Auswahl: Jahr:
2024 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
01.07.2024 | Perturbations of non-autonomous second-order abstract Cauchy problems Christian Budde, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Analysis Mathematica 50 (3): 733-755 (2024) Zeitschrift: Analysis mathematica | Journal Article |
24.06.2024 | Spectral theory for Schrödinger operators on compact metric graphs with δ and δ′ couplings : a survey Jonathan Rohleder, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: In: Schwenninger, F.L., Waurick, M. (eds) Systems Theory and PDEs (WOSTAP 2022) Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham. (2024) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Trends in Mathematics Konferenz: Workshop on Systems Theory and PDEs, WOSTAP 2022 | Book Part |
08.04.2024 | Sufficient criteria for stabilization properties in Banach Spaces Michela Egidi, Dennis Gallaun, Christian Seifert, Martin Tautenhahn Quellenangabe: Integral Equations and Operator Theory 96 (2): 13 (2024-04-08) Zeitschrift: Integral equations and operator theory Projekt:
| Journal Article |
2023 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
07.12.2023 | Non-autonomous Desch–Schappacher perturbations Christian Budde, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: In: Budde, C., Seifert, C. (eds.) Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol 292. Birkhäuser, Cham. (2023) | Book Part |
01.12.2023 | Observability and null-controllability for parabolic equations in Lp-spaces Clemens Bombach, Dennis Gallaun, Christian Seifert, Martin Tautenhahn Quellenangabe: Mathematical Control and Related Fields 13 (4): 1484-1499 (2023) Zeitschrift: Mathematical control and related fields | Journal Article |
01.08.2023 | Final state observability in banach spaces with applications to subordination and semigroups induced by lévy processes Dennis Gallaun, Jan Meichsner, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Evolution Equations and Control Theory 12 (4): 1102-1121 (2023-08) Zeitschrift: Evolution equations and control theory | Journal Article |
31.03.2023 | Final state observability estimates and cost-uniform approximate null-controllability for bi-continuous semigroups Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Semigroup Forum 106 (2): 421-443 (2023-04) Zeitschrift: Semigroup forum Projekt:
| Journal Article |
01.01.2023 | Elektronische Prüfungen in Mathematik : ein Beispiel Dennis Gallaun, Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2021: Beiträge zum gleichnamigen Online-Symposium am 12 November 2021 aus Bochum. - Münster, 2023 Teil der Schriftenreihe: Schriften zur Hochschuldidaktik Mathematik Konferenz: Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2021 | Conference Paper |
01.01.2023 | Observability for non-autonomous systems Clemens Bombach, Fabian Nuraddin Alexander Gabel, Christian Seifert, Martin Tautenhahn Quellenangabe: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 61 (1): 315-341 (2023) Zeitschrift: SIAM journal on control and optimization | Journal Article |
2022 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
27.01.2022 | High-quality tasks for e-assessment in mathematics Dennis Gallaun, Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 41 (4): 270-279 (2022-01-27) Zeitschrift: Teaching mathematics and its applications | Journal Article |
01.01.2022 | A note on the Lumer-Phillips theorem for bi-continuous semigroups Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 41 (3/4): 417–437 (2022) Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen Projekt:
| Journal Article |
01.01.2022 | Boundary value problems and boundary value spaces Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 189-204 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Causality and a Theorem of paley and wiener Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 119-130 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Continuous dependence on the coefficients I Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 205-220 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Continuous dependence on the coefficients II Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 221-241 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Differential algebraic equations Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 149-165 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Evolutionary equations Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Springer, Birkhäuser - Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: (2022) | Book |
