TUHH / Institut für Mathematik / Vorträge Englische Flagge


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Vorträge 521 bis 530 von 684 | Gesamtansicht

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Datum Zeit Ort Vortrag
04.05.11 15:00 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 Untersuchung zur Festigkeit von Schiffen mit Hilfe der iterativen Lösung linearer Systeme
Osman Cakir

Symbol: Pfeil nach oben
06.04.11 16:15 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 Die modale Berechnung der Strukturverformung von Schiffen im Seegang
Anne Schwenkenberg

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06.04.11 15:00 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 Adaption reduzierter Basen
Uwe Köcher

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06.04.11 14:00 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 Krylov-Unterraum-Verfahren für Operatoren (Studienarbeitsvortrag)
Abdessalem Helal

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16.03.11 15:00 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 The Lanczos Algorithm in Finite-Precision Arithmetic*
Ivo Panayotov, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 24-29 St Giles', Oxford, OX1 3LB, England

The Lanczos algorithm was introduced in 1950 as means of solving eigenvalue problems. Despite its apparent elegance, the algorithm was initially neglected by the scientific community because it was observed to depart from its theoretical properties due to the effects of finite-precision computer arithmetic. The algorithm regained popularity several decades later when it was shown that despite its departure from theory, it nevertheless produces highly accurate eigenvalue estimates.

In my talk, I will briefly introduce the Lanczos algorithm and will present bounds characterizing the quality of eigenvalue estimates generated by the algorithm in exact arithmetic. Then, I will describe the difficulties of producing similar bounds in finite-precision arithmetic, and will present rounding error results, including recent ones, which overcome these difficulties.

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21.02.11 14:00 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 Performance of the Preconditioned IDR(s)-based Residual Reduction Method
Prof. Seiji Fujino, Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan

We devised an IDR(s)-based SOR method and presented its effectiveness in view of efficiency and robustness by comparison with other iterative methods one year ago. In this talk, we consider the preconditioned IDR(s)-based Residual Reduction (R2) method as an extension of the IDR(s)-based SOR method in view of robust preconditioning. Moreover, we present numerical experiments that clearly show that our proposed IDR(s)-R2 method outperforms other approaches.

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15.12.10 16:15 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 Inexaktes BiCGStab (Bachelorarbeitsvortrag)
Deniz Ataç

Symbol: Pfeil nach oben
15.12.10 15:00 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 Matlab-Implementierung eines QR-Algorithmus mit multiplen Shifts und aggressiver frühzeitiger Deflation (Studienarbeitsvortrag)
Berivan Upçin

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08.12.10 15:00 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 Singular optimal control, Lur'e equations and even matrix pencils
Prof. Dr. Timo Reis, Institut für Numerische Simulation, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

Lur'e equations are a generalization of algebraic Riccati equations and they arise in linear-quadratic optimal control with cost functional being singular in the input.
For Riccati equations, it is well-known that there is a one-to-one correspondence between set of solutions and certain Lagrangian eigenspaces of a Hamiltonian matrix.
The aim of this talk is to generalize this concept to Lur'e equations. We are led to the consideration of deflating subspaces of even matrix pencils.

Symbol: Pfeil nach oben
24.11.10 15:00 Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Raum 3.053 Demands of modal reanalysis techniques in Engineering Design
Jiacong Yin, Peking University, China

1. A brief introduction about our group in Peking University
2. Seismic design of buildings with accidental eccentricity
3. Structural design of wind turbine blades

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* Vortrag im Rahmen des Kolloquiums für Angewandte Mathematik