Office hours
Staff | Phone +49 40 42878- |
Office hours | |
Ikrom Akramov, M. Sc. Room 3.049 |
3079 | Thursday, 3:00 - 4:00 pm.
Semester break: By appointment (by email) | |
Judith Angel, M. Sc. Room 3.051 |
2478 | Friday, 1 PM - 2 PM
Semester break: By appointment (by email) | |
Peter Baasch, M. Sc. Room 3.072 |
3869 | By appointment (by email) | |
Dr. Florian Bünger Room 3.059 |
3127 | by appointment | |
Dr. Dennis Clemens Room 3.077 |
3549 | By appointment (by email) | |
Jorin Dornemann, M. Sc. Room 3.076 |
3548 | Wednesday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Semester break: By appointment (by email) | |
Dr. Jan Philip Freese Room 3.045 |
3277 | by appointment | |
Joscha Fregin, M. Sc. Room 3.051 |
2478 | Wednesday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Semester break: appointment (by email) | |
Dr. Sebastian Götschel Room 3.048 |
3870 | by appointment | |
Fabian Hamann, M. Sc. Room 3.095 |
2474 | Thursday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Semester break: By appointment (by email) | |
Abdul Qadir Ibrahim, M. Sc. Room 3.038 |
3367 | By appointment (by email) | |
Katharina Klioba, M. Sc. Room 3.078 |
3058 | winter term 24/25: on thursdays 2.00-3.00pm in E3.078,
by appointment only during lecture-free time and for online office hours | |
Prof. Dr. Sabine Le Borne Room 3.053 |
3874 | By appointment (by email) | |
Matthias Lienau, M. Sc. Room 3.042 |
4482 | Wednesday 14-15 (Cancelled on 11.12.!)
During the lecture-free time by appointment (via email) | |
Prof. Dr. Marko Lindner Room 3.094 |
2918 | by appointment (via email) | |
Yannick Mogge, M. Sc. Room 3.095 |
2474 | Thursday, 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Semester break: By appointment (by email) | |
Dr. Sonja Otten Room 3.097 |
3877 | By appointment (by email) | |
Dr. Jens-Peter M. Zemke Room 3.044 |
3671 | By appointment (by email) | |
Dr. habil. Haibo Ruan Room 3.071 |
3551 | Wednesday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Semester break: By appointment (by email) | |
Prof. Dr. Daniel Ruprecht Room 3.047 |
3279 | Online via Zoom or offline in room E-3.046 by appointment | |
Thore Saathoff, M. Eng. Room 3.056 |
6192 | (only internal)
By appointment (by e-mail) On-site: Mon and Fri from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. | |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulte Room 3.061 |
4362 | During the lecture period Monday 11:30 - 12:30 in Room E 3.061,
otherwise by appointment | |
Dr. habil. Christian Seifert Room 3.097 |
3873 | Wednesday, 11:00-12:00,
and by appointment | |
Prof. Dr. Anusch Taraz Room 3.091 |
3843 | during term time Wednesday, 16:00-17:00
(in Room E 3.090) | |
Vanessa Trapp, M. Sc. Room 3.042 |
4482 | Friday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Semester break: By appointment (by email) | |
Julio Urizarna, M. Sc. Room 3.049 |
3079 | Wednesdays, 10:00 - 11:00 am.
(On the 17.05.2023 only available for online office hours, using Semester break: By appointment (by email) |