01.01.2022 | Evolutionary inclusions Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 275-297 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Examples of evolutionary equations Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 103-117 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Exponential stability of evolutionary equations Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 167-188 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Initial value problems and extrapolation spaces Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 131-148 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Introduction Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 1-13 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Maximal regularity Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 243-258 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Non-autonomous evolutionary equations Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 259-273 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Ordinary differential equations Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 51-66 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Solution theory for evolutionary equations Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 85-102 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | The Fourier–Laplace transformation and material law operators Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 67-83 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | The time derivative Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 31-49 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2022 | Unbounded operators Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 287: 15-30 (2022) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
2021 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
01.08.2021 | High Quality Tasks for E-Assessment in Mathematics Dennis Gallaun, Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: The 20th SEFI Special Interest Group in Mathematics - SIG in Mathematics (SEFI 2021) Konferenz: The 20th SEFI Special Interest Group in Mathematics (2021) | Conference Paper |
30.04.2021 | Subordination for sequentially equicontinuous equibounded C₀-semigroups Karsten Kruse, Jan Meichsner, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Journal of Evolution Equations 21 (2): 2665-2690 (2021-06-01) Zeitschrift: Journal of evolution equations Projekt:
| Journal Article |
01.01.2021 | A note on traces of forms with applications to the Bessel operator Ali BenAmor, Rafed Moussa, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: International Conference on Operator Theory (2021) Konferenz: International Conference on Operator Theory 2018 | Conference Paper |
01.01.2021 | Anwendungsbezogene elektronische Übungsaufgaben in Ingenieurmathematik Dennis Gallaun, Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht : vom GDM-Monat der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (GDM 2021) Konferenz: GDM-Monat 2021 der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (1.-25. März 2021) | Conference Paper |
01.01.2021 | On Some Consequences of the Solvability of the Caffarelli–Silvestre Extension Problem Jan Meichsner, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: in: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 282: 441-453 (2021) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory: Advances and Applications Konferenz: International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, 2021 | Conference Paper |
01.01.2021 | On evolution equations and spectral theory Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Technische Universität Hamburg (2021) | Habilitation |
2020 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
15.09.2020 | Limit operators techniques on general metric measure spaces of bounded geometry Raffael Hagger, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 (489): 124180 (2020-09-15) Zeitschrift: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications | Journal Article |
01.08.2020 | On the harmonic extension approach to fractional powers in Banach spaces Jan Meichsner, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Fractional calculus and applied analysis 23 (4): 1054-1089 (2020-08-01) Zeitschrift: Fractional calculus and applied analysis | Journal Article |
10.03.2020 | Elektronische Prüfungen in Mathematik : ein Beispiel Dennis Gallaun, Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: GfHf Online-Conference (2020) Konferenz: GfHf 2020 Online-Conference Projekt:
| Conference Poster |
01.01.2020 | Spectral monotonicity for Schrödinger operators on metric graphs Jonathan Rohleder, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications (281): 291-310 (2020) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
01.01.2020 | Sufficient criteria and sharp geometric conditions for observability in banach spaces Dennis Gallaun, Christian Seifert, Martin Tautenhahn Quellenangabe: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 58 (4): 2639-2657 (2020) Zeitschrift: SIAM journal on control and optimization | Journal Article |
2019 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
