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Date Time Venue Talk
04/22/09 03:00 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 Berechnung erzwungener Schwingungen mittels modaler Superposition für unsymmetriche Systeme
Loubna Doubli

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04/15/09 03:00 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 An Implementation for Model Order Reduction using Multilevel Substructuring
Nicolai Rehbein

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03/25/09 03:00 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 On the Application of Gaussian Quadrature for the Finite Volume Evolution Galerkin Scheme
Andreas Hempel

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02/25/09 03:00 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 Multilevel discontinous Galerkin method
Florian Prill

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01/28/09 03:00 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 IDR in variations*
Prof. Martin Gutknecht, Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zurich

The Induced Dimension Reduction (IDR) method is a Krylov space method for solving linear systems that was first developed by Sonneveld around 1979 and documented on three and a half pages of a 1980 proceedings paper by Wesseling and Sonneveld. Soon after IDR, Sonneveld introduced his widely applied Conjugate Gradient Squared (CGS) algorithm. Then, in 1990, van der Vorst suggested Bi-CGSTAB that he claimed to improve both those methods.

Bi-CGSTAB has become a method of choice for nonsymmetric linear systems, and it has been generalized in various ways in the hope of further improving its reliability and speed. Among these generalizations there is the ML(k)BiCGSTAB method of Yeung and Chan, which in the framework of block Lanczos methods can be understood as a variation of Bi-CGSTAB with right-hand side block size 1 and left-hand side block size k.

In 2007 Sonneveld and van Gijzen reconsidered IDR and generalized it to IDR(s), claiming that IDR is equally fast but preferable to Bi-CGSTAB, and that IDR(s) may be much faster than IDR = IDR(1). It turned out that IDR(s) is closely related to BiCGSTAB if s = 1 and to ML(s)BiCGSTAB if s > 1. In 2008, a new, particularly ingenious and elegant variant of IDR(s) has been proposed by the same authors.

In this talk we first try to explain the basic, seemingly quite general IDR approach, which differs completely from traditional approaches to Krylov space methods. Then we compare the basic properties of the above mentioned methods and discuss some of their connections.

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12/17/08 02:30 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 Non-Oscillatory Central Schemes -- a Powerful Black-Box-Solver for Hyperbolic PDE's
Prof. Alexander Kurganow, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA

I will first give a brief description of finite-volume, Godunov-type methods for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. These methods consist of two types of schemes: upwind and central. My lecture will focus on the second type -- non-oscillatory central schemes.

Godunov-type schemes are projection-evolution methods. In these methods, the solution, at each time step, is interpolated by a (discontinuous) piecewise polynomial interpolant, which is then evolved to the next time level using the integral form of conservation laws. Therefore, in order to design an upwind scheme, (generalized) Riemann problems have to be (approximately) solved at each cell interface. This however may be hard or even impossible.

The main idea in the derivation of central schemes is to avoid solving Riemann problems by averaging over the wave fans generated at cell interfaces. This strategy leads to a family of universal numerical methods that can be applied as a black-box-solver to a wide variety of hyperbolic PDEs and related problems. At the same time, central schemes suffer from (relatively) high numerical viscosity, which can be reduced by incorporating of some upwinding information into the scheme derivation -- this leads to central-upwind schemes, which will be presented in the lecture.

During the talk, I will show a number of recent applications of the central schemes.

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12/03/08 04:00 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 Numerical entropy production as a regularity/error indicator
Prof. Gabriella Puppo, Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Torino,Italy

Uniqueness for weak solutions of conservation laws is based on the sign of the entropy production across discontinuos solutions. Although the entropy plays a fundamental role in the theory of hyperbolic systems, it is generally not used as a computational tool.
In this talk I describe how the numerical production of entropy induced by the discretization of the equations is a reliable indicator of the quality of the numerical solution. Thus the entropy production can be used as a regularity indicator, identifying the cells in which non linear limiters must be used to prevent the onset of spurious oscillations.
More quantitatively, when the solution is smooth, the entropy production has the same size of the local truncation error and can therefore be used as an a-posteriori error indicator to drive the construction of adaptive grids.

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12/03/08 03:00 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 Statistik nichtlinearer Vorgänge im Seegang
Alexander von Graefe

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11/27/08 02:00 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 Systeme gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen zur Beschreibung von Fußgängerdynamik
Mohcine Chraibi

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11/20/08 03:00 pm Schwarzenbergstrasse 95, Room 3.053 Numerical Solution of Conservation Laws over Non-Uniform, Adaptively Redefined Meshes
Dr. Sfakianakis Nikos, University of Heraklion, Greece

We start with a brief introduction to Conservation Laws and to their numerical solutions. Then we discuss the construction and manipulation of non-uniform meshes, using geometric properties of the numerical solution under consideration. Next, we examine properties (such as consistency, stability and order of accuracy) of numerical schemes over both uniform and non-uniform meshes. Finally, we combine a proper mesh selection mechanism with Entropy Conservative or oscillatory numerical schemes for the evolution step.

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* Talk within the Colloquium on Applied Mathematics