Konferenzen | Invited Seminars
Limit Operators and Applications
3rd International Conference on Boundary Integral Methods, Reading, England, September 2004.
Generalized Collective Compactness and Limit Operators
LMS Symposium on Operator Theory and Spectral Analysis, Durham, England, August 2005. (invited speaker)
Wave problems in unbounded domains: Fredholmness and the Finite Section Method
Fluids and Waves, Memphis, USA, May 2006.
Wave problems in unbounded domains: Fredholmness and the Finite Section Method
MAFELAP 2006, Brunel (London), England, June 2006.
A boundary integral equation method for scattering by infinite rough surfaces
2nd British-French Waves Meeting, MATHmONDES2, Manchester, England, June 2006.
On the operator theory behind unbounded wave scattering problems
17th IWOTA, Seoul, Korea, July/August 2006.
On the finite section method for wave problems in unbounded domains
ICNAAM 2006, Hersonnisos, Greece, September 2006.
The multi-section method: Why rectangles are sometimes better than squares
22nd Biennal Conference on Numerical Analysis, Dundee, Scotland, June 2007.
Fredholmness of band-dominated Operators: Limit Operators and Collective Compactness
18th IWOTA, Potchefstroom, South Africa, June/July 2007.
Bounds on oscillatory integral operators from high frequency scattering
6th ICIAM, Zürich, Switzerland, July 2007.
The multi-section method: Why rectangles are sometimes better than squares
Waves 2007, Reading, England, July 2007.
Band-dominated Operators, Limit Operators and Applications
15th ICFIDCAA, Osaka, Japan, July/August 2007. (invited speaker)
Fredholmness of operators in the Wiener algebra
Workshop on the Riemann-Hilbert Problem and Toeplitz Operators, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2007. (invited speaker)
Infinite matrices, their Fredholm properties and finite sections
International Conference of Functional Analysis and Applications, Kanyakumari, India, November 2007. (plenary speaker)
The spectrum of infinite matrices with two random diagonals
16th ICFIDCAA, Gyeongju, Korea, July/August 2008. (invited speaker)
The finite section method and its stable subsequences
NumAn2008, Kalamata, Greece, September 2008.
Spectra of a class of non-selfadjoint random matrices from quantum mechanics
DMV Annual Meeting, Erlangen, Germany, September 2008.
A particular class of random matrices: Spectra and Pseudospectra
GAMM Annual Meeting, Gdansk, Poland, February 2009.
Spectra of a Class of non-selfadjoint Random Jacobi Matrices
2nd Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2009.
Spectrum and essential spectrum of a class of infinite band matrices
17th ICFIDCAA, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, August 2009. (plenary speaker)
Upper spectral bounds for band matrices and generalisations
1st Matrix and Operator Pencil Workshop, Reading, England, September 2009. (invited speaker)
Spectra of Jacobi operators: Bounds and approximation
Functions and Operators FaO2010, Krakow, Poland, June 2010.
Spectra of Jacobi operators: Bounds and approximation
21st IWOTA, Berlin, Germany, July 2010.
Finite Sections and Spectra of Random Jacobi Operators
Workshop on Functional Analysis and Operator Theory, Altenberg, Germany, March 2011.
Finite Sections of Random Jacobi Operators
GAMM Annual Meeting, Graz, Austria, April 2011.
Spectra and Finite Sections of Random Operators
DMV Meeting, Cologne, Germany, September 2011.
Lecture series: Spectra and Finite Sections of Band Operators
Summer School on Applied Analysis, Chemnitz, Germany, September 2011. (invited speaker)
On the integer points in a lattice polytope and their Minkowski sums
National Geometry Day, Chemnitz, Germany, December 2011. (invited speaker)
Spektren endlicher und unendlicher zufälliger Jacobi-Matrizen
33. Norddeutsches Kolloquium über Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Mathematik, Rostock, Germany, May 2012.
Spectra of finite and infinite Jacobi Matrices
6th European Congress of Mathematics, Krakow, Poland, July 2012.
Spectra of finite and infinite Jacobi Matrices
Kick Off Meeting Maths@TUHH, TU Hamburg, Germany, July 2012.