18.11.2019 | A Note on the Harmonic Extension Approach to Fractional Powers of non‐densely defined Operators Jan Meichsner, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: PAMM 19 (1): e201900298 (2019) Zeitschrift: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics Konferenz: 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanic (GAMM 2019) Projekt:
| Conference Paper |
26.09.2019 | Aufgabenkonzepte für eine bessere Qualität von E-Prüfungen Dennis Gallaun, Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: E-Prüfungs-Symposium 2019 Konferenz: E-Prüfungs-Symposium 2019 Projekt:
| Conference Poster |
26.09.2019 | Mobiles Testcenter für E-Prüfungen Dennis Gallaun, Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: E-Prüfungs-Symposium (2019-09-26) Konferenz: E-Prüfungs-Symposium 2019 Projekt:
| Conference Poster |
01.09.2019 | On the construction and convergence of traces of forms Hichem BelHadjAli, Ali BenAmor, Christian Seifert, Amina Thabet Quellenangabe: Journal of Functional Analysis 5 (277): 1334-1361 (2019-09-01) Zeitschrift: Journal of functional analysis | Journal Article |
01.02.2019 | Quantitative Error Bounds of Polynomial Chaos Expansion and their Application to Resonant Systems Eduard Frick, David Dahl, Katharina Klioba, Christian Seifert, Marko Lindner, Christian Schuster | |
02.01.2019 | An Intrusive PCE Extension of the Contour Integral Method and its Application in Electrical Engineering Eduard Frick, David Dahl, Christian Seifert, Marko Lindner, Christian Schuster Quellenangabe: 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2019) Konferenz: 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2019) | Conference Paper |
01.01.2019 | Adaptive elektronische Übungs- und Prüfungsaufgaben in Mathematik mit hochwertiger Bewertung Dennis Gallaun, Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Proceedings 15. Workshop Mathematik in ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen : Rostock-Warnemünde April 2019. - Wismar, 2019. - Seite 18-24 Teil der Schriftenreihe: Wismarer Frege-Reihe Konferenz: 15. Workshop Mathematik in ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen Rostock-Warnemünde 2019 | Conference Paper |
01.01.2019 | Efficient Simulation of Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Antennas Using a Hybrid Boundary Element Method David Dahl, Heinz-Dietrich Brüns, Lei Wang, Eduard Frick, Christian Seifert, Marko Lindner, Christian Schuster Quellenangabe: IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (4): 8781922 (2019) Zeitschrift: IEEE journal on multiscale and multiphysics computational techniques | Journal Article |
01.01.2019 | Multiscale Simulation of 2-D Photonic Crystal Structures Using a Contour Integral Method David Dahl, Eduard Frick, Christian Seifert, Marko Lindner, Christian Schuster Quellenangabe: IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques (4): 88-97 (2019) Zeitschrift: IEEE journal on multiscale and multiphysics computational techniques | Journal Article |
2018 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
01.10.2018 | Novel Method for Error Estimation in Applications of Polynomial Chaos Expansion to Stochastic Modeling of Multi-Resonant Systems Eduard Frick, David Dahl, Christian Seifert, Marko Lindner, Christian Schuster Quellenangabe: IEEE Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS 2018): 18265471 (2018-10) Konferenz: 27th IEEE Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems, EPEPS 2018 | Conference Paper |
01.09.2018 | Finite sections: A functional analytic perspective on approximation methods Marko Lindner, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: GAMM Mitteilungen 3 (41): e201800013- (2018-09) Zeitschrift: GAMM-Mitteilungen | Journal Article |
27.06.2018 | Implementing computer-assisted exams in a course on numerical analysis for engineering students Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Konferenz: 19th SEFI Mathematics Working Group Seminar Projekt:
| Conference Poster |
22.06.2018 | Feasibility of uncertainty quantification for power distribution network modeling using PCE and a contour integral method David Dahl, Ömer Faruk Yildiz, Eduard Frick, Christian Seifert, Marko Lindner, Christian Schuster Quellenangabe: 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and 2018 IEEE Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC/APEMC 2018) Konferenz: 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and 2018 IEEE Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC/APEMC 2018 | Conference Paper |
01.05.2018 | Note on Spectra of Non-Selfadjoint Operators over Dynamical Systems Siegfried Beckus, Daniel Lenz, Marko Lindner, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 2 (61): 371-386 (2018-05-01) Zeitschrift: Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society | Journal Article |
24.04.2018 | Leitfaden für computergestützte Prüfungen an der TUHH Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert | |
