to increase the smoothness and improve the convergence rate of the DG solution form p+1 to 2p+1 through post-processing. However, introducing these filters can be challenging for multi-dimensional data since a tensor product filter grows in support size as the field dimension increases [(3p+2)*h]^d, where p + the polynomial order and d is the dimension. This becomes computationally prohibitive as the dimension increases. An alternative approach is to utilize a one-dimensional univariate filter. In this talk we introduce the Line SIAC filter and explore how the orientation, structure and filter size affect the order of accuracy and global errors. We show how line filtering preserves the properties of traditional tensor product filtering, including smoothness and improvement in the convergence rate, given an appropriate rotation. Furthermore, numerical experiments are included, exhibiting how these filters achieve the same accuracy at significantly lower computational costs. |
08/09/18 | 03:45 pm | H0.09 |
A glimpse on interpolation theory and interpolation with mixed boundary conditions* Sebastian Bechtel, Arbeitsgruppe Analysis, TU Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstrasse 7, 64289 Darmstadt First, we give a short introduction to abstraction interpolation theory and |
07/25/18 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Iterative Löser für RBF Kollokation zur Lösung von partiellen Differentialgleichungen (Bachelorarbeit) Felix Kieckhäfer, Mathematik |
07/19/18 | 03:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Quantitative unique continuation principles and application to control theory for the heat equation Martin Tautenhahn, TU Chemnitz, Fakultät für Mathematik This talk is divided into two. In the first part we discuss a so-called scale-free and quantitative unique continuation principle for spectral projectors of Schr\''odinger operators. |
07/17/18 | 11:00 am | H - SBC5 / H0.06 |
Maximum number of clique-free edge coloring in graphs Hiep Han, Universidad de Santiago de Chile |
07/17/18 | 10:00 am | H - SBC5 / H0.06 |
Gallai's Conjecture for regular graphs and planar graphs Andrea Jimenez, Universidad de Valparaíso |
07/12/18 | 03:45 pm | tba |
Sparse Frequency Estimation* Benedikt Diederichs, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Hamburg Prony's problem - estimating the frequencies of an exponential sum - and its higher dimensional |
07/04/18 | 01:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Image segmentation methods and an application to brain images. Christoph Nicolai |
06/28/18 | 03:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus (D), Room D1.021 |
A minimax principle in spectral gaps* Albrecht Seelmann, Fakultät für Mathematik - Technische Universität Dortmund In [Doc. Math. 4 (1999),275--283], Griesemer, Lewis, and Siedentop devised an abstract minimax principle for eigenvalues in spectral gaps of perturbed self-adjoint operators. We show that this minimax principle can be adapted to the particular situation of bounded additive perturbations with hypotheses that are easier to check in this case. The latter is demonstrated in the framework of the Davis-Kahan sin(2\Theta) theorem. |
06/27/18 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 (A), Room A 0.14 |
Tiling edge-coloured complete graphs with few pieces Jan Corsten, London School of Economics, Department of Mathematics |
06/21/18 | 03:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 5 (H), Room H0.05 |
Poisson local eigenvalue statistics for continuum random Schrödinger operators Adrian Dietlein, LMU München, Mathematisches Institut I'll start with a short recap of the lattice Anderson |
06/07/18 | 03:45 pm | tba |
Silvestre-Caffarelli approach to Fractional Powers of Linear Operators* Jan Meichsner We are going to discuss (again) the approach of describing fractional powers of linear operators on |
05/28/18 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Predicting Companies Mentioned in News Articles, a Comparison of Two Approaches: Latent Dirichlet Allocation with k-Nearest Neighbor versus Bag of Words with k-Nearest Neighbor [Projektarbeit] Max Lübbering |
05/17/18 | 04:30 pm | TUHH, Building A, Room A0.19 |
On the stability of Prony's method* Stefan Kunis, Institut für Mathematik, Uni Osnabrück |
05/16/18 | 09:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Kantenerhaltendes Entrauschen mittels bilateraler Filter [Bachelorarbeit] Leon Haag, Studiengang TM |
05/14/18 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
A Comparison of Distance Metrics in Collaborative Recommender Systems [Projektarbeit] Imad Hamoumi |
05/02/18 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Random Walks On Graphs [Bachelorarbeit] Scott Huntington, Studiengang CS |
04/26/18 | 03:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Polynomial chaos: applications in electrical engineering and bounds Eduard Frick The study of electromagnetic fields in 2D circuits often leads to resonances. We use a polynomial chaos expansion (due to uncertain circuit parameters), which is analytically and numerically troublesome near the resonance frequencies. As a toy model for the convergence of the polynomial chaos expansion, we look at the parallel RLC circuit with uncertain capacitance and give $L^2$ error bounds depending on the degree of the expansion, the random distribution, the distance to resonance and the so-called quality factor of the circuit (which is a measure for the damping). |
04/25/18 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Nicht-parametrische Methoden der Bildregistrierung [Masterarbeit] Max Ansorge, TM-Student |
04/24/18 | 04:15 pm | Geomatikum (Bandesstraße 55), Room 1240 |
Strukturierte Pseudospektren in der Systemtheorie Dennis Gallaun, Institut für Mathematik Im Rahmen des Lothar-Collatz-Seminars spreche ich am Geomatikum (Uni Hamburg) über strukturierte Pseudospektren in der Systemtheorie. |
03/22/18 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Lanczos' Algorithm in Finite Precision and Quantum Mechanics Jens-Peter M. Zemke |
03/21/18 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Algebraische Präkonditionierer für Interpolationsaufgaben mit radialen Basisfunktionen Michael Wende Interpolationsaufgaben mit radialen Basisfunktionen fuehren auf vollbesetzte Sattelpunktprobleme, deren iterative Loesung eine Praekonditionierung erfordert. Die Systemmatrizen koennen als H-Matrizen approximiert und fuer die Konstruktion algebraischer Praekonditionierer verwendet werden. Als Praekonditionierer verwenden wir die Nullraummethode sowie ein Gebietszerlegungsverfahren. Mittels der Nullraummethode kann die Loesung des indefiniten Systems im Wesentlichen auf die Loesung eines positiv definiten Systems geringfügig kleinerer Groesse zurueckgefuehrt werden. Die positiv definiten Systeme koennen mit einer approximativen Cholesky-Zerlegung in der Arithmetik hierarchischer Matrizen praekonditioniert werden. Kleinere Probleme werden auf diese Art zufriedenstellend geloest, aber fuer groessere Punktzahlen nimmt die Effektivität der Cholesky-Praekonditionierung ab. |
03/19/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Physikalisch motivierte Untersuchungen der Kondition von Scharfetter-Gummel Matrizen [Bachelorarbeit] Judith Angel |
03/19/18 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Polynomielles Chaos: Abschätzungen und Anwendungen in der Elektrotechnik [Bachelorarbeit] Katharina Klioba, Studiengang TM |
03/09/18 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D), Room 1.021 |
Spectral asymptotics of Robin Laplacians on polygonal domains Magda Khalile, Université Paris-Sud Let \Omgea\subseteq\R^2 be a curvilinear polygon and Q_\Omega^\gamma be the Laplacian in L_2(\Omega) with the Robin boundary condition \partial_\nu \psi = \gamma \psi, where \partial_\nu is the outer normal derivative and \gamma>0. We are interested in the behavior of the eigenvalues of Q_\Omega^\gamma as \gamma becomes large. We prove that there exists N_\Omega \in\N such that the asymptotics of the N_\Omega first eigenvalues of Q_\Omega^\gamma is determined at the leading order by those of model operators associated with the vertices: the Robin Laplacians acting on the tangent sectors associated with \partial\Omega. In the particular case of a polygon with straight edges the N_\Omega first eigenpairs are exponentially close to those of the model operators. Moreover, if the polygon admits only non-resonant or concave corners, we prove that, for any fixed j\in\N, the N_\Omega+j eigenvalue E_{N_\Omega+j}(Q_\Omega^\gamma) behaves as E_{N_\Omega+j}(Q_\Omega^\gamma) = -\gamma^2+\mu_j^D+o(1) as \gamma\to\infty, where \mu_j^D stands for the jth eigenvalue of the operator D_1\oplus\ldots\oplus D_M and Dn denotes the one-dimensional Laplacian on (0,l_n), where l_n is the length of the nth side of \Omega, with the Dirichlet boundary condition. Finally, we prove a Weyl asymptotics for the eigenvalue |
02/01/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Multivariate Populationsbilanz-Systeme Robin Ahrens, E-10 Populations-Bilanzen und ihre Simulation spielen in vielen Prozessen der Chemie, Pharmazie und Biotechnolgie eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle. Partikel werden dabei anhand bestimmter Eigenschaften wie Masse oder Volumen gezählt. Ein wichtiger Teil dieser Simulationen ist die Aggregation. |
01/25/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Korrektur der chromatischen Aberration von Objektiven [Bachelorarbeit] Christopher Göthel, Studiengang TM Kooperation mit der Basler AG |
01/11/18 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Image Outliers Detection and GUI Automation [Projektarbeit] Intsar Saeed |
12/21/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D), Room 1.023 |
Lineare Relationen und Randtripel Dr. Christian Kühn, TUHH, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 Teil 2 des Vortrags über lineare Relationen und Randtripel. |
12/20/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 5 (H), Room H0.06 |
Packing nearly optimal Ramsey R(3,t) graphs Prof. Lutz Warnke, Georgia Institute of Technology Auf Homepage hochgeladen. |
12/14/17 | 02:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D), Room 1.021 |
Lineare Relationen und Randtripel Christian Kühn Ist S ein symmetrischer Operator in einem Hilbertraum, so stellt sich oft die Frage, welche selbstadjungierten Erweiterungen der Operator S hat und ob sich Aussagen über die Spektren (beispielsweise über die Eigenwerte) dieser Erweiterungen machen lassen. Ein mathematisches Konzept, welches hierbei hilfreich sein kann, ist das Konzept der Randtripel. Dabei stellt es sich als hilfreich heraus, nicht nur Operatoren sondern auch lineare Relationen (''mehrwertige Operatoren'') zu betrachten. |
11/23/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Strukturierte Pseudospektren in der Systemtheorie Dennis Gallaun In diesem Vortrag stelle ich mich und meine Masterarbeit kurz vor. |
11/16/17 | 02:00 pm | D - SBC4, D1.021 |
A bound on the averaged spectral shift function and a lower bound on the density of states for random Schrödinger operators on R^d Martin Gebert, King's College London We prove a locally uniform lower bound on the density of states of continuum random Schrödinger operators in the localised regime. The main technical ingredient is a new bound on the expectation of the spectral shift function for random Schrödinger operators in the localised regime, corresponding to a change from Dirichlet to Neumann boundary conditions along the boundary of a finite volume. The bound scales with the surface area. (Joint with Adrian Dietlein, Abel Klein, Peter Hislop, Peter Müller) |
11/09/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Gewichtete positiv definite Kernel / Simulation des Kühlvorgangs eines Fluid-gefüllten Behälters mit OpenFOAM Vincent Griem Willi Leinen Wir beiden stellen uns und unsere Masterarbeiten jeweils kurz vor. |
10/12/17 | 01:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Acceration of Path Computations for Electrical Harnesses in Aircrafts [Bachelorarbeit] Julia Schawaller |
09/26/17 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Approximation einer Randintegralgleichung [Bachelorarbeit] Riko Ukena, Studiengang TM |
