Dear Participants,
Lecture 09 is uploaded to the web page and you can download it by clicking on the PDF link
This week, we study spectral geometry for graphs, i.e. we investigate the relation between spetral properties of graph Laplacians and geometric properties of the graph itself. One of the tools we will make use of are so-called intrinsic metrics which are (pseudo-)metrics which respect graph quantities in some sense.
We kindly ask the team of Karlsruhe to provide solutions to the exercises for this lecture.
With this lecture we take a break for the next three weeks. It is our goal to be back with the next lecture on January 11, 2023. We wish you a pleasant reading and a nice and restful Christmas break. Finally, we wish us all together a successful and, above all, peaceful year 2023.
With the best regards,
your virtual lecturers.