01.01.2018 | Implementing computer-assisted exams in a course on numerical analysis for engineering students Karsten Kruse, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: 19th SEFI Mathematics Working Group Seminar on Mathematics in Engineering Education, 26th – 29th, June 2018 Coimbra, Portugal. - Brussels, 2018. - Pp. 33-38 Konferenz: 19th SEFI Mathematics Working Group Seminar | Conference Paper |
01.01.2018 | The linearised Korteweg–deVries equation on general metric graphs Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: in: The Diversity and Beauty of Applied Operator Theory. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications (268) : 449-458 (2018) Teil der Schriftenreihe: Operator theory | Book Part |
2017 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
01.12.2017 | On the spectrum of operator families on discrete groups over minimal dynamical systems Siegfried Beckus, Daniel Lenz, Marko Lindner, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Mathematische Zeitschrift 3-4 (287): 993-1007 (2017-12-01) Zeitschrift: Mathematische Zeitschrift | Journal Article |
01.11.2017 | Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Laplacians on Radial Metric Trees and Periodicity Jonathan Rohleder, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Integral Equations and Operator Theory 3 (89): 439-453 (2017-11-01) Zeitschrift: Integral equations and operator theory | Journal Article |
03.07.2017 | Variability analysis of via crosstalk using polynomial chaos expansion Eduard Frick, Jan Preibisch, Christian Seifert, Marko Lindner, Christian Schuster Quellenangabe: 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications, NEMO 2017: 7964272, 317-319 (2017) Konferenz: 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO) | Conference Paper |
01.01.2017 | Band-dominated operators on metric measure spaces Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: PAMM 17 (1): 861-862 (2017) Zeitschrift: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics | Journal Article |
01.01.2017 | E-assessments to increase the perceived importance of mathematics in the introductory phase of engineering education via bridging tasks Mirjam Sophia Gleßmer, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Proceedings of the 45th SEFI Annual Conference 2017 - Education Excellence for Sustainability, SEFI 2017: 1549-1556 (2017) Konferenz: 45th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2017 | Conference Paper |
2016 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
21.11.2016 | On eigenvalue bounds for a general class of Sturm-Liouville operators Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry 19 (4): 25 (2016) Zeitschrift: Mathematical physics, analysis and geometry | Journal Article |
08.08.2016 | Providing opportunities for individual practice and assessment in a large undergraduate mathematics course Mirjam Sophia Gleßmer, Christian Seifert, Leo Dostal, Natalia Konchakova, Karsten Kruse Quellenangabe: Sixth International Symposium of Engineering Education. - ISEE 2016 – University of Manchester. - Seite 13-20 (2016) Konferenz: Sixth International Symposium of Engineering Education, ISEE 2016 | Conference Paper |
08.08.2016 | Using a modification of Bloom's taxonomy to design multiple-choice questions to practice different kinds of knowledge and specific cognitive processes Mirjam Sophia Gleßmer, Timo Lüth, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Conference Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium of Engineering Education - Interdisciplinary Engineering – Breaking Boundaries 14th-15th July 2016, Sheffield. - Manchester, 2016. - Seite 326-333 Konferenz: Sixth International Symposium of Engineering Education, ISEE 2016 | Conference Paper |
04.08.2016 | Airy-type evolution equations on star graphs Delio Mugnolo, Diego Noja, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Analysis & PDE 11 (7): 1625-1652 11 (2018) Zeitschrift: Analysis & PDE | Journal Article |
01.06.2016 | Perturbations of positive semigroups on Lₚ -spaces Christian Seifert, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Positivity 2 (20): 467-481 (2016-06-01) Zeitschrift: Positivity | Journal Article |
01.01.2016 | Conception of online e-assessment exercises for math courses with elements from mechanical engineering Karsten Kruse, Leo Dostal, Mirjam Sophia Gleßmer, Natalia Konchakova, Christian Seifert Konferenz: 11. Ingenieurpädagogische Regionaltagung 2016 | Conference Paper |
01.01.2016 | Ein Entscheidungsbaum als Werkzeug für die Erstellung guter Fragen Mirjam Sophia Gleßmer, Timo Lüth, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2015 : Beiträge zum gleichnamigen Symposium am 13. & 14. November 2015 an der Universität zu Lübeck. - Münster, 2016. - Seite 51-63 Konferenz: Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2015 | Conference Paper |