09/26/17 | 09:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Strukturierte Pseudospektren in der Systemtheorie [Masterarbeit] Dennis Gallaun, Studiengang TM (erster ''eigener'' Absolvent), bald WiMi @ E-10 Strukturierte Pseudospektren sind ein wichtiges graphisches Werkzeug in der Stabilitätstheorie endlich-dimensionaler linearer Systeme mit ungenauen Parametern. In diesem Vortrag beschäftigen wir uns mit der Verallgemeinerung strukturierter Pseudospektren auf unendlich-dimensionale Systeme und gehen auf den Bezug zur Stabilität stark stetiger Halbgruppen ein. |
09/22/17 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Verhalten und Anwendbarkeit von künstlichen neuronalen Netzen für kleine Datenmengen [Projekarbeit] Marcel Bengs, Student Theoretische Maschinebau |
08/30/17 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Simulation der Wärmeleitungsgleichung in zufälligen Medien [Bachelorarbeit] Björn Przybyla |
08/25/17 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Pitch Detection [Masterarbeit] Carl Henning Cabos |
07/13/17 | 02:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 (A), Room A0.10 |
Allowing non-symmetric gauge bodies helps simplifying the theory of radii functionals Dr. René Brandenberg, Zentrum Mathematik, Technische Universität München We all know that sometimes problems get easier by generalizing them. In this talk we want to present several recent results on radii functionals of convex bodies. This results were possible allowing non-symmetric gauge bodies, where in the past only |
06/21/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Construction of Traces of Dirichlet forms Ali BenAmor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences of Gabes, University of Gabes, Tunisia |
06/15/17 | 02:45 pm | Room H - SBC5 H0.03 (noch unbestaetigt) |
Bi-stetige Halbgruppen* Jan Meichsner, Institut fuer Mathematik, Lehrstuhl angewandte Analysis, TUHH In dem Vortrag wird es um bi-stetige Halbgruppen gehen. Das Konzept geht auf die Dissertation |
05/11/17 | 03:45 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus (H), Room H0.04 |
Oszillationstheorie für Jacobi-Operatoren mit unendlich-dimensionalen Fasern Julian Großmann Die Sturm’sche Oszillationstheorie stammt von Charles-François Sturm um 1830, und bezieht sich meistens auf sogenannte Sturm-Liouville-Probleme, d.h. Eigenwertprobleme für gewisse Differentialgleichungen. Im Vortrag wird das diskrete Analogon davon betrachtet und in Verbindung mit dem spektralen Fluss in von-Neumann-Algebren gebracht. |
05/03/17 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Verbesserung der Bildqualität bei Diffusionsgewichtetem MRT mit Hilfe von Inpainting [Masterarbeit] Joshua Engels |
04/27/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Schrödinger operators and singular infinite rank perturbations Christian Kühn In dem Vortrag werde ich ein abstraktes Konzept vorstellen, um selbstadjungierte Operatoren mit singulären Störungen zu untersuchen und dieses anschließend auf Schrödingeroperatoren mit Delta-Interaktionen anwenden. |
04/21/17 | 09:00 am | H 0.06 |
Approximation of Spectra and Pseudospectra on a Hilbert Space [Promotionsvortrag] Torge Schmidt |
04/03/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Using neural networks to classify paths in two-dimensional environments [Bachelorarbeit] Kieron Kretschmar, TM-Student |
03/31/17 | 02:00 pm | H0.03 |
Efficient and Accurate Evaluation of Aggregation Integrals in Population Balance Equations (Promotionsvortrag) Lusine Shahmuradyan |
03/27/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Numerische Simulation eines Modells einer Heißwasserhydrolyse (Bachelorarbeit) Thorben Abel |
02/28/17 | 10:00 am | H 0.08 |
Minimierung des kleinsten Eigenwerts für Laplace-Operatoren auf metrischen Graphen [Bachelorarbeit] Yannick Jean Paul Lucien Saive, TM-Student |
02/15/17 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Präkonditionierer basierend auf filternden Matrix-Zerlegungen (Bachelorvortrag) Rasmus Wormstädt |
02/06/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Solving PDEs Numerically: RBF Collocation and Finite Volume Methods for Semiconductor Problems Dr. Patricio Farrell, Weierstrass Institut, Berlin Partial differential equations model a wide range of physical phenomena. |
01/26/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
The need for linear system solvers in dispersive wave modeling* Jörn Behrens, UHH Tsunami modeling is - to first (and very accurate) approximation - performed with the help of shallow water theory and equations. This is still the method of choice for many applications, including forecasting, hazard assessment and inundation modeling. However, for long propagation distances as well as highly nonuniform topographies dispersive effects become important. While truly dispersive model equations are fully three-dimensional and therefore expensive with respect to computational requirements, a common approach to dispersive modeling comprises a non-hydrostatic correction of shallow water equations. In order to derive this correction term, a linear system of equations needs to be solved in each time step - even when the time-stepping scheme is explicit. |
01/19/17 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Convergence of positive operator semigroups Moritz Gerlach, Universität Potsdam We give new conditions for strong convergence of positive operator |
12/15/16 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Optimierung von Pasteurisierungsprozessen Lea Versbach Ich werde in einem ca. 45 minütigen Vortrag meine Masterarbeit, die ich im Juni 2016 an der Uni Lund verteidigt habe, vorstellen. |
12/13/16 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
The essential spectrum of Toeplitz operators on the unit disk Raffael Hagger, Leibniz Universität Hannover Consider the usual function space L^2(D) on the unit disk D and |
12/12/16 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Nuklearität und Tensorprodukte* Karsten Kruse Im Vortrag wird es darum gehen, wie man eine vektorwertige Gleichung löst, wenn man die entsprechende Gleichung schon einmal skalarwertig gelöst hat. Typische Beispiele hierfür sind elliptische Differentialgleichungen. Hierbei geht es dann weniger darum, den Differentialoperator selbst zu untersuchen, sondern die Eigenschaften der Räume, auf denen er lebt. |
11/24/16 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Fractional Powers of Linear Operators* Jan Meichsner Im wesentlichen ein 60 bis 90 minütiger Arbeitsstandbericht. Es werden grundlagen der Theorie fraktionaler Operatoren erläutert und danach auf die Problematik der Einführung durch harmonische Erweiterung eingegangen. |
11/15/16 | 04:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Endliche Abschnitte des Fibonacci-Hamilton-Operators [Bachelorarbeit] Hagen Söding, Studiengang TM |
11/10/16 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Krylovraum-Verfahren für Sequenzen linearer Gleichungssysteme (Masterarbeitsvortrag) Robin C. Ahrens |
11/02/16 | 01:30 pm | TUHH, Building A, Room A0.19 |
Vier konkrete Anwendungen von Toeplitzoperatoren* Albrecht Böttcher, TU Chemnitz Vier konkrete Anwendungen von Toeplitzoperatoren |
10/27/16 | 09:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Verschiedene Methoden der Bildrestauration [Bachelorarbeit] Franziska Sommer, Studiengang TM |
10/17/16 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Variationsmethoden in der Bildregistrierung [Bachelorarbeit] Björn Ludwig, Studiengang TM |
10/13/16 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Mehrgitterverfahren zur Lösung der Helmholtzgleichung (Bachelorarbeit) Clemens Oszkinat |
10/12/16 | 12:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Iterative Lösung von dünnbesetzten Systemen aus Interpolationsaufgaben mit radialen Basisfunktionen (Bachelorarbeit) Torben Jentzsch |
10/12/16 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Präkonditionierung von indefiniten Problemen in Optimierungsaufgaben im Katastrophenmanagement (Bachelorarbeit) Jannick Meyer |
09/22/16 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Laplace-Transformation für Hyperfunktionen [Bachelorarbeit] Lars Poppe, Studiengang TM |
09/12/16 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Das Ising-Modell: Asymptotik von Toeplitzdeterminanten [Bachelorarbeit] Louisa Granzow, Studiengang TM |
09/07/16 | 04:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 (A), Room 0.019 |
3-Farben Ramsey-Zahl für pfadähnliche Graphen (Abschlussvortrag Bachelorarbeit) Charlotte Knierim, Studiengang CS |
08/25/16 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
The effect of the choice of time discretization on the accuracy of the computed population density function (Bachelorvortrag) Selma Warnecke |
07/21/16 | 11:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Unvollständige LR-Zerlegung der Matrix-Inversen (Bachelorvortrag) Marten Hollm |
07/20/16 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Efficient and Accurate Evaluation of Aggregation Integrals in Population Balance Equations Lusine Shahmuradyan The behaviour of particulate flow is mathematically modelled by population balance equations. The various terms of the equation model phenomena including particle transport, nucleation, growth, and aggregation. Their efficient numerical simulation requires sophisticated techniques, and various approaches proposed in the literature vary not only in computational complexity but also in the accuracy of the computed solutions. We will focus on the numerical treatment of aggregation integrals, the terms that model the aggregation process and which oftentimes dominate the overall simulation time. Within such a process, particles are characterized by a property coordinate x, e.g. the particle mass, the particle area, or the chemical composition, to mention only a few, and their distribution is quantified by a density distribution function f(x,t), which describes the property distribution of the particles at a given time t. |
07/20/16 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Leaky conical surfaces: spectral asymptotics, isoperimetric properties, and beyond Dr. Vladimir Lotoreichik, Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Rez near Prague |
07/13/16 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
H-Matrix Approximation for Scattered Data Interpolation Michael Wende Scattered data interpolation refers to an interpolation problem where the data sites are distributed irregularly within some domain. An interpolant may be constructed as a linear combination of radial basis functions centered at the data sites. Finding the coefficients in this representation leads to linear equations where the system matrices are large, dense, indefinite and ill-conditioned. These matrices can be approximated using the framework of hierarchical matrices. We will compare different approximation methods and discuss how to construct algebraic preconditioners. |
07/07/16 | 02:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
IDR und Deflation Stefan Möller Es werden große dünnbesetzte Sattelpunktprobleme betrachtet, wie sie z.B. in der Strömungsmechanik auftreten. Diese i.A. unsymmetrischen und indefiniten Systeme können mittels iterativer Krylovraum-Verfahren, inkl. geeigneter Präkonditionierer, gelöst werden. Insbesondere werden sogenannte induzierte Dimensions-Reduktions-Methoden (IDR), im Speziellen QMRIDR(s), verwendet, welche zusätzlich mit einem Deflationsansatz gepaart werden. Dabei werden Informationen aus früheren Durchläufen derart recycelt, sodass es möglich ist, Sequenzen von linearen Systemen effektiv zu lösen. Als Beispiel werden die diskretisierten Oseen-Gleichungen betrachtet; weitere Anwendung kann dies darüber hinaus z.B. bei inneren Punkte-Verfahren in der linearen Optimierung finden. |
07/04/16 | 04:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (A), Room A 1.19.1 |
Oscillation in a posteriori error estimation Andreas Veeser, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita degli Studi di Milano The goal of an a posteriori error analysis for an approximate PDE |
06/27/16 | 12:00 pm | Room H0.04 |
Die Eigenwerte eines Laplace-Operators mit Robinschen Randbedingungen Dr. Konstantin Pankrashkin, Université Paris-Sud |
06/24/16 | 10:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 Building A Room A.1.19.1 |
Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin methods for wave problems Dr Andrea Moiola, University of Reading We present a space-time discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for linear |
05/26/16 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Iterative Gleichungslöser für Markovketten (Bachelorarbeit) Julia-Sophie Jürgensen |
05/13/16 | 09:45 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Numerische Konvergenzanalyse für FEM auf nicht-konvexen polygonalen Gebieten Ali Azarinejat Projektarbeit |
04/26/16 | 04:15 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Building A, Room A.0.01 and A.3.31 |
Solving the Vlasov equation in low-rank tensor format* Dr. Katharina Kormann, Technische Universität München, Zentrum Mathematik - M16, Boltzmannstraße 3, 85747 Garching, Germany The evolution of a plasma in external and self-consistent fields is modelled by the Vlasov equation for the distribution function in six dimensional phase space. Due to the high dimensionality and the development of small structures the numerical solution is very challenging. Grid-based methods |
03/30/16 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Optimale Steuerung einer Laufkatze (Bachelorarbeit) Max Ansorge |
01/28/16 | 03:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 (A), A1.20 |
Auxiliary Space Methods for Variational Problems in H{curl)* Ralf Hiptmair, ETH Zürich Auxiliary space preconditioning targets elliptic boundary value problems discetized by means of finite elements. The idea is to use a related discrete boundary value problem, for which efficient solvers are available, as a preconditioner. The connection between both problems is established by means of a suitable prolongation operator. |
01/25/16 | 11:00 am | SBC 1, Building A, Room A3.35.1 |
Interpolationsbasierte Reduzierte-Basis-Modellierung von Lösungskurven mit Umkehrpunkten (Promotionsvortrag) Hagen Eichel |
11/13/15 | 09:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Optimierung von NC-Daten anhand von NURBS-Originaldaten (Masterarbeit) Sven Schwermer |
11/05/15 | 03:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Hierarchical matrix preconditioners for linear systems in multivariate interpolation with radial basis functions (Masterarbeit) Inga Drewel |
10/30/15 | 11:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
PCE Erweiterung der Randintegralmethode für 2D Platinen (Bachelorarbeit) Mostafa Nawabi |
10/30/15 | 10:30 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Darstellung von Regelflächen als NURBS (Bachelorarbeit) Atchcharan Skandarupan |
09/30/15 | 09:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Zum Spektrum des Fibonacci Hamilton Operators [Bachelorarbeit] Dennis Gallaun, Studiengang TM Die Untersuchung des Elektronen- und Quantentransports von Quasikristallen führt auf das Spektrum des Fibonacci Hamilton Operators. Auch mathematisch ist das Spektrum interessant: Es ist eine Cantor-Menge mit Lebesgue-Maß Null. |
09/28/15 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Theorie und Anwendung symmetrisierender Präkonditionierer für elliptische PDEs (Bachelorarbeit) Moritz Boehme Einige iterative Lösungsverfahren für lineare Gleichungssysteme sind auf die Anwendung auf symmetrisch (positiv definite) Systeme beschränkt. Wir werden theoretische Ansätze aus der Literatur diskutieren, wie nicht-symmetrische Gleichungssysteme symmetrisiert werden können, Möglichkeiten der Realisierung ausarbeiten und diese auf ihre Rechenzeit testen. Motiviert durch diese Ansätze und deren Resultate werden wir im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine Modifizierung bzw. Kombination der Ansätze vornehmen und vergleichende Tests durchführen. |
09/18/15 | 02:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Rational Arnoldi methods* Prof. Lothar Reichel, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University, Ohio, USA The standard Arnoldi method is one of the most popular schemes for reducing a large matrix A to a small one. The method requires the evaluation of matrix-vector products with A. Rational Arnoldi methods reduce the matrix A by both evaluating matrix-vector products and solving linear systems of equations with A. Rational Arnoldi methods are attractive to use when A has a structure that allows efficient solution linear systems of equations with A. They are commonly applied to the computation of an invariant subspace of A and to the approximation of matrix functions. We discuss implementations of rational Arnoldi methods and compares their properties. |
09/03/15 | 10:00 am | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), Room 3.074 |
Interpolationsbasierte Reduzierte-Basis-Modellierung von Lösungskurven mit Umkehrpunkten* Hagen Eichel, Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens Bei der numerischen Simulation physikalischer Prozesse treten häufig große parameterabhängige nichtlineare Gleichungssysteme auf. Zur Verringerung des Rechenaufwands werden oft Reduzierte-Basis-Methoden verwendet, die sich in lokale und globale Methoden unterscheiden lassen, wobei letztere Umkehrpunkte bezüglich des Parameters gewöhnlich nicht zulassen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein globaler, interpolationsbasierter Ansatz für Probleme mit Umkehrpunkten entwickelt und es werden die Vorteile und Grenzen dieser Methode aufgezeigt. |
08/19/15 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Room 3.074 |
Variationsmethoden in der Bildverarbeitung: Die Huber-Funktion im Regularisierungsterm [Bachelorarbeit] Christoph Nicolai, Studiengang TM Viele Variationsmethoden in der mathematischen Bildverarbeitung nutzen die 1-Norm des Gradienten, die sogenannte Totalvariation, als Regularisierungsterm. Diese Totalvariation hat die Eigenschaft, Kanten im Bild zuzulassen und zu erhalten. Sie kann aber auch zur Entstehung von unerwünschten Kanten beitragen, dem sogenannten Staircasing-Effekt. Diese Arbeit soll die Huber-Funktion, eine Kombination zweier Normen, als mögliche Alternative vorstellen. |
08/17/15 | 12:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Room 3.074 |
tba Hendrik Vogt, Universität Bremen |
06/24/15 | 02:30 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Room 3.074 |
Erstellen einer Nurbs-Toolbox Hogir Akan Bachelor-Vortrag |
06/08/15 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Room 3.074 |
Form-Methoden zur Lösung von partiellen Differentialgleichungen Karsten Poddig Bachelorvortrag |
05/12/15 | 01:00 pm | Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, Room 3.074 |
QD- und LR-Algorithmen für rangstrukturierte Eigenwertaufgaben (Masterarbeitsvortrag) Michael Wende |
05/08/15 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
On functional calculus estimates for Tadmor-Ritt operators Felix Schwenninger, Twente A linear operator $T$ on a Banach space is called Tadmor-Ritt if its spectrum is contained in the closed unit disc and the resolvent satisfies $C(T)=\sup_{|z|>1} \|(z-1)R(z,T)\|<\infty$. Such operators can be seen as discrete analog for sectorial operators. |
04/22/15 | 03:00 pm | Room 0.14 in Building A, Am Schwarzenberg Campus 1 |
Universality results in G(n,p) Peter Allen, London School of Economics, UK We say a graph $G$ is universal for a set of graphs $\mathcal{H}$ if for each $H\in\mathcal{H}$ we have $H\subset G$. There are several results stating that the random graph $G(n,p)$ is universal for various classes of graphs $\mathcal{H}$, for appropriate functions $p=p(n)$. In order for $p$ not to be very close to one, we need the graphs in $\mathcal{H}$ to be quite sparse. There are then (at least) three natural graph classes one could consider: trees, graphs with bounded degree, and graphs with bounded degeneracy. I will outline the current state of knowledge (mainly due to other people) and sketch one or two proofs |
04/17/15 | 10:30 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
SQP-Methoden zur Strukturoptimierung von Fachwerken Eike Schröder Bachelor-Vortrag |
04/09/15 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
On the spectrum of certain random operators: A link to Julia sets Raffael Hagger After the introduction of random matrices to nuclear physics by Eugene Wigner in 1955, random quantum systems have grown in popularity. Wigner's idea was to consider families of Hamiltonians that underlie a certain probability distribution to describe overly complicated systems. Of particular interest are, of course, the spectra of these Hamiltonians. In this talk we consider random, in general non-self-adjoint, tridiagonal operators on the Hilbert space of square-summable sequences. To model randomness, we use an approach by Davies that eliminates all probabilistic arguments. |
03/19/15 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Orthogonalization with a non-standard inner product and approximate inverse preconditioning* Miro Rozložník, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic One of the most important and frequently used preconditioning techniques for solving symmetric positive definite systems is based on computing the approximate inverse factorizations. It is also a well-known fact that such factors can be computed column-wise by the orthogonalization process applied to the unit basis vectors provided that we use a non-standard inner product induced by the positive definite system matrix A. In this contribution we consider the classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm (CGS), the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm (MGS) and also yet another variant of sequential orthogonalization, which is motivated originally by the AINV preconditioner and which uses oblique projections. |
01/29/15 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Sonneveld-Methoden und ihre strukturierten Büschel (III) Jens-Peter M. Zemke Die von Peter Sonneveld erdachten Methoden, allen voran die neueste, IDR(s), können zur approximativen Eigenwertberechnung linearer Operatoren herangezogen werden. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen Krylovraumverfahren, welche Tridiagonal- oder Hessenbergmatrizen berechnen, berechnen Sonneveld-Methoden Büschel aus einer Band-Hessenbergmatrix und einer oberen Band-Dreiecksmatrix, von denen einige Eigenwerte bekannt sind. Basierend auf einer trivialen Beobachtung präsentieren wir Wege, die anderen Eigenwerte stabil zu berechnen. |
01/29/15 | 12:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Decompositions of highly connected graphs into paths of length five PhD Guilherme Mota, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - IME, USP, Brasil Abstract: |
01/22/15 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Sonneveld-Methoden und ihre strukturierten Büschel (II) Jens-Peter M. Zemke Die von Peter Sonneveld erdachten Methoden, allen voran die neueste, IDR(s), können zur approximativen Eigenwertberechnung linearer Operatoren herangezogen werden. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen Krylovraumverfahren, welche Tridiagonal- oder Hessenbergmatrizen berechnen, berechnen Sonneveld-Methoden Büschel aus einer Band-Hessenbergmatrix und einer oberen Band-Dreiecksmatrix, von denen einige Eigenwerte bekannt sind. Basierend auf einer trivialen Beobachtung präsentieren wir Wege, die anderen Eigenwerte stabil zu berechnen. |
01/08/15 | 12:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
The smallest-weight multiway cut problem for trees Peter Heinig, Uni HH, FSP Diskrete Mathematik, Bundesstr. 55 (Geomatikum) 20146 Hamburg Abstract: |
12/18/14 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Sonneveld-Methoden und ihre strukturierten Büschel Jens-Peter M. Zemke Die von Peter Sonneveld erdachten Methoden, allen voran die neueste, IDR(s), können zur approximativen Eigenwertberechnung linearer Operatoren herangezogen werden. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen Krylovraumverfahren, welche Tridiagonal- oder Hessenbergmatrizen berechnen, berechnen Sonneveld-Methoden Büschel aus einer Band-Hessenbergmatrix und einer oberen Band-Dreiecksmatrix, von denen einige Eigenwerte bekannt sind. Basierend auf einer trivialen Beobachtung präsentieren wir Wege, die anderen Eigenwerte stabil zu berechnen. |
12/05/14 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