Finite and Infinite Random Jacobi Matrices
Dissipative Spectral Theory Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, January 2013. (plenary speaker)
Where is the main diagonal of my bi-infinite matrix
Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 2013. (plenary speaker)
Essential pseudospectra
Workshop on pseudospectra of operators, ICMS Edinburgh, September 2014. (plenary speaker)
Limit Operators: Getting your hands on the essentials
28th IWOTA, Chemnitz, Germany, August 2017. (semi-plenary speaker)
Finite Sections of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian
5th Najman Conference, Opatija, Croatia, September 2017. (plenary speaker)
Invited Seminars
Limit Operators and Applications on the Space of Essentially Bounded Functions
Applied Maths and Numerical Analysis Seminar, Reading, England, January 2004.
Limit Operators and Applications in Operator Theory and Numerical Analysis
Functional Analysis Seminar, University of Oxford, England, January 2006.
Band-dominated Operators, Limit Operators and Applications
Mathematics Colloquium, Cardiff University, Wales, March 2007.
Infinite matrices, their spectra and Fredholm properties
Analysis Seminar, Newcastle University, England, October 2007.
Fredholm properties of band-dominated operators
London Analysis Seminar, King's College London, England, October 2007.
Spektral- und Fredholmtheorie einer grossen Klasse unendlicher Matrizen
Seminar Mathematische Physik, Chemnitz, October 2008.
Spektral- und Fredholmtheorie einer grossen Klasse unendlicher Matrizen
AG Mathematische Physik, Erlangen, October 2008.
Einige Klassen unendlicher Matrizen: Spektrum und stabile Approximation durch endliche Matrizen
Kolloquium des Instituts Mathematik und Informatik, Greifswald, November 2008.
Einige Klassen unendlicher Matrizen: Fredholm- und Spektraltheorie, Abschneideverfahren, Anwendungen
Kolloquium des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik, Marburg, April 2009.
Klassen unendlicher Matrizen: Fredholm- und Spektraltheorie, Abschneideverfahren, Anwendungen
Institut für Mathematik, Lübeck, September 2009.
Zum Spektrum und wesentlichen Spektrum beschränkter Tridiagonaloperatoren
Mathematisches Institut, Jena, January 2010.
Zum Spektrum und wesentlichen Spektrum beschränkter Tridiagonaloperatoren
Fachbereich Mathematik, Darmstadt, January 2010.
Spectra of Jacobi operators: Analysis and approximation
Maxwell Institute, HWU Edinburgh, Scotland, February 2010.
Zum Spektrum von Jacobi-Operatoren: Analysis und Approximation
Oberseminar Analysis, Dresden, April 2010.
Spectra of Jacobi operators: Analysis and approximation
Kolloquium Modellierung, Numerik und Differentialgleichungen, TU Berlin, April 2010.
Abschneideverfahren in der Numerischen Analysis: Theorie und Anwendungen
Institut ICE, NTB Buchs, Switzerland, May 2010.
Zum Spektrum und wesentlichen Spektrum von Jacobioperatoren
Oberseminar Analysis und Spektraltheorie, Clausthal, June 2010.
Spectra of Jacobi operators: Analysis and approximation
Department of Mathematics, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, June 2010.
Eigenwertprobleme in Theorie und Anwendung
Seminar Angewandte Mathematik, Hamburg-Harburg, December 2010.
Eigenwertprobleme in Theorie und Anwendung
Fachbereichskolloquium Mathematik, Zwickau, May 2011.
Spectra and Finite Sections of Jacobi Operators: Analysis and Approximation
Analysis Seminar, AGH Krakow, Poland, June 2011.
Finite Sections of Random Jacobi Operators
Applied Maths Seminar, Reading, England, June 2011.
Eigenwertprobleme und Projektionsverfahren
Analysis-Seminar, Freiberg, June 2011.
Eigenwertprobleme in Theorie und Anwendung
Kolloquium Analysis, Wuppertal, June 2011.
Über Sixpacks, Klumpen und Wurstkatastrophen
Tag der Mathematik, Uni Hamburg, November 2012.
Limit operators and essential pseudospectra
Oberseminar Analysis und Theoretische Physik, Hannover, November 2014.
Wo ist die Hauptdiagonale einer unendlichen Matrix?
Mathematisches Kolloquium der TU Darmstadt, Dezember 2014.
Wo ist die Hauptdiagonale einer unendlichen Matrix?
Collatz-Kolloquium, Universität Hamburg, November 2015.
Finite Sections of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian
Mathematisches Kolloquium der Universität Osnabrück, Dezember 2017.