01.01.2016 | Individualisierung von Großveranstaltungen. Oder: Wie man Ingenieurstudierenden die Mathematik schmackhaft macht Mirjam Sophia Gleßmer, Christian Seifert, Leo Dostal, Natalia Konchakova, Karsten Kruse Quellenangabe: Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2015 : Beiträge zum gleichnamigen Symposium am 13. & 14. November 2015 an der Universität zu Lübeck. - Münster, 2016. - Seite 64-75 Konferenz: Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2015 | Conference Paper |
2015 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
01.12.2015 | Dirichlet forms for singular diffusion in higher dimensions Uta Freiberg, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Journal of Evolution Equations 4 (15): 869-878 (2015-12-01) Zeitschrift: Journal of evolution equations | Journal Article |
30.10.2015 | On the perturbation of positive semigroups Christian Seifert, Daniel Wingert Quellenangabe: Semigroup Forum 91 (2): 495-501 (2015-10-30) Zeitschrift: Semigroup forum | Journal Article |
15.04.2015 | Boundary systems and (skew-)self-adjoint operators on infinite metric graphs Carsten Schubert, Christian Seifert, Jürgen Voigt, Marcus Waurick Quellenangabe: Mathematische Nachrichten 288 (14/15): 1776-1785 (2015-10-01) Zeitschrift: Mathematische Nachrichten | Journal Article |
01.01.2015 | Constancy of spectra of equivariant (non-selfadjoint) operators over minimal dynamical systems Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: PAMM 15 (1): 697-698 (2015) Zeitschrift: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics | Journal Article |
01.01.2015 | Project-Based Learning und Constructive Alignment in Numerik gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Proceedings / 12. Workshop Mathematik für Ingenieure, Hamburg HafenCity Februar 2015. - Wismar, 2015. - (Wismarer Frege-Reihe ; 2015,...) Konferenz: 12. Workshop Mathematik für Ingenieure | Conference Paper |
2014 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
22.12.2014 | Kernel estimates for perturbations of positive semigroups Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: PAMM 14 (1): 1007-1008 (2014) Zeitschrift: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics | Journal Article |
01.01.2014 | Almost sure purely singular continuous spectrum for quasicrystal models Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Proceedings of the QMath12 Conference, 10-13 September, 2013. - New Jersey, USA, 2015. - Seite 349-354 Konferenz: QMath12 Conference 2013 | Journal Article |
2013 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
31.12.2013 | Zero measure Cantor spectra for continuum one-dimensional quasicrystals Daniel Lenz, Christian Seifert, Peter Stollmann Quellenangabe: Journal of Differential Equations 256 (6): 1905-1926 (2014) Zeitschrift: Journal of differential equations | Journal Article |
21.12.2013 | A weak Gordon type condition for absence of eigenvalues of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators Christian Seifert, Hendrik Vogt Quellenangabe: Integral Equations and Operator Theory 78 (3): 383-405 (2014) Zeitschrift: Integral equations and operator theory | Journal Article |
29.11.2013 | An improved criterion for absence of eigenvalues of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators Christian Seifert, Hendrik Vogt Quellenangabe: PAMM 13 (1): 519-520 (2013) Zeitschrift: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics | Journal Article |
12.07.2013 | Absence of absolutely continuous spectrum for the Kirchhoff Laplacian on radial trees Pavel Exner, Christian Seifert, Peter Stollmann Quellenangabe: Annales Henri Poincare 15 (6): 1109-1121 (2014) Zeitschrift: Annales Henri Poincaré | Journal Article |
19.04.2013 | Uniform existence of the integrated density of states on metric Cayley graphs Felix Pogorzelski, Fabian Schwarzenberger, Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Letters in Mathematical Physics 103 (9): 1009-1028 (2013) Zeitschrift: Letters in mathematical physics | Journal Article |
2012 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
01.01.2012 | Measure-perturbed one-dimensional Schrödinger operators Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: | Doctoral Thesis |
2011 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
01.01.2011 | Dirichlet forms for singular diffusion on graphs Christian Seifert, Jürgen Voigt Quellenangabe: Operators and Matrices 5 (4): 723-734 (2011) Zeitschrift: Operators and matrices | Journal Article |
01.01.2011 | Gordon type theorem for measure perturbation Christian Seifert Quellenangabe: Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011 (2011), No. 111, pp. 1–9. ISSN: 1072-6691 Zeitschrift: Electronic journal of differential equations | Journal Article |
2009 | ||
Erscheinungsdatum | Publikation | Typ |
01.01.2009 | Behandlung singulärer Diffusion mit Hilfe von Dirichletformen Christian Seifert | Master Thesis |