H²-matrix methods for boundary integral equations* Steffen Börm, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel Boundary integral equations are an important tool for analyzing elliptic partial differential equations arising, e.g., in structural mechanics or the simulation of acoustic or electromagnetic fields. Standard discretization techniques lead to large and densely populated matrices that require special algorithms. |
11/20/14 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
TBA Marco Frego |
11/13/14 | 03:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 93, Room A1.20 |
Recursive Low-Rank Truncation* Wolfgang Hackbusch, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften The best approximation of a matrix by a low-rank matrix can be obtained by the singular value decomposition. For large-sized matrices this approach is too costly. Instead one may use a block decomposition. Approximating the smaller |
11/10/14 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Homogenization meets Operator-Theory Marcus Waurick, TU Dresden Homogenization theory comprises the study of heterogeneous |
10/21/14 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Topologie-Optimierung von Fachwerkstrukturen Ali Azarinejat Bachelor-Vortrag |
10/08/14 | 04:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Modeling and Optimization of Raw Material Blending Processes Abschlussvortrag Mas Ayca Cangel, Mathematik, Diskrete Mathematik |
09/22/14 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Implementierung der Konturintegralmethode auf ebenen Bauteilen Joshua Engels Bachelor-Vortrag |
08/27/14 | 10:15 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.023/24(!) |
Direkte und inverse Spektralprobleme am Beispiel des Laplace-Operators - Was verrät das Spektrum einer Trommel über ihre Gestalt? [Bachelorarbeitsvortrag] Lennart Bargsten |
08/22/14 | 10:30 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Anwendung von Pseudospektren in der Regelungstechnik [Bachelorarbeitsvortrag] Moritz Wolter |
08/04/14 | 11:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Directed cycle double covers and cut-obstacles Andrea Jiménez, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo, Atlanta and Sao Paulo In this talk, we discuss our recent progress on the famous directed cycle double cover conjecture of Jaeger. We define the class of trigraphs and prove that a graph connections conjecture formulated on trigraphs implies general Jaeger's conjecture. In addition, we give supporting evidence for our conjecture. This is joint work with Martin Loebl. |
08/04/14 | 09:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Searching for defective subsets using queries of fixed size Dominik Vu, University of Memphis Given an $n$-element set which contains a known number $d$ of unknown special elements, we are allowed to use an oracle which accepts queries of size $k$ and responds positively if at least one of the elements of the queried set is in our set of unknowns. The case of a single unknown element has been studied and solved in the past by Rényi (1961), Katona (1966) and more recently by Hosszu, Tapolcai and Wiener (2013). We generalise their results in both the adaptive (on-line) and non-adaptive (parallelised) case for general d. Our approach provides new links between separability and (hyper-)graph girth, as well as new bounds for the problem. |
07/08/14 | 03:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
TBA Helena Jenderek |
07/01/14 | 03:45 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Immer wieder Hurwitz Neues über unendliche, total nichtnegative Matrizen und eine alte Bemerkung B.Riemanns Dr. Prashant Batra, Institut für Rechnertechnologie, Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Raum 3.074 In Zusammenhang mit der Nullstellenlage von Polynomen welche ausschließlich nichtnegative Koeffizienten aufweisen wurden von Holtz und Tyaglov (SIAM Review, 2012) speziell strukturierte, unendliche Matrizen betrachtet, deren Minoren sämtlich nicht-negativ sind genau dann, wenn das Polynom nur negative Nullstellen besitzt. |
06/30/14 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Domain Decomposition for elliptic PDE eigenvalue problems* Lars Grasedyck, RWTH Aachen We consider the solution of a rather simple class of eigenvalue problems $Ax=\lambda{Mx}$ for symmetric positive definite matrices $A$,$M$ that stem, e.g., from the discretisation of a PDE eigenvalue problem. Thus, the problem is in principle simple, but the matrices $A$ and $M$ are large-scale and we would like to compute all relevant eigenvalues, where relevant is to be understood in the sense that all eigenvalues should be computed that can be captured by the discretisation of the continuous PDE eigenvalue problem. |
06/24/14 | 03:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
A connection between coupled and penalty projection timestepping schemes with FE spatial discretization for the Navier-Stokes equations* Leo Rebholz We prove that in finite element settings where the divergence-free subspace of the velocity space has optimal approximation properties, the solution of Chorin/Temam projection methods for Navier-Stokes equations equipped with grad-div stabilization with parameter $\gamma$, converge to the associated coupled method solution with rate $\gamma^{-1}$ as $\gamma\rightarrow \infty$. We prove this first for backward Euler schemes, and then extend the results to BDF2 schemes, and finally to schemes with outflow boundary conditions. Several numerical experiments are given which verify the convergence rate, and show how using projection methods in this setting with large grad-div stabilization parameters can dramatically improve accuracy. |
06/20/14 | 11:15 am | Firma Röders, Soltau |
Formwahrende Interpolation von NC-Daten [Masterarbeitsvortrag] Michael Seeck |
06/03/14 | 02:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Evaluation of Coalescence Integrals in PBE on equidistant grids Lusine Shahmuradyan |
05/28/14 | 02:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Where is the main diagonal of my bi-infinite matrix? Marko Lindner Sometimes it is convenient to have a bi-infinite enumeration of the basis elements in the domain and image spaces of an operator A - leading to a representation of A by a bi-infinite matrix. |
05/13/14 | 03:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
tba Torge Schmidt |
05/08/14 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Applications of Tutte's tree decomposition in the enumeration of bipartite graph families Prof. Juanjo Rue Perna, FU Berlin We adapt the grammar introduced by Chapuy, Fusy, Kang and Shoilekova to study bipartite graph families which are defined by their 3-connected components. More precisely, in this talk I will explain how to get the counting formulas for bipartite series-parallel graphs (and more generally of the Ising model over this family of graphs), as well as asymptotic estimates for the number of such graphs with a fixed size. This talk is based in a work in progress joint with Kerstin Weller. |
05/06/14 | 03:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
TBA Karsten Kruse |
04/29/14 | 03:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Numerical Ranges and Random Operators Raffael Hagger |
04/24/14 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Preconditioners for time-dependent PDE-constrained optimization* Martin Stoll, MPI Magdeburg |
04/17/14 | 11:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Störung positiver Halbgruppen, und Kernabschätzungen Christian Seifert ... ist vielleicht nur für die Analytiker interessant. |
02/18/14 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 93, Building A, Room A0.14 |
Tight cycles and regular slices in dense hypergraphs Dr. Peter Allen, London School of Economics, UK We describe a general approach to the strong hypergraph regularity lemma, which we call 'regular slices', which avoids many of the usual technical complications and retains the features one would like to use in extremal hypergraph theory. This talk will avoid painful technical details in so far as that is possible and focus on an application, proving a hypergraph extension of the Erdos-Gallai theorem. |
02/18/14 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 93, Building A, Room A0.14 |
Sparse blow-up lemmas and maker-breaker games Dr. Julia Böttcher, London School of Economics, UK The blow-up lemma of Komlós, Sárközy and Szemerédi is an important tool for embedding large graphs H into dense graphs G. We recently obtained versions of this lemma for subgraphs G of sparse random and pseudo-random graphs. This has important applications in extremal graph theory on random graphs, but can also be used for the analysis of certain maker-breaker games. |
01/31/14 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
tba Anton Schiela |
01/14/14 | 01:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Wannier transform for Schrödinger operators with aperiodic potential Siegfried Beckus, FSU Jena |
01/09/14 | 02:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Adaptive Sparse Grids and Applications: Coping with the Curse of Dimensionality Dirk Pflüger, Stuttgart High dimensionalities are a major roadblock for the numerical solution of problems in computational sciences. Straightforward discretizations are severely limited by the curse of dimensionality, the exponential dependency of the overall computational effort on the number of dimensions. It is therefore typically not feasible to treat more than four dimensions. In this talk, I will give a short introduction to Sparse Grids, which provide a versatile way to overcome the curse of dimensionality to a large extent, and show some of their applications. A special focus will be on spatially adaptive refinement, which adapts to the peculiarities of the problem at hand, and on adapted basis functions. Both are crucial whenever only few grid points can be spent, or where real-world problems do not meet the underlying smoothness requirements. The hierarchical basis formulation of the direct Sparse Grid approach conveniently provides a reasonable criterion for spatially adaptive refinement practically for free. This can serve as a starting point to develop suitable and problem-adapted modifications. |
12/19/13 | 02:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Diskrete Mathematik an der TUHH Anusch Taraz In this talk we survey the research activities and interests of the discrete maths group at TUHH. |
12/12/13 | 02:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Fast Convolution Lusine Shahmuradyan |
11/28/13 | 02:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
IDR Verfahren Stefan Möller |
11/26/13 | 01:45 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95A, Room A1.16 |
On Additivity and Fixing Numbers of Matrices: Uniqueness in Discrete Tomography Dr. Barbara Langfeld, Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel This talk gives an overview of some classical and recent uniqueness results in Discrete Tomography. In the first part we will review the concept of J-additivity and apply it to settle a problem of Kuba on 3-dimensional lattice sets and a conjecture of Brunetti and Daurat on planar lattice convex sets. The second part of the talk deals with the computational complexity of finding a smallest set of lattice positions of a given lattice set whose disclosure yields uniqueness w.r.t. some given X-rays. It turns out that this problem is already NP-hard in the plane and for the two standard directions. |
11/21/13 | 03:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Methoden zur Verbesserung der Interpolation von NC-Daten auf Basis der kubischen Splineinterpolation Tobias Hecht |
10/31/13 | 02:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
Studie zur Kompensation von Radialen Spindelverlagerungen bei Werkzeugmaschinen Saman Fröhlich |
10/18/13 | 10:30 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95A, Room A1.20 |
Preconditioners for two-sided eigenvalue problems and applications to model order reduction Melina Freitag, Bath, UK |
10/17/13 | 02:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
