Young Researchers Meeting
& CSE Workshop
March 26-29, 2018,
Plön, Germany
Recent trends and future developments in Computational Science & Engineering
This workshop (27-29 March 2018) aims to bring together young and experienced scientists from the various branches of Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) for discussions, exchange of ideas and experience, and for presenting their recent work.
Prior to the workshop (26-27 March 2018), a "Young Researchers Meeting" (YRM) is organized which is open to PhD students only and offers them the opportunity to present their work in a relaxed environment, to get new inspirations and ideas, and to build scientific networks.
We look forward to meeting you in Plön.
Keynote Speakers
CSE Program Committee
Malte Braack (Universität zu Kiel)
Michael Hinze (Universität Hamburg)
Armin Iske (Universität Hamburg)
Sabine Le Borne (TU Hamburg)
Jan Modersitzki (Universität zu Lübeck)
Thomas Slawig (Universität zu Kiel)
YRM Organizers
Doctoral students of the Lothar Collatz School (Univ. Hamburg)
RG Algorithmic Optimal Control (CAU Kiel)
RG Applied Mathematics (CAU Kiel)
Institute of Mathematics (TU Hamburg)
SIAM Student Chapter Hamburg
Important Dates
Registration Fees
(after December 15, 2017)
The registration fee covers coffee breaks during the respective events. The CSE workshop fee includes the conference dinner.
Accommodation and meals must be booked extra.
Accommodation Fees
If these options do not include your preferred travel dates please contact the local organizers as early as possible.
Payment details will be send via e-mail after registration.
Venue and Dinner
A conference dinner will take place Wednesday, March 28, 2018, at the restaurant Alte Schwimmhalle.