On the Role of the Helmholtz Decomposition in Mixed Methods for Incompressible Flows and a New Variational Crime* Alexander Linke, WIAS Berlin According to the Helmholtz decomposition, the irrotational parts of the momentum balance equations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are balanced by the pressure gradient. Unfortunately, nearly all mixed methods for incompressible flows violate this fundamental property, resulting in the well-known numerical instability of poor mass conservation. The origin of this problem is the lack of L2-orthogonality between discretely divergence-free velocities and irrotational vector fields. Therefore, a new variational crime for the nonconforming Crouzeix-Raviart element is proposed, where divergence-free, lowest-order Raviart-Thomas velocity reconstructions reestablish L2-orthogonality. This approach allows to construct a cheap flow discretization for general 2d and 3d simplex meshes that possesses the same advantageous robustness properties like divergence-free flow solvers. In the Stokes case, optimal a-priori error estimates for the velocity gradients and the pressure are derived. Moreover, the discrete velocity is independent of the continuous pressure. Several detailed linear and nonlinear numerical examples illustrate the theoretical findings. |
08/08/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 3.074 |
A Well-balanced bicharacteristic-based scheme for two-layer shallow water flows including wet/dry fronts Michael Dudzinski |
07/31/13 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Asymmetrische Galerkinverfahren in der Signalverarbeitung (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Djamschid Safi |
07/04/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstraße 95H, Room H0.03 |
Numerical Treatment of Tensors* Wolfgang Hackbusch, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig The numerical treatment of tensors and the use of tensors for various numerical problem has rapidly increased in the last time. It is now applied to many fields in analysis (treatment of pdes, representation of multivariate functions, etc.). The key for an efficient numerical treatment is a suitable format. We discuss the various formats, their properties, and operations with tensors. |
07/02/13 | 02:15 pm | Big lecture hall at the Biocenter Grindel and Zoological Museum, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 H |
Compact course: An introduction to H-matrices, Part II Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Hackbusch |
07/02/13 | 10:15 am | Big lecture hall at the Biocenter Grindel and Zoological Museum, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 H |
Compact course: An introduction to H-matrices, Part I Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Hackbusch |
06/27/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Basisreduktionsmethoden für lineare und nichtlineare Systeme Hagen Eichel |
06/20/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Von zufälligen dynamischen Systemen zu präkonditionierten iterativen Lösern Helena Jenderek |
06/13/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Inexakte Projektionsverfahren zur Lösung linearer und nichtlinearer Eigenwertaufgaben Nicolai Rehbein |
06/06/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Ohne Annika Eichler |
05/30/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Zufällige Operatoren und Spektraltheorie Raffael Hagger |
05/29/13 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Geometrie und Spektraltheorie von Graphen und Dirichletformen Daniel Lenz |
05/29/13 | 01:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
H-Matrizen für Finite-Differenzen Matrizen* Dominik Enseleit, UHH, UHH Die Technik der Hierarchischen Matrizen H-Matrizen) ermöglicht die Berechnung einer approximativen H-Inversen oder H-LU-Zerlegung in fast linearer Komplexität und kann auf diese Weise zur effizienten Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme eingesetzt werden. Vor der Verwendung der H-Matrix-Technik ist zu untersuchen, ob eine H-Matrix Approximation der Inversen bzw. der Faktoren der LU-Zerlegung existiert. |
05/16/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Spaß mit Integraloperatoren Torge Schmidt |
04/25/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Kondensationen Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mackens |
04/18/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Darstellung und Approximation von Tensoren im Hierarchischen Format Stefan Kühn, MPI, Leipzig Die effiziente Darstellung und Approximation von Tensoren gewinnt in vielen Anwendungsbereichen der Mathematik wie Quantenchemie und -physik und auch generell innerhalb der Numerik immer mehr an Bedeutung. In diesem Vortrag werden wir ein neues Format zur Darstellung von hochdimensionalen |
01/31/13 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Variationelle Charakterisierung von Eigenwerten nichtlinearer Eigenwertaufgaben Heinrich Voß |
01/30/13 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Potentialstörungen akkretiver Operatoren und elliptische Operatoren in Divergenzform Hendrik Vogt |
01/22/13 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Titchmarsh-Weyl theory for elliptic differential operators on unbounded domains* Jussi Behrndt, TU Graz, Österreich In this talk we describe the spectral properties of selfadjoint Schrödinger operators on unbounded domains with |
12/19/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Wissenswertes über Krylov-Raum-Verfahren Jens-Peter M. Zemke |
12/17/12 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Some relations between discrete and continuous Laplacians, and averaging operators on graphs Dr. rer. nat. Konstantin Pankrashkin |
12/12/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Robust successive computation of eigenpairs for nonlinear eigenvalue problems* Cedric Effenberger, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne We consider eigenvalue problems which are nonlinear in the eigenvalue |
12/05/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Verschiedene Transporteigenschaften Christian Seifert |
11/28/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Invariant pairs for nonlinear eigenvalue problems* Prof. Dr. Daniel Kressner, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne The concept of invariant subspaces is fundamental to linear eigenvalue problems and provides an important theoretical foundation in the design of numerical eigenvalue solvers. It turns out that there is no straightforward extension of this concept to eigenvalue problems that are nonlinear in the eigenvalue parameter. One obstacle is that eigenvectors belonging to different eigenvalues may become linearly dependent in the nonlinear case. Invariant pairs offer an elegant way to avoid this obstacle and appear to be the most natural extension of invariant subspaces. In this talk, we give an overview of the properties of invariant pairs and explain how they can be used in the design of numerical algorithms for nonlinear eigenvalue problems, as they arise for example in band diagram calculations for photonic crystals and fluid-structure interaction problems. |
11/21/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Über kleine, große und ganz große Matrizen Marko Lindner |
10/31/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95E, Room 1.050 |
Ein Streifzug durch allerlei Sabine Le Borne |
10/24/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 1.050 |
Schrödinger-Operatoren mit kompakter Resolvente* Peter Stollmann, TU Chemnitz, TU Chemnitz, Fakultät für Mathematik, 09107 Chemnitz Ein klassischer Satz von Friedrichs besagt, dass Schrödingeroperatoren kompakte Resolvente besitzen, wenn das zugrundeliegende Potential bei Unendlich gegen Unendlich geht. In diesem Vortrag werden wir einen einfachen Beweis einer Verallgemeinerung präsentieren, basierend auf einer gemeinsamen Arbeit mit D. Lenz (Jena) und D. Wingert. |
10/02/12 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95 E, Room 3.032 |
Varianten der Eigenvektorberechnung mittels
Algorithmen basierend auf Induzierter
Dimensions-Reduktion (IDR) (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Nina T. Piontek |
09/26/12 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95 D, Room D0013 |
Anwendung eines auf Induzierter
Dimensions-Reduktion basierenden
Eigenwertlösers auf ein FEM-Modell (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Aulikki Wilhelmi genannt Hofmann |
09/26/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95 D, Room D0013 |
Vergleich der drei Hauptklassen von
Krylov-Raum-Verfahren zur
Eigenwertberechnung an ausgewählten Beispielen
aus der FEM-Analyse (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Sarajaddin Rahmani |
09/05/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Contributions to the Optimal Choice of Parameters in Induced Dimension Reduction algorithms (Masterarbeitsvortrag) Olaf Rendel |
08/22/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Vergleich von Lanczos- und Sonneveld-Algorithmen zur Lösung großer dünnbesetzter linearer Gleichungssysteme über endlichen Körpern an Beispielen aus der Kryptographie (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Matthias Marx |
08/08/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Zur optimalen Wahl der Parameter in präkonditioniertem Multi-Shift QMRIDR am Beispiel der Helmholtz-Gleichung (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Michael Garben |
06/22/12 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Vergleich dreier Klassen von Krylov-Raum-Verfahren an ausgewählten Beispielen aus der FEM-Analyse (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Mehran Majidi |
06/15/12 | 09:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Approximation of convergence rates of the Lanczos iteration through potential theory (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Dawid Golebiewski |
03/14/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
The Lanczos algorithms and their relations to formal orthogonal polynomials, Padé approximation, continued fractions, and the qd algorithm* Martin Gutknecht, ETH Zurich; Seminar for Applied Mathematics, LEO D3 (Leonhardstrasse 27), 8092 Zurich, Switzerland In their seminal 1952 paper on the conjugate gradient (CG) method Hestenes and Stiefel pointed out that their method, which is applicable to linear systems of equations with symmetric positive definite matrix only, is closely related to certain orthogonal polynomials, the corresponding Gauss quadrature formulas, certain continued fractions, and their convergents (or `partial sums'). The latter can be seen to be Padé approximants of a function that involves the resolvent of the matrix. |
02/29/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Solving large nonsymmetric linear systems with IDR(s) on a geographically separated cluster of parallel computers* Martin van Gijzen, Delft University of Technology; Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Mekelweg 4; 2628 CD Delft; The Netherlands The IDR(s) method is a family of fast algorithms for iteratively solving large nonsymmetric linear systems. In the talk we will discuss an IDR(s) variant that is specifically tuned for parallel and grid computing. In particular in grid computing the inner product is a bottleneck operation. We will discuss three techniques that we have used to alleviate this bottleneck in IDR(s). Firstly, the efficient and stable IDR(s)-biortho method is reformulated in such a way that it has a single global synchronisation point per iteration step. Secondly, the so-called test matrix is chosen so that the work, communication, and storage involving this matrix is minimised in multi-cluster environments. Finally, a methodology is presented for a-priori estimation of the optimal value of s using only problem and machine--based parameters. We will also discuss a preconditioned version of IDR(s) that is particularly suited for grid computing. We will illustrate our results with numerical experiments on the DAS--3 Grid computer, which consists of five cluster computers located at geographically separated places in the Netherlands. |
02/15/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
An Optimization Problem Corresponding To a Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem On a Rearrangement Class Abbasali Mohammadi |
02/01/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Inexakte Iterationsverfahren zur Berechnung von Eigenwerten Nicolai Rehbein |
01/18/12 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Studienarbeitsvortrag: Tikhonov Regularization of Large Linear Problems via Lanczos Bidiagonalization Negar Arazm |
12/15/11 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Topology and non-Rocal geometry of wall-bounded flows Diplomvortrag Moritz Kompenhans |
11/23/11 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Der Wiedemann-Algorithmus und andere Krylov-Raum-Verfahren (Studienarbeitsvortrag) Raphael Elsner |
11/21/11 | 11:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Linearisierung von rationalen Eigenwertaufgaben Osman Cakir |
09/07/11 | 02:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Eigenwertberechnung mittels IDRStab (Studienarbeitsvortrag) Anisa Rizvanolli |
05/04/11 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Untersuchung zur Festigkeit von Schiffen mit Hilfe der iterativen Lösung linearer Systeme Osman Cakir |
04/06/11 | 04:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Die modale Berechnung der Strukturverformung von Schiffen im Seegang Anne Schwenkenberg |
04/06/11 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Adaption reduzierter Basen Uwe Köcher |
04/06/11 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Krylov-Unterraum-Verfahren für Operatoren (Studienarbeitsvortrag) Abdessalem Helal |
03/16/11 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
The Lanczos Algorithm in Finite-Precision Arithmetic* Ivo Panayotov, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 24-29 St Giles', Oxford, OX1 3LB, England The Lanczos algorithm was introduced in 1950 as means of solving eigenvalue problems. Despite its apparent elegance, the algorithm was initially neglected by the scientific community because it was observed to depart from its theoretical properties due to the effects of finite-precision computer arithmetic. The algorithm regained popularity several decades later when it was shown that despite its departure from theory, it nevertheless produces highly accurate eigenvalue estimates. |
02/21/11 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Performance of the Preconditioned IDR(s)-based Residual Reduction Method Prof. Seiji Fujino, Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan We devised an IDR(s)-based SOR method and presented its effectiveness in view of efficiency and robustness by comparison with other iterative methods one year ago. In this talk, we consider the preconditioned IDR(s)-based Residual Reduction (R2) method as an extension of the IDR(s)-based SOR method in view of robust preconditioning. Moreover, we present numerical experiments that clearly show that our proposed IDR(s)-R2 method outperforms other approaches. |
12/15/10 | 04:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Inexaktes BiCGStab (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Deniz Ataç |
12/15/10 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Matlab-Implementierung eines QR-Algorithmus mit multiplen Shifts und aggressiver frühzeitiger Deflation (Studienarbeitsvortrag) Berivan Upçin |
12/08/10 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Singular optimal control, Lur'e equations and even matrix pencils Prof. Dr. Timo Reis, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg Lur'e equations are a generalization of algebraic Riccati equations and they arise in linear-quadratic optimal control with cost functional being singular in the input. |
11/24/10 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Demands of modal reanalysis techniques in Engineering Design Jiacong Yin, Peking University, China 1. A brief introduction about our group in Peking University |
11/09/10 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Spline-Ausgleich für die glatte Approximation von NC-Daten (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Michael Seeck |
10/20/10 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur effektiven Lösung großer nichtlinearer Gleichungssysteme Fabian Krome |
09/22/10 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Eine graphische Benutzeroberfläche bei Kurvenverfolgung (Studienarbeitsvortrag) Uwe Köcher |
09/22/10 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Inexakte Inverse Iteration (Diplomarbeitsvortrag) Fatih Berber |
09/15/10 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Aspects of eigenvalue computations using Induced Dimension Reduction (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag) Olaf Rendel |
06/16/10 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Inducing dimension reduction for efficientlysolving large linear systems of equations Gerard L.G. Sleijpen, Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands The Induced Dimension Reduction method was proposed in 1980 by Peter Sonneveld as an iterative method for solving large non-symmetric linear systems of equations. IDR can be considered as the predecessor of methods like CGS (Conjugate Gradient Squared [Sonneveld '89]) and Bi-CGSTAB (Bi-Conjugate Gradients STABilized [van der Vorst '92]). All three methods are based on efficient short recurrences. An important similarity between the methods is that they use orthogonalization with respect to a fixed `shadow residual'. Of the three methods, Bi-CGSTAB has gained the most popularity, and is probably still the most widely used short recurrence method for solving non-symmetric systems. |
04/14/10 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Inverse Iteration, Newton-Abschätzungen und Anwendung auf Rayleigh-Quotienten-Iterationen bei nichtlinearen Eigenwertproblemen Prof. Hubert Schwetlick, TU Dresden, Institut für Numerische Mathematik Bekanntlich liefert ein Schriitt $(u,\theta) \mapsto u_+^{InvIt}$ der Inversen Iteration für das nichtlineare Eigenwertproblem $T(\lambda)x=0$ dieselbe Richtung wie ein Schritt $(u,\theta) \mapsto (u_+^{Newt},\theta_+^{Newt})$ des Newtonverfahrens für das erweiterte System $T(\lambda)x=0,\;w^Hx=1$ mit einem geeigneten Skalierungsvektor $w$, d.h., es gilt $\mbox{span}\,\{u_+^{InvIt}\}=\mbox{span}\,\{u_+^{Newt}\}$. Es liegt daher nahe, zur Abschätzung der Verbesserung der Eigenvektorapproximation $u$ durch die Inverse Iteration Newton-Techniken zu verwenden. Es wird gezeigt, dass dies zu genauen Abschätzungen führt, wenn explizit mit dem Restglied zweiter Ordnung gearbeitet und dessen spezielle Produktstruktur berücksichtigt wird wie das von \textsc{Heinz Unger} [50] erstmalig (und ohne publizierten Beweis) für das lineare Problem $T(\lambda)=A-\lambda I$ getan worden ist. |
02/17/10 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
wird noch bekannt gegeben Michael Dudzinski |
02/03/10 | 01:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
On the motion of several rigid bodies in an incompressible non-Newtonian fluid* Prof. Sarka Necasova, Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic The motion of one or several rigid bodies in a viscous fluid occupying a bounded domain $\Omega in R^3$ represents an interesting theoretical problem featuring, among others, possible contacts of two or more solid objects. We consider the motion of several rigid bodies in a non-Newtonian fluid of a power-law type. Our main result establishes the existence of global-in-time solutions of the associated evolutionary system, when collisions of two or more rigid objects do not appear in a finite time unless they were present initially. |
01/27/10 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
A self-similar solution for the porous medium equation in a two-component domain* Prof. Jan Filo, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic We solve a particular system of nonlinear ODEs defined on the two different components of the real line connected by the nonlinear contact condition |
12/16/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Inverse iteration for purely imaginary eigenvalues with application to the detection of Hopf Bifurcations in large scale problems* Prof. Dr. Karl Meerbergen, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven The detection of a Hopf bifurcation in a large scale dynamical system that depends on a physical parameter often consists of computing the right-most eigenvalues of a sequence of large sparse eigenvalue problems. Guckenheimer et. al. (SINUM, 34, (1997) pp. 1-21) proposed a method that computes a value of the parameter that corresponds to a Hopf point without actually computing right-most eigenvalues. This method utilises a certain sum of Kronecker products and involves the solution of matrices of squared dimension, which is impractical for large scale applications. However, if good starting guesses are available for the parameter and the purely imaginary eigenvalue at the Hopf point, then efficient algorithms are available. In this paper, we propose a method for obtaining such good starting guesses, based on finding purely imaginary eigenvalues of a two-parameter eigenvalue problem (possibly arising after a linearisation process). The problem is formulated as an inexact inverse iteration method that requires the solution of a sequence of Lyapunov equations with low rank right hand sides. It is this last fact that makes the method feasible for large systems. The power of our method is tested on numerical examples. |
12/04/09 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Introduction of IDR-based Jacobi(s), Gauss-Seidel(s) and SOR(s) methods and its estimation Prof. Seiji Fujino, Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan The conventional SOR (Successive Over-Relaxation) method originated from the dissertation by D. Young in 1950. After that, the SOR method has been often used for the solution of problems which stem from various applications. The SOR method, however, has many issues on possibility of the solution because of no robustness of convergence of the SOR method. |
09/16/09 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Ein Verfahren zur Regularisierung von vollständigen Ausgleichsproblemen Moritz Augustin |
09/16/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Die Newton Methode und Rayleigh Quotienten Interation für das Totale Least Squares Problem Fatih Berber |
09/09/09 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Über den Einfluss eines inexakten
Matrix-Vektor-Produkts auf Fehlerschätzungen im
Verfahren der konjugierten Gradienten Martin Müller |
09/02/09 | 04:15 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
The generalized Riemann problem (GRP) method for compressible fluid flows* Prof. Jiequan Li, School of Mathematics, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China In this talk I will briefly review the generalized Riemann problem (GRP) method for compressible fluid flows. There were originally two versions of this method: |
09/02/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
ON THE CONTROL OF NUMERICAL EFFECTS OF DISPERSION AND DISSIPATION PREVAILING IN FINITE DIFFERENCE SCHEMES* Dr. Bippine Appadu, University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius In CFD, Atmospheric Sciences and Computational Aeroacoustics, many problems involve regions of discontinuity. When used to solve problems involving regions of shocks, dispersive schemes give rise to oscillations while dissipative schemes cause smearing, close to these regions of sharp gradients. |
07/10/09 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Building D, Room D1025 |
Discrete Empirical Interpolation for Nonlinear Model Reduction* Prof. D. C. Sorensen, Rice University, Houston, Texas A dimension reduction method called Discrete Empirical Interpolation (DEIM) will be presented and shown to dramatically reduce the computational complexity of the popular Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) method for constructing reduced-order models for unsteady and/or parametrized nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). In the presence of a general nonlinearity, the standard POD-Galerkin technique reduces dimension in the sense that far fewer variables are present, but the complexity of evaluating the nonlinear term remains that of the original problem. |
06/17/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
New ideas on IDR(s) Jens-Peter M. Zemke |
05/13/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
On numerical simulation of flow in time-dependent domains Prof. Miloslav Feistauer, Karls-Universität Prag, Department of Numerical Mathematics The lecture will be concerned with the simulation of inviscid and viscous compressible flow in time dependent domains. The motion of the boundary of the domain occupied by the fluid is taken into account with the aid of the ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) formulation of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations describing compressible flow. The system of the governing equations is discretized in space by the discontinous Galerkin method. The time discretization is based on a semi-implicit linearized time stepping scheme, which leads to the solution of a linear algebraic system on each time level. As a result we get an efficient and robust numerical process. The applicability of the developed method will be demonstrated by some computational results obtained for flow in a channel with a moving wall and past an oscillating airfoil. |
04/22/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Berechnung erzwungener Schwingungen mittels modaler Superposition für unsymmetriche Systeme Loubna Doubli |
04/15/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
An Implementation for Model Order Reduction using Multilevel Substructuring Nicolai Rehbein |
03/25/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
On the Application of Gaussian Quadrature for the Finite Volume Evolution Galerkin Scheme Andreas Hempel |
02/25/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Multilevel discontinous Galerkin method Florian Prill |
01/28/09 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
IDR in variations* Prof. Martin Gutknecht, Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zurich The Induced Dimension Reduction (IDR) method is a Krylov space method for solving linear systems that was first developed by Sonneveld around 1979 and documented on three and a half pages of a 1980 proceedings paper by Wesseling and Sonneveld. Soon after IDR, Sonneveld introduced his widely applied Conjugate Gradient Squared (CGS) algorithm. Then, in 1990, van der Vorst suggested Bi-CGSTAB that he claimed to improve both those methods. |
12/17/08 | 02:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Non-Oscillatory Central Schemes -- a Powerful Black-Box-Solver for Hyperbolic PDE's Prof. Alexander Kurganow, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA I will first give a brief description of finite-volume, Godunov-type methods for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. These methods consist of two types of schemes: upwind and central. My lecture will focus on the second type -- non-oscillatory central schemes. |
12/03/08 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerical entropy production as a regularity/error indicator Prof. Gabriella Puppo, Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Torino,Italy Uniqueness for weak solutions of conservation laws is based on the sign of the entropy production across discontinuos solutions. Although the entropy plays a fundamental role in the theory of hyperbolic systems, it is generally not used as a computational tool. |
12/03/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Statistik nichtlinearer Vorgänge im Seegang Alexander von Graefe |
11/27/08 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Systeme gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen zur Beschreibung von Fußgängerdynamik Mohcine Chraibi |
11/20/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerical Solution of Conservation Laws over Non-Uniform, Adaptively Redefined Meshes Dr. Sfakianakis Nikos, University of Heraklion, Greece We start with a brief introduction to Conservation Laws and to their numerical solutions. Then we discuss the construction and manipulation of non-uniform meshes, using geometric properties of the numerical solution under consideration. Next, we examine properties (such as consistency, stability and order of accuracy) of numerical schemes over both uniform and non-uniform meshes. Finally, we combine a proper mesh selection mechanism with Entropy Conservative or oscillatory numerical schemes for the evolution step. |
11/19/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Über Fehlerschätzungen im Verfahren der konjugierten Gradienten Martin Müller |
10/29/08 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Purifying-Iteration zur Verbesserung der Approximationsgüte einer Jacobimatrixnäherung in einem QN-Kontext Tim Steinhoff |
08/20/08 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
wird noch bekannt gegeben Nam Le |
07/09/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Some strategies for improving Automated Muti-Level Sub-Structuring Tobias Hilgert |
06/11/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Diplomarbeit Martin Mohr |
06/04/08 | 03:30 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Über Eigenpaar-Approximationen mit (quasi-)minimalem Residuum Jens-Peter M. Zemke |
06/04/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Eigenwertprobleme Elektromagnetischer Felder in Unbeschränkten Gebieten Kemal Yildiztekin |
05/07/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Ein Verfahren zur Simulation von dreidimensionalen Strukturverformungen im Seegang mithilfe modaler Reduktion Boris Dilba |
05/07/08 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Auf Eigenlösern basierende Methoden für regularisierte totale Ausgleichsprobleme Heinrich Voss |
04/23/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Auf Eigenlösern basierende Methoden für regularisierte totale Ausgleichsprobleme Heinrich Voss |
04/02/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
On the multiscale rodlike model in polymeric fluids Hui Zhang, School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, P.R. China We will show the new rigid rod-like model in a polymeric fluid. The constitutive relations considered are motivated by the kinetic theory. The micro equation has five spatial freedom variables, two of them are in the configuration domain and the others are in the macro flow domain. It is obtained the local existence of the solution with large initial data and global existence of the solution with small Deborah and Reynolds constants in periodic domains. For the case of no flow we will give the structure of stationary solutions to the micro equation with Maier-Saupe potential on the sphere. The stationary solutions are shown to be necessarily a set of axially symmetric functions, and a complete classification of parameters for phase transitions to these stationary solutions is obtained. It is shown that the number of stationary solutions hinges on whether the potential intensity crosses two critical values 6.731393 and 7.5. Furthermore, we present explicit formulas for all stationary solutions. It is first theoretically proven that there is a hysteresis phenomenon when the non-dimensional potential intensity among particles changes. In the weak shear flow, we show that there exist many stable dynamic states: flow-aligning, tumbling, log-rolling and kayaking, which depend on the initial concentrated orientation of liquid crystal particles. Theoretical analysis is reported the first time that the Kayaking state does not circulate around a fixed direction but the asymmetric axis will periodically change. |
03/25/08 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerical Simulation of a Zero Pressure Gradient Boundary Layer Sergio Hoyas |
03/25/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Applications of the integral transforms to engineering problems Jezabel Perez |
03/07/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Stability Analysis of the Newmark Method Applied to Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs) Nicolai Rehbein |
03/07/08 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Integratoren für Index-2 DAEs aus der Mechanik (Beta-blocking Techniken) Claus Führer |
03/05/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Detecting hyperbolic and extended strongly hyperbolic matrix polynomials Heinrich Voss |
02/27/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Fluid-Struktur Interaktion: Reduktionsansätze für den Hydromassenoperator Alexander Menk |
02/13/08 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Nichtlineare Dynamik verankerter Offshore-Strukturen Katrin Ellermann |
02/06/08 | 01:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Solving Trust Region Problems via a Sequence of Linear Eigenproblems Jörg Lampe |
12/19/07 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Varianten des Jacobi-Davidson Verfahrens für nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben Alexander von Graefe |
12/19/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
AMLS with Dynamic Substructuring Tobias Hilgert |
11/28/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Das Kummersche Verfahren für nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben Gerhard Unger |
11/21/07 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Possible improvement strategies for AMLS Tobias Hilgert |
11/21/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerical modelling of hyperbolic conservation laws with spatially varying flux functions, Part II Marcus Kraft |
11/14/07 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
How to solve RLS and RTLS problems via a sequence of linear Eigenproblems Jörg Lampe |
11/14/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerical modelling of hyperbolic conservation laws with spatially varying flux functions, Part I Arun K.R. |
11/07/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Nonlinear problems in analysis of Krylov subspace methods Zdenek Strakos |
10/31/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Lösung linearer Matrixungleichungen mit Hilfe Interior-Point-Verfahren Birgit Stender |
10/26/07 | 01:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Anwendung direkter Verfahren der Optimalen Steuerung auf Probleme der Robotik Kemal Yildiztekin |
10/24/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Schallabstrahluhg planarer Strukturen mittels Jinc Funktion Le Nam |
10/17/07 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Bestimmung von Periodizitäten Michael Dudzinski |
10/10/07 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Convergence of aggregation/disaggregation methods in the presence of cyclicity Ivo Marek |
10/10/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
A Discrete Rankine-Hugoniot Solver for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws S.V. Raghurama Rao |
10/05/07 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Grundlagen des Quanten-Computing Anna Klich |
08/22/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
folgt noch Bastian Ebeling |
08/08/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Approximation der Hydromassen im Schiffbau Alexander Menk |
07/25/07 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Implementierung eines Algorithmus zur Parameteridentifzierung bei gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen mithilfe von SQP-Verfahren Katja Wiebracht |
07/25/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Modellierung der Koexistenz einer E-Coli- und Dictyostelium discoidum-Kokultur Peter Ungemach |
06/22/07 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Characterization of lung nodules in CT images using geometric features Hanno Böttcher |
05/16/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Core problems in linear algebraic systems Chen Ma |
05/02/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Stability and Accuracy of Derivatives with Respect to Parameters of RK-Methods Tim Steinhoff |
04/27/07 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Iterative methods for large-scale ill-posed problems Lothar Reichel |
04/04/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Discontinuous Galerkin Verfahren in der Aerodynamik: Höhere Ordnung,Fehlerschätzung und adaptive Gitterverfeinerung Ralf Hartmann |
03/14/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
MLS model reduction for second-order time-invariant dynamical systems Frank Blömeling |
02/14/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Vorstellung Promotionsthema Duy Nam Le |
02/07/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Global Convergent Algorithms for the RTLS-problem Jörg Lampe |
01/31/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerische Verfahren für Signorini-Kontaktprobleme Markus Stammberger |
01/24/07 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Untersuchung eines LQR-Reglers und eines Modell-Prädiktiven-Reglers für die Steuerung eines Raumfahrzeugs und eines Kampfjets Janina Zachej |
12/20/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Transient motion in modal coordinates Boris Dilba |
12/20/06 | 01:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Stabilisierte Bestimmung der Ableitung bei verrauschten Daten Michael Dudzinski |
12/13/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
On Generalized Schur Algorithms Jens-Peter M. Zemke |
11/29/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Computer aided detection and characterization of lung nodules in CT images using Support Vector Machines Hanno Böttcher |
11/29/06 | 01:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
AMLS model order reduction: Projection by Krylov subspaces and second order dynamical systems Frank Blömeling |
11/22/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Navier-Stokes Equations in a Time Dependent Domain Anka Zauskova |
11/08/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Kinematical conservation laws - ray theory and applications K.R. Arun |
11/01/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Implementation eines ESDIRK Lösers mit zusätzlicher Ableitung der Lösung nach Parametern und Anfangswert mittels Techniken der automatischen Differentiation Hanno Böttcher |
10/25/06 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Evaluation of Krylov Automated Multi-Level Substructuring in Structural Dynamics Tobias Hilgert |
10/11/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
On a quadratic eigenproblem occurring in regularized total least squares Heinrich Voss |
08/16/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Untersuchung verschiedener Skalierungsvarianten im Nicht-Hermiteschen Lanczos-Algorithmus Thomas Radtke |
07/19/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Nonlinear eigenvalue problems in energy band calculation of semiconductor quantum dots Marta Betcke |
07/05/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerical modeling of some geophysical flows Marcus Kraft |
06/28/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerische Methoden für nichtklassische Schockwellen: Entropiesteuerung und Level-Set Methoden Christian Rohde |
05/24/06 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Anwendungen der automatischen Differentiation mit ADMAT/ADMIT/ADiMAT und INTLAB in MATLAB Jan Müller |
05/10/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
On the Comparison of the Finite Volume and the Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Katja Baumbach |
03/15/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Hierarchical substructuring combined with SVD-based model reduction methods Frank Blömeling |
02/22/06 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Eine Toolbox zur Automatischen Differentiation Peter Ungemach |
01/25/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Rank-One Updates in Restarted GMRES Jens Zemke |
01/11/06 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Interne Solitärwellen mit eingeschlossenem Kern: Eine numerische Untersuchung in 3D Moriz Scharpenberg |
10/12/05 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Modellreduktion für sehr große dünn besetzte Systeme 2 Ordnung mit dem Arnoldi-Verfahren Jörg Lampe |
09/07/05 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Modellreduktion mittels Substrukturierung Frank Blömeling |
08/24/05 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerische Simulation von Quantenpunkten Heinrich Voss |
08/24/05 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Efficient methods for finding transition states in chemical reactions: comparison of improved dimer method and partitioned rational function optimization method Andreas Heyden |
08/17/05 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Vom verborgenen Sinn Peter Hildebrandt |
06/29/05 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Vibroakustische Simulation in der Automobil-Entwicklung Frank Ihlenburg |
06/15/05 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Berechnung der SEA-Kopplungsverlustfaktoren in Stützen-Platten-Kopplung Duy Nam Le |
05/04/05 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Constrained Transport Method for the Finite Volume Evolution Galerkin Schemes with Application in Astrophysics Katja Baumbach |
04/27/05 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Model Reduction Methods Using Krylov Subspaces For Solving Rational Eigenvalue Problems Frank Blömeling |
12/15/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Pade-Approximation mit Anwendung bei symmetrischen rationalen Eigenwertproblemen Teil 2 Frank Blömeling |
12/08/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Pade-Approximation mit Anwendung bei symmetrischen rationalen Eigenwertproblemen Teil 1 Frank Blömeling |
12/01/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Modelling of non-Newtonian fluids Jan Cerny |
11/24/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Brände in Tunnelnetzwerken Marcus Kraft |
09/22/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Eine a priori Fehlerschranke für das AMLS Verfahren Voss Heinrich |
09/15/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
From elliptic PDEs to complex approximation Timo Betcke |
09/01/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Berechnung der SEA-Kopplungsverlustfaktoren mittels Vibrationsrechnungen Duy Nam Le |
07/14/04 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
A Modal Approach for the Gyroscopic Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem Kolja Elssel |
07/14/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Finite volume method for the shallow water equations with source terms Zdenek Vlk |
04/21/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Polynomial Approximation in the Complex Plane Timo Betcke |
03/03/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Model reduction methods for solving symmetric rational eigenvalue problems Frank Blömeling |
02/18/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Partitionierung beim Automated Multilevel Substructuring Algorithmus Kolja Elßel |
02/04/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053s |
Angepasste Krylov-Raum Verfahren für normale Matrizen Jens Zemke |
01/21/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Rationale Eigenwertaufgabe Lada Mazurenko |
01/07/04 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Methoden der Modellreduktion zur Lösung symmetrischer rationaler Eigenwertprobleme Frank Blömeling |
12/17/03 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Eine Normalform für symplektische Matrizen Sabine Knupfer |
12/03/03 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Die Even-Odd Zerlegung des charakteristischen Polynomes einer RSPDT Matrix Aleksandra Kostic |
11/06/03 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Ein modaler Ansatz für das Quadratische Eigenwertproblem Kolja Elßel |
10/29/03 | 05:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Projektionsverfahren für gyroskopische Eigenwertprobleme Marta Markiewicz |
10/22/03 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Iterative Projektionsverfahren für nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben Heinrich Voß |
09/18/03 | 02:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Homotopiemethode für nichtsymmetrische nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben Frank Blömeling |
09/18/03 | 01:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Die Riccati Methode Christian Schröder |
07/09/03 | 05:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Betrachtung des Look-Ahead Lanczos Algorithmus zur Berechnung betragsmäßig kleiner Eigenwerte Tim Steinhoff |
07/09/03 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Numerische Modellierung von Systemen hyperbolischer Erhaltungsgleichungen Maria Lukacova-Medvidova |
07/02/03 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
FE-Modell-Korrektur anhand modaler Meßdaten Bastian Ebeling |
04/30/03 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Ein Beitrag zur Verfolgung von Eigenpfaden mit Anwendungen aus der Strukturdynamik Nils Wagner |
04/24/03 | 04:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Passivity Preserving Model Reduction via Interpolation of Spectral Zeros Dan Sorensen |
04/16/03 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Spectrally good approximations for eigenvalue problems on polygons Timo Betcke |
04/02/03 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Multilevel Erweiterungen der Komponenten Moden Synthese Kolja Elssel |
03/12/03 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Krylov Methods for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Elias Jarlebring |
12/18/02 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Restarts für GMRES Marta Markiewicz |
12/11/02 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Von Arnoldi über das Jacobi-Davidson zum Riccati Verfahren für große Eigenwertaufgaben Heinrich Voss |
12/04/02 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
ARPACK in Theorie und Praxis Christian Schröder |
11/20/02 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Methoden für nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgabe Lada Mazurenko |
11/13/02 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Die Komponenten Moden Synthese Kolja Elßel |
11/06/02 | 03:00 pm | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Arnoldi-Tschebyscheff Algorithmus zum Lösen dünn besetzter Eigenwertprobleme Frank Blömeling |
08/21/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Effiziente Methoden für nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben Timo Betcke |
07/03/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Inverse Iteration für nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben Martin Holters |
06/26/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
MinMax Charakterisierung für nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben- Teil II Heinrich Voss |
06/12/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Strukturerhaltende Methoden zur Berechnung von Eigenwerten von großen dünnbesetzten schief-hamiltonischen/hamiltonischen Pencils Teil II Sabine Knupfer |
05/29/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Strukturerhaltende Methoden zur Berechnung von Eigenwerten von großen dünnbesetzten schief-hamiltonischen/hamiltonischen Pencils Sabine Knupfer |
05/08/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Gebietszerlegung-Multigrid-Schwarz-Verfahren und mehr Reinhard Nabben |
04/10/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
MinMax Charakterisierung für nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben Heinrich Voß |
03/20/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
MinMax Charakterisierung für Nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben Heinrich Voß |
03/13/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Anwendung der Komponenten-Moden-Synthese zur Berechnung des Dynamischen Verhaltens großer Strukturen Timo Betcke |
02/27/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Eigenwert / Eigenvektor - Relationen Jens Zemke |
02/13/02 | 10:00 am | Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 |
Ein Verfahren der Ordnung (1+sqrt(3))zur Bestimmung des kleinsten Eigenwertes einer Toeplitz Matrix Aleksandra Kostic In this article we compare the set of integer points in the homothetic copy ${n\Pi}$ of a lattice polytope ${\Pi\subseteq{{\mathbb R}}^d}$ with the set of all sums${ x_1+\ldots +xn}$ with ${x_1,\ldots,x_n\in \Pi\cap{{\mathbb Z}}^d}$ and ${n\in{{\mathbb N}}}$. We give conditions on the polytope ${\Pi}$ under which these two sets coincide and we discuss two notions of boundary for subsets of${{{\mathbb Z}}^d}$ or, more generally, subsets of a finitely generated discrete group. |
* Talk within the Colloquium on Applied Mathematics